DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    February 12, 2020 at 11:29 am #875023

    This weekend is one of our last free weekends until the wedding so we are packing it with togetherness lol. Friday night is a couples workout and social at the gym, having dinner Saturday night at the place we ate at right before MofV proposed and Sunday we are going to a trampoline park and being super careful not to break our ankles lol. We also get our bonuses on Friday so we are making final wedding payments and throwing the rest of it in savings and at a new roof. Adulting is not fun.

    Also we may have narrowed our Honeymoon plan to Savannah GA since it’s within driving distance of his sister’s wedding. And one of his groomsmen and wife invited us to join them on a vacation to Canada in August so we might spend some time doing research on that.

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    February 12, 2020 at 11:49 am #875027

    We don’t normally do much for Valentines Day, either, but this year it happens to coincide with a concert we both wanted to go see, so we’re going that. Should be fun! And, my husband has been super focused on improving his diet the last few months and he mentioned a couple of weeks ago that he’s lost enough weight that his favorite pants are annoyingly loose, so I got him another couple of pairs a size down.

    Also, @Ver, I love Savannah!

    February 12, 2020 at 12:36 pm #875031

    Yes, love Savannah! I’ll be flying into there in a couple months to start a fun filled weekend in Hilton Head.

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    February 12, 2020 at 12:44 pm #875032

    I organized a Galentines drink night with my classmates for tomorrow, then I am purposely having a night to myself Friday. Gonna get some sushi, a pastry from a cute little french patisserie near my house, and then watch a movie (Stardust if anyone cares haha).

    Canadian here!! I have lived in Nova Scotia (and toured around the maritime provinces there), born and raised Ontario, and lived in Alberta and now British Columbia. If you have any questions on places to see if you do decide to make it up here, I am more than happy to provide suggestions 🙂

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    February 12, 2020 at 12:48 pm #875034

    I can’t believe your wedding is so soon Ver! Yay!

    My boyfriend and I aren’t big into Valentine’s either (general theme here). However he is away for work and then next week we are going on vacation, so we “celebrated“ two weeks ago. We went out for dinner. I also baked him some cookies. We exchanged cards before he left and will open them on FaceTime Friday night. I am glad that I told him I’d be giving him a card before he left. Maybe he would have done the same but this way I wasn’t mildly disappointed!

    I guess though with him away for work a bunch I sometimes do feel lonely and I feel like I’m not being a whole person with my own life. Don’t get me wrong, I still meet up with friends. I also get a lot of stuff done at my place when he’s away haha. Just with the long weekend this week I wish he were here so we could do something (but vacation will be fun!). Maybe I’ll shoot a friend to get together. But I also feel guilty I’m doing this specifically when he’s away and that I’m not a good friend (also not true).

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    February 12, 2020 at 2:08 pm #875037

    Cleo – thinking of going to the falls I think? Lake Ontario area I believe -so feel free to hit me with your reccs!

    Just requested a visitors Guide from Savannah because I’m old school. And yes, hfantods, less than 40 days to go so I alternate between really excited and breathing into a paper bag lol. Had a final dress fitting yesterday and super excited. If anyone wants to see it I’ll share 🙂

    February 12, 2020 at 2:22 pm #875040

    @ver, we really like The Ordinary pub for drinks and brunch. It’s in the basement of a building, but done so well. Little Duck Diner is also fun and you get a little rubber duck in your bloody mary. And it’s super cheesy, but years and years ago I went on a walking ghost tour and it was fun. So much rich history in Savannah.

    We’ve been to a lot of places, but those are the two restaurants I remember most and we’ve been back to The Ordinary.

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    February 12, 2020 at 2:31 pm #875041

    I’d love to see your dress! Also in Southern Ontario too, can give you some recommendations.

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    February 12, 2020 at 2:39 pm #875042

    ktfran – we’d love a walking ghost tour, that sounds fun.

    hfantods – I know zero about Canada in general so i’ll take all the help and advice I can get. Always wanted to go, just haven’t done the research.


    Dress pics in link – keep in mind I was by myself so I had to take my picture in a mirror and I’m also not wearing the body tape that I will be on wedding day to keep my bosoms in place and a little higher. But once she finishes the hem I get to take it home!

    Miss MJ
    February 12, 2020 at 2:53 pm #875045

    Ver, it’s so elegant and pretty!

    February 12, 2020 at 3:04 pm #875046

    @Ver – stunning!

    February 12, 2020 at 3:05 pm #875047

    @ktfran Beautiful!!

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