DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    August 19, 2020 at 12:17 pm #961204

    She ended up having the wedding two weekends ago at a different venue that WOULD accommodate her. In March, when they originally pushed out the date, I can absolutely see that people didn’t know how things would play out. I thought August was ambitious for a big event, but in March I also naively thought I’d be back in the office before summer was over. By the time they had to find a new venue for August, I think it was pretty clear they should’ve had a courthouse wedding or small, family-only ceremony and postponed the party a second time. But they didn’t.

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    August 19, 2020 at 12:51 pm #961207


    I remember years ago a bunch of DW readers being appalled that I threw a wedding in a park without chairs for the majority of guests to sit in during the ceremony (there were chairs for older and more infirm guests, and we chartered buses to take guests to the reception where, of course, there were plenty of chairs). They thought it was so tacky and told me so. Ah, the simple days! Obama was president, and one of the biggest offenses you could make in hosting a wedding was asking your 30-year-old guests to stand for 20 minutes. Now it’s potentially exposing your guests to a deadly virus for which there’s no vaccine or cure.

    August 19, 2020 at 1:47 pm #961208

    I was looking at old wedding pictures a few weeks ago and was majorly stressed over the lack of social distancing.

    August 19, 2020 at 1:47 pm #961209

    I was looking at old wedding pictures a few weeks ago and was majorly stressed over the lack of social distancing.

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    August 19, 2020 at 2:07 pm #961210

    Haha. I keep getting stressed about lack of social distancing in tv shows and movies. “WHHHHY ARE THEY STANDING SO CLOSE TOGETHER?!”

    Miss MJ
    August 19, 2020 at 3:27 pm #961215

    That’s really shitty of the venue, @Ver. Good luck with everything. And, honestly, back in March, I figured things would have been better, too, and I’d have probably rescheduled for an outdoor event then. I mean, I knew in March that Trump was a tool and would fuck things up, but I honestly thought while watching the horrible stuff that was going on in NY that someone, somewhere in the Republican party would actually make sure that we did The Stuff The Government Is Supposed To Do In A Pandemic and after the first horrible wave, we’d get our collective shit together and do this right like they did in, say, Europe or New Zealand, or hell, even Wuhan, where they had a giant pool party the other day like it was no big deal, if for no other reason than to save their asses come Election Day. But no. Instead, they let this disease run amok with god knows what kind of long term consequences. Cases are up in young people, children and now even dogs because we’ve done nothing – NOTHING!! – to actually try to stop it. Anyhow, my 2016 Hilary-hating, Trump-voting MIL said the other day that she thinks he’s horrible and can’t wait to vote him out in November. Would have been nice to have a Thanksgiving where politics united everyone. Unfortunately, unless something major changes (spoiler: it won’t) we’re most likely not going because it’s just too risky.

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    August 19, 2020 at 4:41 pm #961220

    Yeah, I was surprised by my coworker’s choice and think it was the wrong one. The original venue gave her an out and she chose not to take it.

    That said, I do feel for people like Veritek who made decisions that felt like they’d be fine based on the information available to them at the time, only to end up stuck between two shitty options.

    I know another couple that had a destination wedding planned for July. That obviously didn’t happen. They cannot get a refund on what they’d already put down ($10K+), but the earliest it’s looking like they can reschedule is late 2021 or early 2022. They’re going to do a courthouse ceremony instead, which they’re fine with, but they did want a party at some point and they don’t really have the money to plan something new if they can’t get their money back.

    August 19, 2020 at 5:34 pm #961223

    Oh, I absolutely feel for Ver!! It sucks. And I can’t believe the venue will charge her full price despite trying to cancel early. Deposit, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. Full price, that’s bs.

    In my defense, it was presented that she was considering calling off the reception because her matron of honor couldn’t make it. I’m not totally heartless! And I do hope at some point, ver, you get a lovely celebration.

    Also, that sucks Copa, especially with a deposit that expensive. I think my entire wedding, in Chicago, was about $15k.

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    August 19, 2020 at 5:56 pm #961224

    I feel very bad for anyone who is losing that kind of money on canceled events. It’s reprehensible that a venue would keep the full amount of payment. But if it’s a choice between losing all that money and holding an 80-person wedding with at least a few very high-risk loved ones, choose the former. It shouldn’t even matter whether the MOH can make it or not (which is how this dilemma was initially presented); it is not going to be safe in late fall – even outdoors – for people who are high risk to gather in large groups. There have been so many many stories of old ppl going to weddings and getting Covid (google it). Why risk it? Losing thousands of dollars is awful. Losing a grandparent or a parent is worse, especially if you’re going to feel partially responsible.

    Fingers crossed, ver, that the venue refunds your money and you can celebrate with all your loved ones once it’s safe to do so!

    August 19, 2020 at 6:52 pm #961227

    I have seen my hair stylist after we were allowed to do so. Pre-covid, we were charged the full amount if we canceled within 24 hours. I do appreciate they, and from what I’ve read a lot of other businesses, are waiving the cancellation fees. They don’t want anyone coming in who’s sick!

    Protect, protect, protect.

    August 19, 2020 at 6:56 pm #961228

    Even over here I’ve given up on the birthday party I had planned for October. I really don’t think we’ll be allowed to travel interstate by then and even if we were I doubt I’d be able to have much of a party. The venue said at the start I’d be able to get my deposit back if it’s cancelled but even then it’s only $200, I can afford that.

    Now my travel agent for my cancelled Hawaii trip THAT’S another story. They have held $2000 USD of mine since May and still no word on what’s happening with it.

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    August 19, 2020 at 7:05 pm #961229

    That’s terrible, ange! We were very lucky to get every dime back from our cancelled Mexico vacation (which would have been in April, right after drew’s 50th bday and his cancelled party) – for the plane tickets and hotel reservations. I was actually surprised we got everything refunded, and without much effort on my part. The airline industry, especially, isn’t Usually known for being fair and generous.

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