DW Community Catch-up Thread
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Dear Wendy.
So BG and I did our first weeknight sleepover at his place last night. We normally do any weeknight sleepovers at my place because my dog complicates things, but BG works remote when he’s not traveling and volunteered to let my pup stay with him today. Weird to have a different and longer commute this morning, but it was pretty nice to have some help with my usual morning routine… we were even able to eat breakfast together. Central air at BG’s place was also nice because all I have is a window unit. Ha.
Ah interesting. Glad it went smoothly too. Are you nearing your one year anniversary? My bf and I actually did our first weeknight sleepover at his place too last week. It’s always been my place because of his work schedule being off. I took a long weekend off last week though so I stayed over the night before. He wakes up early so it’s probably a good thing for me haha. It was nice to “test drive” the route. It was obviously longer but ok. His place/neighbourhood is equidistant from our work places and the further he moves to where I am, his commute will “exponentially” increase whereas mine won’t. I really like where I am though and my commute is a breeze. Things to think about. We’ve never done a weeknight sleepover where we were both working.
TheHizzyJuly 17, 2019 at 8:14 am #848275So, I know it’s not dating related but we’re being pretty picky on posting photos to facebook/instagram and I wanted to share another wedding photo here. We got out professionals back, along with all our bonus images. With colors, black and white, and candids we have 1200 photos. I’m glad we live in a digital time when it comes to this!
It went smoothly, buttt after a few days of commuting from BG’s, I feel pretty positive I would never want to move into his condo full-time. He’s too far from public transit for me in a city that gets hothothot in the summer and coldcoldcold in the winter. So hopefully, if/when we have a conversation about moving in together, he’s open to finding something new together.
July 17, 2019 at 12:59 pm #848289Glad the SIL situation worked out @Veritek! As a younger sister with an older brother, I can’t imagine caring enough to vent to anyone besides a close friend or two about when the heck my brother chose to get married (beyond the logistics of same guests, etc. that Wendy and others pointed out) and would be on cloud nine planning my own wedding, but! SIL relationships are interesting. And starting relations off on the wrong foot with inlaws is, i know, not what you want to do, so communicating and letting them know your options is great, and i hope you get to keep your date.
Can I ask about wedding showers? I know our community on DW is sort of divided on this tradition. I’m in the Midwest and it’s super common to have a bridal shower before your wedding. However, I’m going to be 35 and we really don’t *need* anything. If we registered for anything it would just be upgrades to what we already have. I would hate to hurt feelings (My mom’s friend, my bff, future SIL and my boss have all offered to throw me a shower) but we just don’t desperately need anything.
Is it rude to say ‘let’s just have a celebration and some drinks with no expectation of gifts’? Knowing that people will probably try to bring presents anyway. Also, how do we feel about HoneyFunds? (registering for honeymoon funds or specific things/excursions we could do on our honeymoon?) I don’t want to be tacky or thoughtless but I’m in uncharted territory here as most of my friends got married younger and had the traditional showers to get their first homes set up. Thoughts?
Miss MJJuly 29, 2019 at 11:17 am #849015I think saying “let’s just celebrate with some drinks” sounds lovely, but…the reality is that some people are still going to want to get you a gift, either for the shower or the wedding (so, not having a shower won’t prevent this issue). I’m not familiar with registering for a honeyfund, though my gut reaction is that it seems kind of tacky, but I’ll defer to others on that. If I were you, I’d simply register somewhere convenient for a few things (in varying price ranges) that you would like to have, so that if people ask, your host/friends/family can point them in that direction.
VathenaJuly 29, 2019 at 11:17 am #849016I think it’s fine, if someone wants to host a shower for you, if you express a preference for some kind of non-traditional shower – either just a plain old celebratory party with no gifts, or something like an “advice shower” (everyone writes down their relationship wisdom in a little book for you to keep) or a recipe/cookbook shower if you’re into food and cooking?
I definitely suggest doing some kind of small registry, for “stuff” and/or honeymoon. I didn’t have a shower and we didn’t really want gifts either, but people are programmed to give wedding gifts and I think our older relatives especially had anxiety about NEEDING to see a registry. Like my grandmother basically told me it was rude if we didn’t register for gifts. *eyeroll* We also suggested that people donate to our local animal shelter, where we’d adopted our kitty. A lot of people did that in lieu of a gift, which was great! Just put the links on a website or ask your parents/close friends to pass along the word if needed – don’t put the registry info in the wedding invitation (per Miss Manners).