DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    July 10, 2019 at 1:04 pm #847668

    That’s great, V! One more piece of advice before you decide for sure on a date: talk to your fiancé’s parents about it. Make sure they – especially his mom – understands why the march wedding date is important to you but that you understand why family weddings close together may be stressful for them and have a back-up November date if that’s a lot better for their family. I think they will really appreciate that from you and, if there were any hard feelings, all will be forgiven, everyone will move on, and you won’t be getting a rocky start with your new in-laws right off the bat.

    July 10, 2019 at 1:04 pm #847669

    I’m so happy you talked it out with future SIL and came to a resolution! If anything, hopefully this will bring you two closer together so you can have a friendly life as SILs.

    FWIW, I’d totally go to a brunch wedding. I love what MG did in San Francisco! And Wendy’s sounded lovely. And mine was a blast. I occasionally hate watch that TLC show “Four Weddings” and mine would have received like zero points from the other brides.

    Anyway, best wishes!

    PS, if you go with the Nov wedding and happen to get pregnant shortly after, try to hold off on the announcement until after future SIL gets married.

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    July 10, 2019 at 1:13 pm #847670

    My wedding was at 11 am on a Friday – a major “don’t” in many people’s books, and ten years later, some of our guests still tell us it was one of their favorite weddings. We got married in Central Park, chartered three buses to take guests to a restaurant in midtown for lunch – where the food was actually really good (unlike the food at most catered weddings) and the booze was flowing. the lunch reception wrapped up around maybe 2 or 3, we said good-bye to most family members, our friends got a few hours to change clothes, relax, do whatever, and then we re-convened at our apartment around 8 for a really fun house/ rooftop party.

    Oh, and there weren’t chairs at the wedding in the park (except for our parents and a few older relatives). If you’re a longtime reader here, you might remember a former commenter thought that was the absolute height of rudeness. Whatever – it remains one of the best days of my life.

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    July 10, 2019 at 1:19 pm #847671

    @Wendy – we plan to call his parents tonight and talk to them and explain. We don’t plan on taking any financial help from them so we really just need them to show up and celebrate with us and stress as little as possible but I know that’s easier said than done.

    We are also planning a 10:30 wedding on a Friday morning because we just love brunch and it’s much more affordable on a Friday and we only plan to invite super close friends and family. Afterward we’ve talked about changing into more casual clothes, renting a trolley and going winery hopping. I know it’s not everyone’s dream wedding but it would make us very happy.

    July 10, 2019 at 1:19 pm #847672

    Good for you talking it out! I’m glad you both have a better understanding of one another’s perspectives.

    And congratulations!

    July 10, 2019 at 1:21 pm #847673

    You didn’t FUCKING have CHAIRS?

    My first wedding was like 10:30am in church with an afternoon reception. People did dance… there was a Motown band because my parents planned the whole thing.

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    July 10, 2019 at 1:23 pm #847675

    @Ktfran – I have birth control that I won’t have removed until March or April regardless so if I’m pregnant at her wedding I definitely don’t want to Meghan Markle this situation.

    July 10, 2019 at 1:25 pm #847677

    I remember your (EDT: Wendy’s) wedding fondly (from your stories obviously). And I’m pretty sure I took some cues from yours and adjusted to fit our needs…

    , a motown band sounds fun!

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    July 10, 2019 at 1:27 pm #847678

    I didn’t have chairs! All our healthy, able-bodied 30-year-old friends had to — *gasp!!!* — STAND for 20 minutes, it was TORTURE, I’m sure. I can’t believe they’re all still speaking to us.

    July 10, 2019 at 1:28 pm #847680

    @ktfran, my father was the bass player.

    July 10, 2019 at 1:31 pm #847681

    OMG. What?!? I love it!!!

    July 10, 2019 at 1:32 pm #847682

    Actually wait, that’s not true, I’m senile. My dad’s band played at the rehearsal dinner. I had a regular wedding band at the reception.

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