DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    November 26, 2020 at 12:19 pm #965884

    I hope your mother and nephew will be ok MissMJ. My biggest fear is that happening. to my family too (same situation, parents providing childcare for my sister). Also sending hope to your family TheLadyE.

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    November 28, 2020 at 9:31 pm #967613

    @veritek33 posted in the wrong thread, but wanted to say glad to hear you and the baby are doing well (considering the circumstances) with COVID. Fingers crossed you have a speedy and full recovery 🙂

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    November 29, 2020 at 1:50 pm #968048

    How was everyone’s Thanksgiving? I actually had a nice time staying put (for once!) instead of traveling to see family. Our oven decided to crap out on us, but had the decency to wait until we’d cooked (most) of our side dishes. So we did go to the store yesterday to look at our top picks that we’d researched in person, and pulled the trigger on a new one. The back order where we ordered from isn’t as bad as I thought it would be (and way better than other retailers with the same make/model) so I’m hoping we’ll have it by mid-December.

    My sister gave me a bit of a hard time for not going home to see our parents with her, she said I need to give good reasons for not coming home for the holidays. Which is odd because, 1) when she lived in Manhattan, she seldom came home for Thanksgiving and never gave a “good” reason, and 2) a pandemic is a probably the best reason I’ll ever have to opt out of the holidays. But she got under my skin and I barely slept last night feeling kinda bullied and guilty, even though I don’t think I have any reason to feel bad.

    November 29, 2020 at 2:10 pm #968057

    Oh whatever, she should feel bad! Everyone who didn’t go see their family should feel good about themselves.

    We did go to my parents’ for dinner. I never see anyone and barely leave the house, and my brother visits them every weekend anyway. But I still felt guilty about it. You really can’t win. Better to stay home though, that’s the right thing.

    My brother has gotten so big, and his hygiene is so bad, they set up a room in the basement for him to sleep, with all the older furniture they’re not using. It’s not a finished basement either, though it’s very nice and dry because it’s a new house. He loves it though because it has a couch and a TV. He also has to sit in a special chair they got for him in the living room. I feel bad being around him because he’s a hot mess. His car had two flat tires and he claimed not to know how it happened, and my dad had to figure it out and tell him what to do. He’s like a child, but he’s 48. It takes me back to being a kid and all the bullshit. I was exhausted after spending that brief amount of time with them. Shit.

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    November 29, 2020 at 2:44 pm #968073

    I think my sister thinks I’m a hypocrite because we did invite two people to Thanksgiving, my cousin and my boyfriend’s friend. Both are single, live alone, don’t really go anywhere/see anyone, and don’t have anyone else nearby so otherwise would’ve been totally alone. Not totally risk-free, obviously, but everyone involved felt okay with it. And I guess yeah, it is a bit hypocritical to say absolutely not to one risk and yes to another. But I really didn’t feel like dealing with family bullshit on top of COVID this year, because with my nuclear family there is ALWAYS some, but thanks to my sister I still got that experience even without seeing anyone.

    November 29, 2020 at 2:58 pm #968082

    Well those people aren’t high risk or at risk of serving up bullshit so it’s fine.

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    November 30, 2020 at 11:25 am #968174

    We ordered Thanksgiving catering from a local grocery store and it turned out quite well. With pregnant+covid I just did not have the energy to do a full thanksgiving meal of cooking like I usually do. It was a good decision and the perfect amount of food.

    The weather was also nice enough we were able to swing by my parents and share pie on the patio so we weren’t closed up in the house together. We are no longer contagious or shedding the virus but wanted to be careful and it was nice to see them after a long time apart.

    Today I have what was supposed to be my 16 week OB appointment on my 18th week since it was postponed – so I’m eager to hear the nugget’s heartbeat and get an update on her!

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    November 30, 2020 at 12:45 pm #968178

    It wasn’t Thanksgiving here but I had an exciting weekend — I got engaged!! The proposal itself was a surprise. We are all very happy. So glad this thread has seem so much. I couldn’t wait to tell you all, haha!!

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    November 30, 2020 at 1:08 pm #968184

    Yay – congrats!

    November 30, 2020 at 1:09 pm #968185


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    November 30, 2020 at 1:26 pm #968186

    Aw, congratulations Hfantods! 🙂

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    November 30, 2020 at 1:36 pm #968187

    Congratulations, @hfantods! So the proposal itself was a surprise, but were you expecting it to happen soon-ish or were you completely taken aback by all of it? How/where did it happen? Tell us more! (If you want… I happen to like proposal stories.) BG’s mom would want you to book your venue ASAP because she’s v worried all the couples who may get married in the next couple years will be SOL because of the number of 2020 weddings that were rescheduled.

    Not to steal your thunder, but we’ve started talking about rings, which I’d like shop for together/see in person, but haven’t really done much else on that end because… well, doesn’t seem terribly essential during COVID.

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