DW Community Catch-up Thread
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Well, I’m sure there will be some judgement and speculation, but I got Covid 19 and tested positive not quite two weeks ago.
Didn’t get it from the gym. Didn’t get it from a restaurant. Didn’t get it from any socializing or spending time with friends, etc.
I got it from work. Because I was not given the option to work from home until I actually tested positive. If I had been given the option to work from home, I would have used it, especially during my pregnancy – but it simply wasn’t presented as an option since I work for an “essential business.”
I’m fine now, my baby is fine, but my husband and I both got it and we are 100% certain we got it from work. So unless we didn’t want to pay our bills, we had to go. Which goes to show, we can wear masks all day at work and still get this damn virus. Now, that doesn’t mean i won’t continue wearing a mask and advocating for people to wear their mask, it means I believe I got it from someone not wearing a mask! I hope no one else has to experience this – it hasn’t been fun.
Also, MG, congratulations on your son 🙂
AngeNovember 23, 2020 at 5:33 pm #964674Honestly Ver I think the real villain of the piece is the workplace that won’t let people (especially pregnant people) work from home during a raging pandemic. If it was getting around your workplace it could have been as easy as touching something with the germs on it and touching your face after you took your mask off, or even as you took your mask off. When people aren’t being forced to stay home and wear masks and all the sensible things that have been shown to work you might as well be trying to mop up a tsunami with a tissue.
November 24, 2020 at 7:21 am #964693Sorry to hear that, Veritek. We’re you alerted that someone at work tested positive so you knew to get tested? You’ve been required to work in the office and masks aren’t required and you couldn’t get a medical exemption by being pregnant?? Truly mind-boggling. Are your parents ok?
Masks are required in my office. For employees. Customers have not been forced to wear them. I am not in a directly customer facing position but it’s not hard for me to imagine how a customer could’ve came in without a mask and spread their germs and that’s how my husband and I got it.
Luckily I haven’t seen my parents in almost a month and they have somehow managed to escape this virus so far. My husband‘s parents got it separately but they live in a much more densely populated area and have also been still working in office.
November 24, 2020 at 7:50 am #964695Got it. I mean, honestly, you could’ve gotten it from a masked coworker, too. Masks aren’t full-proof. In an area where covid is as prevalent as it is where you live, it’s nearly impossible to trace transmission. I know where my parents live (same state as you, transmission about 1/2 the rate of your area), the health department gave up trying to trace months ago. Now, they say to assume any place you are with people outside your immediate household is a risk, even with masks (but especially without). My friend is a teacher there, forced to work in person with kids there five days a week, full classrooms, and quarantine rules have just changed so that kids don’t have to quarantine anymore if they are no longer symptomatic. She has accepted that it’s just a matter of time before she’s infected and hopes she doesn’t get too sick or pass it along to others. Her daughter’s dad died earlier this year, and I can’t imagine how hard this is for both of them. I am outraged that we, as a society, are so cavalier about this life and death crisis and are doing such a shitty job protecting people.
Anyhoo, I digress. I hope yours was a mild case for you and that you’re feeling better.
LisforLeslieNovember 24, 2020 at 8:33 am #964697@Veritek – sorry that you were ill but I’m glad that you’re on the upswing. I agree with Ange that the real culprit is work not allowing accommodations, especially if customers/clients are allowed to go maskless. This is an airborne disease but it’s also transmitted through membranes, that’s why Fauci et al are still advising to wash your hands wash your hands wash your hands. Client comes in, breathes and talks, spreads the pathogen, someone touches something the client spit on, hands it to you, you touch it and then you touch your face like near your eye. And there you go.
FyodorNovember 24, 2020 at 8:42 am #964698Wendy, regarding your friend, I’ve heard a bunch of horror stories from teachers about the conditions under which they’re expected to operate. There’s just a complete lack of regard for their safety. It’s completely disgraceful.
You may want to suggest to her, to the extent she hasn’t done so, that she get a higher quality mask (KN95), which can provide a much better level of protection to the wearer. It’s still not foolproof, but it might give her an extra level of safety. I know also of some teachers that have been able to get air filters for their classrooms but that’s going to obviously depend on the people she works for.
November 24, 2020 at 9:33 am #964701Thanks, Fyodor; I didn’t think to suggest the KN95 mask to her but I will when we talk next.
Another close friend of mine is a nurse in Chicago at a hospital overwhelmed with covid patients. One of her co-workers got covid, and my friend wasn’t alerted for a couple days and then wasn’t able to get a test because there’s such a test shortage there. The healthcare workers – and teachers, too – are just expected to carry on, risking their lives, with so little support or regard from the public and from local and federal governments in making their jobs easier and safer.
I just… I mean, wow.
Fortunately (or unfortunately no matter how you look at it) my case was relatively mild. I’ve had headaches my entire pregnancy but the day before I tested I had a really bad one, and the next morning I woke up with sore throat. I’ve been pretty vigilant since being pregnant so I called my doc and asked what I should do. She and I both figured it was just a cold but she sent me to a drive thru test site at the university hospital and 6 hours later I got a call that it was positive. Our health department is so slammed right now I never got a call and there was no contact tracing. My husband went to an urgent care 2 days later and tested positive.
The crazy thing is the range of symptoms. I never got a fever. I never had a temp above 99, but I had crazy headaches, borderline dehydration, a cough and severe fatigue and lost my sense of smell. My husband had a fever of 101 for three days, no cough or loss of smell or taste. His mom lost both smell and taste and described it as mild cold symptoms. His dad tested positive and still, two weeks later, hasn’t shown any symptoms.
So it goes to show just how widely varied everyone’s experience can be with this. Though we haven’t seen his parents since September and they clearly got it in a different way than we did.
As for teachers in this state, our Governor clearly doesn’t give a shit about them and is the same governor that said kids get covid and then get over it so let’s keep schools open. That was before a 13 year old died of covid in rural Missouri. So yeah, what we are doing to teachers and students is criminal.
@Veritek I’m sorry you guys got sick, but I’m glad you, your husband, and baby are all doing well. It’s a shame you weren’t allowed to WFH. BG and I went on a walk after work one night last week and passed an office on our block with floor to ceiling windows. Unsure what they do, but we noticed three coworkers still at their desks without masks on. I was pretty surprised. They were at least spaced apart a bit, but yikes. I work with attorneys and some who own their own small firms were still going into the office and support staff had to go in as well.
One of my friends and her husband recently got it at a small, family-only funeral for her aunt. She had no symptoms, her husband’s were mild. Her mom, dad, and brother (early 30s) all had a rough go, her dad having it the worst. All three lost sense of taste/smell. Her dad still hasn’t gotten his back. Her brother still has lingering vertigo.
Just found out my cousin’s husband has it. He’s a Trump supporter, they live in Indiana, and TBH I’m not shocked it hit them first of anyone in my family. From what I know, they’ve been fairly cavalier. He’s been isolating in their master bedroom for over a week now. They’ve been quiet about it — I only know through my sister — and I thiiink some of the hush-hush is because they’re still planning to have some family for Thanksgiving, including my cousin’s younger sister… who is pregnant. Which I think is really stupid.