DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    October 21, 2019 at 2:51 pm #855345

    @Copa she has to one up us somehow so go for it girl. Spend all of yours and your parents money on a wedding and two big parties for a marriage that we have all placed bets on not lasting more than five years. (Her father wanted in on that bet as well…..)

    October 21, 2019 at 3:32 pm #855348

    Yikes! Planning one reception is stressful enough…could not imagine two (plus the actual wedding at Disney).

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    October 21, 2019 at 3:50 pm #855351

    @Ver Who are these parents?! They sound like the most generous people on the planet, especially since isn’t your SIL in her 30s? Geesh.

    Oh my gosh I was so nervous to say it, but I felt like it was harder to NOT say it. I was so, so relieved when he said it back. At first he said “Awww that’s so sweet, thank you…I love you too” and that little pause made my stomach drop. Lol! But now we’ve both said it several times since then. <3

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    October 21, 2019 at 4:04 pm #855352

    Omg. I’ve attended weddings for couples that I was pretty sure would end up divorced, but I’ve kept my mouth shut. I’m pretty surprised her parents are vocal about it. Wow. Yikes.

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    October 21, 2019 at 5:51 pm #855359

    I honestly just love this thread!

    Ver, your future SIL is batshit, through and through. At least your future in-laws seem to know it, though.

    I’ve only been to one wedding where everyone knew the couple was going to get divorced. (Spoiler: They did.) It was soooooo awkward.

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    October 21, 2019 at 8:53 pm #855366

    Belated congrats K! Italy sounds like a perfect honeymoon destination. And so happy for you @theladye. He sounds like such a sweet and thoughtful guy.

    Soo my friend and his girlfriend broke up on the last night of their trip. Then they had to fly back together. Then because they drove to the airport together, had drive home together. Then because her parents were dogsitting their dogs they had to pick up their dogs once they got back. There’s never a good time to break up with someone but there are certainly better ones.

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    October 21, 2019 at 10:30 pm #855371

    @hfantods….holy crap…that is an eerily similar situation my friend (female) just went through. Like word for word, exactly the same. Umm we might know the same people?

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    October 22, 2019 at 8:29 am #855402

    Omg.. totally might be possible. I edited some details for my own sake, totally forget that this little nook is still the Internet. Well there are always to sides to a break up.. still sad all around.

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    October 22, 2019 at 9:46 am #855416

    @MissMJ The friend whose marriage I felt most strongly would end in divorce hung on for FIVE miserable years of marriage before it finally ended about a year and a half ago. I started hearing about how unhappy she was a month into their marriage. Their wedding was very beautiful, but I’m curious if anyone else in attendance was also thinking it was going to end disastrously.

    One of my friends and her boyfriend broke up this week, and I’m sad about it. It’s like if Britney and Justin split all over again! Heh. They didn’t date THAT long, but I thought he was it for her.

    October 22, 2019 at 12:10 pm #855429

    Congrats, @K 🙂

    I can vouch that K’s wedding was an absolute blast in a gorgeous location. Mr. Rascal and I had a blast–and are so happy for her and Mr. K!!! <3 <3 <3

    October 22, 2019 at 1:20 pm #855443

    @TheRascal thanks!! 🙂 Will get in touch soon to make plans to catch up. We went to the cat sanctuary in Rome!!

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    October 22, 2019 at 1:27 pm #855445

    @hfantods if it is the same people (which would be crazy!) I learned that there is never a good time for a breakup. delaying it, waiting for a ‘good’ time is never gonna happen. It is definitely unfortunate the circumstances.

    Alas, we all have good reasons for a breakup and hope that we are all happier in the end. It has definitely been an emotional roller coaster trying to remind myself why I broke up, and reassuring myself. Always wondered if I had waiting maybe it would be different. But if there is a red flag, issue or underlying concern, it will always be there unless the couple or individual makes the effort to change. Didn’t seem the case for me, and for my friends case, there were some flags from her perspective.

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