DW Community Catch-up Thread
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Miss MJNovember 11, 2020 at 12:48 pm #964275
We’re pretty comfortable getting coffee, eating and going for drinks at truly outside places, i.e., places with tables spaced and truly outside, not just places with the doors open wide. Honestly, I’m trying to take advantage of that sort of socializing while I can because once the weather turns, it’s going to be bleak and I’m already dreading it. I draw a hard line at indoor dining, gyms, shopping (except groceries), theaters, or home visits. Having a theoretical end date helps, though.
I find I can work out very well at home. We did already have a set of weights, and I found a really nice step last year in the trash room still in the box. I pay $39 per quarter for the Beach Body app, which has a huge variety of workouts.
We also have two rowing machines, including one that’s like a Pelaton (Hydrow) and it’s funny because I know some of the people on it. I don’t touch that though, it’s how my husband gets through the winter when there’s ice on the river. I get cardio from, like, jumping around workouts and from walking.
Not judging. I did make the observation about how people have relaxed their stance as this pandemic had dragged on. People have to decide their own risks. The husband and I are both risk averse in general.
I personally wouldn’t go into a gym. I desperately want a massage, but haven’t done that either. Or a mani/pedi.
I do need venture out and get a new drivers license. Mine expired last January. I’m not even sure if the pandemic extension counts for me since it expired pre-pandemic.
November 11, 2020 at 1:34 pm #964279OMG, I am so desperate for a massage but haven’t gotten one during the pandemic. Drew gave me a gift certificate for my bday but I didn’t feel comfortable using it, even when cases were still low then and I knew my massage therapist has antibodies. Now I have one more thing to look forward to when it’s safer though.
I’ve met up with friends on outdoor patios for drinks when transmission was really low here and it felt fine (and really good for me, emotionally), but now that we’re on a big uptick Ive decided I’m done with that until at least after the winter.
Saturday was by far my biggest risk-taking day, and I own the decisions I made, but I did avoid crowds (I happened to be at the farmers market when the election was called and a crowd gathered right away. I took a few pics and then immediately went home, dropped off my groceries and ran to the liquor store for bubbly. Other than that, I was right outside my apartment the rest of the day). I did hug three friends, one of whom got a covid negative result that morning from a test she took the evening before, and two friends – a married couple – who have antibodies. Not really defending my actions – just explaining my own “calculations” in the risk assessment, but I 100% understand that I take risks others wouldn’t (and vice versa).
I’m also pretty much home constantly, my husband is home constantly, and, saddest of all, our kids are home almost all the time, which has been by far the hardest part of all of this. We have a couple friends we meet up with outdoors and soon we likely won’t be able to do that. I am growing increasingly concerned about the playground and think we might need to give that up, too. But that leaves us with so little to keep the kids stimulated, entertained, and socialized. It’s really hard. They’re doing ok, they don’t seem depressed or even unhappy. But I know they belong in school and among friends and it’s been pretty heartbreaking to go now eight whole months without these simple, basic parts of childhood.
VathenaNovember 11, 2020 at 2:01 pm #964280We quit our gym as soon as it reopened in …June? and they could process the paperwork. I haven’t been to a barre or yoga class, just going for runs/walks and doing video workouts at home (but not tons because I constantly get interrupted by my kid). The kiddo did learn how to ride without training wheels though, and it turns out she loves to ride her bike, so we can go for legit bike rides or I can jog along behind her. Pretty much our only “calculated risks” are for her – she is allowed to play with a few neighborhood kids, outside, wearing a mask. The other families are doing less isolating than we are, and their kids are a bit younger (5-6) and less compliant with masks, but it was completely unsustainable for the whole family’s mental health for her to be trapped with only me, my husband, the cat, and the iPad for a full year. I did also finally get my first haircut in 9 months, when my stylist moved into her own space just a block away – I wore 2 masks and had her chop off 4-5 inches so I wouldn’t have to go back for another 6+ months. I had planned not to get it cut for the duration, but it was at the point where it was so long and thick that I couldn’t wash it more than a couple of times per week and it just felt gross and heavy. I’m considering doing my annual pap smear and make sure my IUD is still in place…yes, I prioritized a haircut over a pap smear, haha! I get covid tested every week on my one full day at work, and have had 3 negative tests since then. I am grateful that our local school systems in Northern Virginia started the year fully virtual, and I expect we’ll do all of second grade online. They are trying to get some of the youngest students with special needs back in person – 6 kindergarteners are in person this week, in the whole school system. Case numbers in the DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia) are lower than many other places, and mask compliance is generally quite good, but cases are starting to tick up. Maryland is scaling back indoor dining starting today. I’m glad that our governors/Mayor Bowser of DC are smart and have been working together from the outset.
November 11, 2020 at 2:15 pm #964282it is very true, aerosol spreading of the virus is definitely the main way it spreads. I think I am just grateful that the equipment is getting cleaned more often than not (compared to before which was not at all unless someone was kind enough to wipe down after using). The bus system here is actually doing a pilot project where they have painted on copper to various touch points on transit to see how well it works as an antimicrobial material. Scientists know copper works already, but they want to see if it can work well enough to use in public places like that.
As much as I know touching surfaces and then your face is the lesser method of spreading COVID, it is nice to know surfaces are being cleaned more often, or using materials that may reduce the spread of other germs.
I think out of all the things I do the gym is the most risky just because not everyone wears masks. I did go without for a few months this summer, and unfortunately my workout equipment is pretty limited at this point. So I am happy with my own precautions to keep going as long as I can. I am sure there will be a point when it will shut down again, but at this time it seems the hot spots for super spreaders are in spaces where group fitness was occurring, and other indoor group venues, hence why the province requested a short term lockdown for us in those spaces.
November 11, 2020 at 2:26 pm #964283In “before times” I used to go to a small workout place down the street from my office that had classes limited to 10 people. I put my membership on hold since I was working from home. They were able to start holding classes outside in their parking lot limited to 5 people only, and they also have big garage doors that they’d keep open and you could still go inside to use the restroom. I haven’t gone to a class since February, but I get the email updates. Recently they got a warning by the county because too many people were hanging out inside with no masks on! Granted, masks outside were optional, and nobody was supposed to be working out inside. But people were just hanging out and someone called the county on them. They just got a warning and now nobody is allowed inside unless they need the restroom.
I have no idea when I’ll be going back to the office so my membership is still on hold til January. I couldn’t help but think, what were people thinking, hanging out chit chatting without masks?? Yikes.
I’ve been doing zoom ballet classes 3x a week and also have a year Beachbody membership, so I feel like I’ll probably end up canceling the in-person gym. I do miss the classes and the teachers, who are great!I know this sounds dramatic, but gyms closing was hard for me. Mine was a key part of managing my mental/emotional health. I really struggled with at-home workouts last spring, but tried my best. I was running a couple times/week until it got too hot for me, so I guess it bodes well for me that I don’t mind colder-weather runs. I have two 15-lb dumbbells, but wish I had more variety of weights. I still can’t find any in stores or online. I’m on the brink of buying a barbell, a squat rack, and some bumper plates. But even a lot of those items are sold out.
I was thrilled when my gym started offering outdoor classes. We just went back to indoor classes now that the sun sets at like 4:30 and I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about it, but I think it’s about as safe as an indoor gym environment can get. It’s a small local business, not a big box gym, so they have a bit more control of what happens inside than I imagine a huge gym would. Capacity is capped at five people total (including the instructor), everyone is assigned a taped off section of the gym on entry, classes are shorter, they do temperature checks at the door, everyone has to sanitize on entry, masks are required/enforced, no lingering before/after class, and windows/doors are opened for added ventilation. In any case, I suspect they’ll be shutting down again soon and I will probably ask to borrow equipment in exchange for continuing to pay my membership fees.
I’d feel okay with a pedicure and have gotten one, but would skip out on a massage. A massage really does sound wonderful, though. I’ve gotten my hair cut twice now and the last time, I cut my hair shorter than I normally would so I won’t have to go as often. My haircut in June came after nine months without a haircut and I couldn’t stand how long it had gotten.
This morning when we woke up, the first thing my boyfriend said to me was, “Won’t it be nice when we can do stuff again?” Uh, yeah. Aside from some outdoor hangouts, we haven’t done much. We just got a fireplace for our rooftop, so I’m hopefully it’ll provide enough heat that we can continue to enjoy the outdoors a bit more even as the cold sets in. It’s not even bitter cold yet like it will be here, but the sun setting so early is already getting to me.
November 11, 2020 at 2:59 pm #964289I’m so in for the gluhwein truck.
I’ve been getting regular massage once they reopened. It’s part of my care process for pregnancy and it’s 100% masked up. I did one mani/pedi back in June.. I’m planning to go next week pre-delivery. I was also doing PT since September (also 100% masked and distanced).
I did cancel my gym membership even though they are 100% masked as well (I just couldn’t find time to go with a toddler and another on the way. Plus, my main form of exercise is and will continue to be running outside.)
**so anyway yes, I do a lot of “normal care” things like dr’s appointments, massage, haircut, daycare for my daughter, going to work, but the counter to that is I don’t go to people’s houses/socialize. The one vacation with my husband’s family back in june, we tested a few days before meeting up and kept our outside interactions limited to going to work the week leading up to and after.**Gearing up for delivery! Induction is scheduled for the 20th, but there’s a good chance I go beforehand. Hospital protocol seems to be same as summer.. rapid covid test upon entry for the woman, partner has to remain masked unless in the room alone with birthing parent. If I’m too quick again, I’ll automatically be delivered in full PPE if they can’t get a result back in time (hence the induction scheduled).
A family member with a history of anxiety was transported to the hospital by ambulance Saturday night for what turned out to be a major panic attack. They’ve been very very strict/cautious since the lockdown, but I think what triggered it was that a person at their work got covid. They all wear masks and were not in close contact with that person. They did receive a negative test, but I think it all just spiraled. They didn’t have great coping mechanisms beforehand, and now without any outlets or support etc, it just culminated. I hope it finally brings them to start working with a therapist.
November 11, 2020 at 3:41 pm #964292Best wishes on a smooth and easy labor, MG! Keep us posted.