DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • April 12, 2019 at 7:44 am #840788

    That worked out nicely @ale. I’m glad.

    April 12, 2019 at 7:53 am #840789

    That is great… unless they re-routed him on the same flight(s) as you.

    April 12, 2019 at 7:56 am #840790

    And if he were to approach you, I would tell a member of the airline staff, “I don’t know this guy and he’s bothering me. Can you help me please?”

    April 12, 2019 at 8:05 am #840791

    What @kate said. Hopefully he’s not rerouted on the same flight and the universe is doing you a solid.

    April 12, 2019 at 8:15 am #840793

    He won’t because his final destination was another country. There is no chance because of the way I was rerouted.
    Anyways, that lifted a big weight that I had and now I can go in peace.
    I was going to respond to his text and tell him that I was not interested and then I was going to block him. But I didn’t because I was afraid that he could get mad and still approach me at the airport or on the plane. So I just blocked him. It’s f#ucked up that we have to think so much and have a plan to reject someone.

    April 12, 2019 at 8:33 am #840796

    Right, it is, but I would ALWAYS go the route of no explanation or response, just a block. Because 1) they deserve no response, 2) any response just encourages them, 3) you risk escalating. Never ever reward creepy guys with any kind of communication.

    April 12, 2019 at 8:51 am #840799

    @Ale that is super creepy. You’ve made all the right moves but I think you have to really restrict your online presence if you use social media and ask your friends and parents to do the same. It seems like overkill but in reality, we unknowingly put so much of our lives out there without realizing it. Someone who understands how to connect the dots… can and will if they want to.

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    April 12, 2019 at 8:55 am #840800

    @Ale I think the universe is on your side with this one if you’re sure he couldn’t have been rerouted on the same flights. Good call on blocking him — this guy seems particularly determined and cooky.

    In dating news, I think I mentioned that BG and I don’t do a ton of weekday sleepovers when he’s not on the road, they get a bit stressful between my dog and his early start time when he isn’t traveling. Well, he took today off to get a day to himself, and spent the night last night. And he made my morning so easy and lovely! He took my dog out on a walk while I got ready and made us coffee, which we were then able to enjoy on the couch together. And then he drove me to work! 😀

    April 12, 2019 at 9:29 am #840801

    @Copa – have you guys discussed moving in yet?

    Being a LDR into an immediate living together situation I sometimes feel like I missed out on that part, but I”m also glad I didn’t have do pack sleep over bags. Never my favorite.

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    April 12, 2019 at 9:49 am #840804

    We haven’t, and I’m not ready for that in any case — we’re still a few months out from the one year mark. TBH I am a bit freaked out to have met someone so solid even though it’s what I wanted. And at this point in my life, I’d want to wait for a more solid commitment. Living together as a test run wouldn’t be for me. I lived with one boyfriend ages ago, when I was young and very stupid, and that break-up was more awful than it needed to be. I don’t want to mesh lives like that again unless we’re both sure we’re all in. Unsure if this is weird, but I also think I am someone who would mourn her single life a bit if/when I move in with someone. Like I love having my own space and doing what I want when I want and solo nights in sometimes.

    April 12, 2019 at 10:48 am #840812

    @Copa, I’m with you. The husband and I lived separately until we were engaged. Granted, we spent 4 – 5 nights a week together. Still, it was nice to know we had our own space. After engaged, we started looking for a condo together to purchase. We bought and moved into our condo late April and got married early September.

    I love it when he leaves town and I can have my few days of downtime. LOVE. I also love that he bowls in the burbs on Sunday mornings with his dad 9 months out of the year. I quite enjoy my lonesome Sunday routine. It’s a little hard to adjust when bowling is over for the season.

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    April 12, 2019 at 11:09 am #840819

    I wish BG traveled a little less for work, but I don’t hate that he travels for work. I enjoy alone time and having evenings to myself when he’s out of town. I imagine if we ever move in together, I’d be excited for him to occasionally travel. I need far more time to recharge alone than he does. He’s super social and originally from this area so his group of friends is huge. I need to balance socializing with laying low. I always wonder how that stuff plays out in live-in relationships.

    ETA: I have a friend who moved to our city to be with her boyfriend and she immediately moved in with him, around the six month mark. He soon after started a new job where he travels a lot. She’s a lot like me in that she still likes going out for dinner and drinks, but doesn’t tend to stay out ’til closing time, while her boyfriend still likes to stay out late and is always go-go-go. Even though I think they’re pretty similar to me and BG in terms of who likes to go out more vs. who likes to stay in more, and the work travel is similar for both our boyfriends, there’s so, so much friction between them because of it whereas I don’t feel like these things cause any issue in my relationship. Their one-year mark was around the holidays and she was looking for a new place to live online, but now they seem to be trying to compromise and work it out. And I just wonder if it’s just a matter of my friend and I differently managing our own emotional needs, or if something shifts when you move in… IDK!

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