DW Community Catch-up Thread
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Dear Wendy.
Brunch wedding sounds amazing! One of my brother’s friends did that at a nice hotel so that lowered cost of being at the nice venue. And a blogger I follow did hers at a restaurant. Seems so chill!
@cleo, congrats on grad school!! I hope you get what you want in terms of clarity for your relationship.
@Copa, haha no worries. The short answer is no. We’ve talked about the objective idea. There probably is a longer answer that is best suited for a therapist (I kid, just personal things, nothing bad).
April marks officially two years being single. Great so far, although I still think that the dating scene is the hardest thing ever. Met a guy through work about four months ago, super cute, really compatible, funny, good looking, …still married. And I say “still” because he says he is separated. Anyways, I dont care and I told him that he should call me when he is divorced, if he ever gets divorced, I’m not getting into that. So unfair though.
So, after that I reopened tinder, matched with a journalist that didn’t like the way I answered on the app, so I cancelled the match only to have him track me down on Facebook. People are nuts.shakeourtreeApril 1, 2019 at 11:38 am #839460Update from a single person: I met someone! I’ve been making a lot of (positive) changes in my life recently, so I had kind of resigned myself to being single for a while and focusing on my career and other personal projects. That’s the head space I was in when I swiped right, just looking for some fun. A month later now, and it has completely caught me off guard how much we like each other and how content and secure I feel with him.
@Ale Oh man! I’ve had one guy track me down on another form of social media and it really creeped me out when I saw the message (I didn’t see it until about a year had passed because of how their messaging functionality works with people you aren’t connected to). Some people are weirdos!
@shakeourtree That’s exciting! Have fun! 🙂I’d just like to take a moment to gush about how great BG is. My dog is currently sick. Threw up a lot on Monday night, which was alarming but didn’t feel like an emergency until yesterday morning when he threw up blood (and when we went outside he had brownie batter bloody diarrhea), and I got super freaked out, called off work, and took him to the vet. I had texted BG as we were leaving for the vet in a panic (I thought he’d somehow eaten glass or something sharp), even though yesterday was a travel day for him and he was also giving a presentation. So I didn’t really expect to hear from him until late. But he found a few minutes to CALL to make sure we were all okay. Small thing, but such a great thing and one I don’t think the vast majority of men I’ve dated (casually or seriously) would’ve done more than text back eventually. I feel really loved, you guys! (And for anyone who is curious, my dog is sick but didn’t eat anything stupid. The vet was fairly unalarmed by the blood and thinks he’ll be on the upswing in a few days with meds and a bland diet.)
April 3, 2019 at 2:30 pm #839751That was so nice that he called @Copa! He’s a good guy as he obviously knows how much your pup means to you and made the time to call even if for a moment.
That happened to our small dog about 1.5 years ago. She was throwing up all night, then started throwing up blood but she didn’t have it coming out the other end. The stupid emergency vet clinic (weekend, late at night) didn’t even give her fluids! Poor thing was so dehydrated after all that. Didn’t ever figure out what it was (x-rays were all normal) so i suppose it could have been a bug. I did end up taking her to the reg vet on the following Monday cause she hand’t improved much and they gave her fluids which really helped.
My dog got IV fluids yesterday and immediately perked up. He felt so great, he presented his belly to the vet tech for a belly rub! The vet called today and they’re a little concerned my dog hasn’t been eating since coming home, and suggested I try some sweet potato. Which I mentioned to BG because we made plans tonight but now needed to run an errand first. He ran to the store to buy the sweet potato so I have one less thing to worry about, and cooked it so my dog wouldn’t have to wait for his grub. I’m really not used to have help so it’s even feels a little hard to accept!