DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • TheHizzy
    May 3, 2019 at 10:42 am #842415

    I have to work tomorrow. But I feel like it might only be a half day for me, thankfully. Beyond that I just want to relax.

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    May 3, 2019 at 11:01 am #842417

    @Ale I got matched with my cousin on Eharmony a million years ago (2010 maybe?) and immediately unmatched lol.

    This weekend my parents are moving out of my childhood home to a duplex closer to me (about 15 miles away so we have a buffer) and I have lots of feelings about it. It’s a much safe and newer place for them (built in the last ten years as a retirement community with all handicap accessible units versus their 1945 home with tons of stairs and expensive upkeep) but it’s hard to say goodbye completely to my hometown and the house I grew up in. It’s good and bad, bittersweet. But also I work two jobs and using my weekend to help them move kinda sucks and I’ll be real worn out on Monday. So I’m hoping for cocktails and doing absolutely nothing by Sunday afternoon.

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    May 3, 2019 at 11:02 am #842418

    also regarding destination weddings – I’ve only been to one and I was a bridesmaid. I invited my boyfriend at the time and told him I could only afford to pay for myself but he was welcome to come with me if he wanted to pay his half. He did and we went and made a long weekend trip out of it. I couldn’t afford to pay for both of us and he knew that.

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    May 3, 2019 at 2:22 pm #842435

    I am so busy Saturday, I have a running race in the morning, then helping plan a friends bridal party (which by the way I am just a guest at the wedding, is it normal to bring in guests to help plan a bridal shower?), and then my BF and I are going to a beerfest in the city to top the day off. Glad too cause after that first part of the day I am gonna need a drink 😛

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    May 5, 2019 at 12:58 pm #842567

    Vaguely related to dating, but one of BG’s friends died unexpectedly of a heart attack pretty recently. She was only 35! The memorial is next Saturday. What’s the appropriate dress? I haven’t been to anything like this in a long time.

    May 5, 2019 at 2:12 pm #842573

    A dark dress.

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    May 5, 2019 at 2:25 pm #842576

    @Copa That is so upsetting and it scares me! Yesterday, popular author Rachel Held Evans died at 37 from complications after being hospitalized for something unrelated. It’s tragic. I told a friend about it last night and he started telling me a story about how a guy he knew had a heart attack and died suddenly at age 33, in seemingly the peak of health. 🙁 Condolences to BG and his friends.

    May 5, 2019 at 2:47 pm #842577

    That happened to a guy in his 20s who was close friends with my original husband. And just recently a guy aged 52 with a wife and kids. Also my upstairs neighbor just passed. We can go any time, kids, so live your lives well.

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    May 5, 2019 at 8:19 pm #842594

    Thanks, @TheLadyE. She had been diagnosed with breast cancer about a year ago. Sounds like she was doing well and in remission, but one of her medications caused the heart attack. It’s very sad, she was married with three young kids. She and BG weren’t super close, but they go way back and were part of the same group of friends. I can tell it freaked him out!

    May 9, 2019 at 12:15 pm #842958

    I actually have fun weekend plans. And my weekend starts in 4 hours. I’ll be on a beach for the bachelorette party!

    May 13, 2019 at 1:46 pm #843260

    So, how was the bachelorette @TheHizzy?

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    May 13, 2019 at 2:04 pm #843263

    Yeah! How was the bachelorette party? And how are things going with the guy, @Ale?

    My update: Saturday was a long, emotionally taxing day. The memorial service was SO sad and I didn’t even know this woman. We ended up attending a get-together to celebrate her life afterward and stayed pretty late. We went back to BG’s place for the night, where my dog proceeded to have explosive diarrhea and vomit all over his living room. BG was very nice about it, but I was so embarrassed. I ended up having to call in/work remote today to get my pup to the vet. He can’t seem to shake his GI issues.

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