DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    October 29, 2020 at 2:31 pm #963821

    Thanks, guys. She’s currently in a wheelchair but with PT, she should hopefully be walking again in a month or so. I also hope she heals, physically and mentally.

    Changing the subject, does anyone have any resources/advice for buying new appliances? We’re looking to replace the oven that came with the condo and this is the first time I’ve had to buy an appliance for myself.

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    October 29, 2020 at 2:38 pm #963822


    October 29, 2020 at 6:57 pm #963833

    Get one of those induction stoves. Those are super cool.

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    October 30, 2020 at 12:28 am #963841

    @Copa, I’ve never bought appliances for myself either, and I’m in the market for a new dishwasher (at least) and possibly a new fridge. What I can say is that I’m waiting until Black Friday since we’re so close to it, might as well take advantage of the deals.

    I have been looking at appliances that match my others (stainless steel), reading reviews, and thinking about how I use them/how often. That’s all I’ve got so far. Funnily enough, I bought a car myself almost 6 years ago but have never bought an appliance…except a microwave and a crock pot, do those count?

    October 30, 2020 at 10:23 am #963852

    Thanks@Copa! Not planning to fall down the rabbit hole so to speak. And I’m sorry to hear about your friend and glad that she’s on the road to recovery.

    For appliances – we have had a really bad experience with a Samsung fridge. It’s only 4 years old and we had to replace the entire cooling part to a tune of $300+ dollars. Plus ice maker troubles. I read that (and the technician confirmed) that these are both issues Samsung has known about but still doesn’t change the design so that the issue is fixed.

    As for ovens we recently purchased a gas stove (GE)- I just really like gas (much easier to control) and it was clearance. But we didn’t get a fancy one since I just never use the features it has. If I could afford it, I would actually have gas stove top and electric oven part.

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    October 30, 2020 at 10:41 am #963853

    @Copa so sorry about your friend! I hope they hang the guy by his teeny tiny balls.

    As for appliances – this might sound super cheap but I love looking at the dented/scratched section of Lowes and home depot etc. My washer and dryer and dishwasher all came from the cosmetically challenged section (the dishwasher you can’t even tell and no one sees my laundry room) and they work great and i got them at a steep discount.

    Also another vote for a gas stove. My new house doesn’t have one and I miss it terribly.

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    October 30, 2020 at 11:24 am #963854

    @Copa, the other thing to think about it what kind of cooking do you plan to do? I vote gas for sure, but are you looking to do the standard GE profile or do an upgrade to a fancy one like a wolf or viking? also, check out costco for deals and sales etc.

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    October 30, 2020 at 11:55 am #963855

    We definitely don’t need anything fancy. We’re both fans of gas stoves, the boyfriend is very opposed to induction stovetops. I’m indifferent to induction stovetops but happen to like gas ones, so that’s what we’re thinking right now. Our oven is the OG of this condo, installed when the place was brand new, and it takes forever to come to temperature… and we eventually realized once we got an internal thermometer that it’s not even coming to temperature when it says, and if we need to open the oven door for any reason it quickly drops to about 300 degrees and then verrrry slowly heats back up. Super frustrating because I like cooking and baking. I’ve done research about repairs vs. replacing, and replacing seems the way to go given its age and issues. All I want is something reliable in an affordable price range and am a-okay with the cosmetically challenged variety. I’d like to look at them in person so I’ll definitely suggest to BG that we look at that section. We’re also Costco members and that’s where we started the search, but I’d like to read some reviews and shop around a bit before committing.

    October 30, 2020 at 12:10 pm #963856

    Our stove/oven is currently the original from when we moved in too. A few weeks ago, one of the warning symbols popped up and then it started smoking a lot when I turned it on. We had a guy come to check it out and it just needed a major cleaning, although you couldn’t tell it was dirty. Something got stuck somewhere. Anyway…

    We weren’t ready to replace that appliance yet. In a couple of years, we’re doing a full kitchen remodel and I’m hoping all of our appliances stay ok to use until that happens. We do need to replace the washer/dryer soon and we already had to replace the hot water heater. Fingers crossed fridge, range and dishwasher last two more years.

    I’m definitely a fan of gas. I have no advice on shopping for one though.

    October 30, 2020 at 1:55 pm #963861

    It may depend on where you live, but my guess is gas is on it’s way out…right now the focus is more on natural gas on the macro scale, but I bet it’s only a matter of time until regulations and discouragement come for natural gas appliances. In some cities in California they are already trying to ban them in new construction and incentivizing people to switch out their existing gas appliances.

    I want an induction range one day, although our electric is fine for now.

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    October 31, 2020 at 12:19 pm #963890

    So my friend’s ex boyfriend is now in jail facing aggravated domestic battery and attempted murder charges. I want him to never be allowed to do this to anyone else again. She was able to break her lease under a law that protects DV victims. I quickly googled her ex last week and found what seemed like one fairly innocuous brush with the law. Another friend searched his arrest history and found way more. Looks like a previous girlfriend had a restraining order against him, which he violated at least once that I can see. And there are three total arrests for incidents involving my friend. Ugh. I’m so upset and angry about this situation. But I’m glad she’s out of that situation. I’m glad she has loving parents nearby where she can safely start recovering.

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    November 2, 2020 at 1:54 pm #963923

    @copa.. I really hope they throw the books at him, especially since this doens’t seem like an isolated incident. I hope your friend is on the road to physical recovery right now.

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