DW Community Catch-up Thread
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Ha, yes! I saw him constantly for awhile a couple years ago then less and less. Last saw him sometime this summer. Pretty sure he moved out last month cause he left his couch blocking one of our alley is entrances. ? We were connected on social media for awhile after our fling and I could tell he and his girlfriend regularly broke up and got back together because of the relationship status updates. Eventually he deleted me, which is fine, and I started seeing her around in person again. I actually assume they moved in together but who really knows!
September 25, 2020 at 10:27 pm #962575I totally remember leaving my single lady place and being so sad. It was a month before we went to SF courthouse to get married so it was definitely a big thing. My only time living on my own but so grateful I was able to do it. Post divorce it was exactly what I needed.
In other news: we closed in our house today!
And have to move Monday.
Did I mention I’m 7 months pregnant?
Good luck MG!!!!!!!!
I’m headed to MI today with my friends for our socially isolated “Girls Gone 40” cabin trip. I can’t wait to unplug and relax.
The husband is going to stay with his parents a couple of nights because while we’re gone, the condo is finally getting painted!!!! It’s only been 3+ years since we moved in. It’s going to look so much brighter. And a can finally buy art. Woohoo!
@Copa I think I’ve been a mess anytime I move. But especially the last one five years ago. I bought my first house when I was 24 years old and lived in it for 6 years and it was so emotional leaving behind my first big girl purchase – no matter how much I love my current home and it was a step up for me in terms of neighborhood, space, etc.
MG – Congrats on the move and new house! Moving pregnant sounds like a nightmare and I wish you a swift and easy move!
@ktfran have fun on your trip!!I loved that place so much. It had floor-to-ceiling built-in bookshelves in the living room that I thought were so charming. Not huge, but a great use of space. I got excellent natural light and I loved the morning doves that woke me up early every summer morning. And it’s cheesy, but I feel like I came into my own while living there. Moved up in my career, got my dog, truly learned to love my life as a single person. I was sad to leave. I feel like none of my friends who have moved in with their partners have ever talked about mourning their single lives at all, so I did wonder if my reaction was normal. But I’m glad I had created a life/routine for myself that I was sad to leave even if what’s ahead is positive change.
Good luck on the move, @MG!
Where did you go in MI, @ktfran? My mom, sister, and I are meeting up on the western side of the state in a couple weekends and I’m excited. My mom has been having a hard time spending so much time solo, so I’m hopeful that even if the weather sucks, we’ll still have a great time.
September 29, 2020 at 12:19 pm #962743Move complete! We stayed up way too late on Sunday finishing packing. I had to lay down and rest a few times cause of the Braxton Hicks, but all done and we’re still married haha. Was just a mad rush because we didn’t think we would actually close adn everything kept getting delayed. ugh.
But it was a great first sleep in the new house. Ate pizza and drank beer (sips for me) on the back porch.
YAY! Glad you’re in and that your marriage is still in tact! 😉 Did you guys stay in the city?
It had been years since I last moved and I forgot how much work it is. BG underestimated how long it would take him to pack his kitchen and ended up staying up until like 4 a.m. the night before the move, even though he’s the one who had started the packing process first. The movers showed up to his place at 8. He was running on fumes on moving day. Both of us remark how well we sleep here even though we can hear the el (new to both of us) and I think it’s because we now work all day then spend our evenings unpacking, organizing, and/or cleaning. There have been nights where we’re both down for the count by 8.
September 29, 2020 at 1:21 pm #962747We moved two blocks from our old apartment, so still South Loop.
Yeah we did great, there was some testiness early on, but I think Radiostar was more nervous about how much I could handle and then was projecting that. When discussing the kitchen (always the last space to pack up!), he turned to me and said “I don’t think we’re going to make it.” And I had to show him that I’d actually packed up every cabinet (which had been closed) the open one was the only one that needed to be done. haha, so yeah, that turned things around a bit.
September 29, 2020 at 1:40 pm #962748Congrats on the moves, Copa and MaterialsGirl! And good luck with all of the unpacking! Hopefully you get all set up and organized soon! 🙂
I have started to pack my stuff at my apartment, although I’m not leaving til the end of the year. I have a bunch of bankers boxes so I can pack (books and other stuff) and stack them all in a corner and in the closet. I’m trying to make it as easy as possible so I just have to load everything and go. My roommate (who has been a friend since HS) told me to just keep my keys so I can come over anytime I want! She’s trying to see if she can swing having the place to herself and will wants me to help her pick out new furniture and decor, which I think will be fun!
@Moneypenny It’s good to start early! I started about a month out, which I actually felt silly about in the moment, but I’m so glad I did. I did a few carloads full of donations prior to moving day — things I knew we’d have duplicates of, things I haven’t reached for in years, clothes I like but never wear, etc. — and I’m also very glad I did that. BG also did his best to purge, though he ran out of time at the end. We still have a pretty sizable donation pile behind our couch at the moment and it keeps growing! Hoping to offload some of that this weekend even though that means more carrying things down the stairs.
I’ll also add that I’m a little sad we can’t have a housewarming party.
@moneypenny I second that you can never start packing too soon! Get a jump on it now and it will be so much less overwhelming later.
MG glad the move went well! Moving is the true test of any relationship which is why I’m saving now to pay for movers in 5-10 years when we move again lol.
Copa – you can have a housewarming party when all this is “over” and it will be even better! A “the rona is over and we got a new place that now we’ve decorated to our taste and really lived in” party!