DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    December 8, 2020 at 10:40 am #969319

    I will start doing that! I use Aveeno anti-aging moisturizer with SPF 30 right now, every single day, and have done for years. Even so, I still have a couple dark spots on my face which I hate. Maybe a Vitamin C serum will help that?

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    December 8, 2020 at 10:43 am #969321

    It’s on the pricier side, but I really like Ole Henriksen’s vitamin C serum. I have tried other brands but always go back to it. Not that you need to break the bank to take care of your skin, but since you mentioned perhaps wanting to hit the spending limit to get your status, thought I’d throw it out there as an option I keep coming back to even though it’s not as cheap as drugstore products.

    December 8, 2020 at 10:47 am #969323

    Vitamin C and AHAs/glycolic acid help with dark spots. Retinol too. I’m sure what I’m seeing would be way worse if I hadn’t been using those products and a moisturizer with SPF, but probably better if I’d used a true SPF product.

    The other thing I want to say, it’s easy to sail through your 30s thinking you look like you’re in your 20s, but there’s a rude awakening after 40 that folks should be prepared for. Not trying to scare you, and I do like the way I look, and I’m not doing anything extreme at all, but just trying to give you that extra time to prepare, speaking from age 45.

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    December 8, 2020 at 11:29 am #969335

    I truly don’t know much about skin care because so far I’ve been pretty lucky with the condition of mine, but I have used Neutrogena SPF 50 moisturizer since I was in my 20s every single day and I often get compliments on my complexion. And as a redhead, Lady E, the stronger the SPF the better I suppose.

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    December 8, 2020 at 11:43 am #969336

    What order do you apply the products? Does retinol replace moisturizer at night?

    I did use some retinols and maybe a chemical exfoliant about two years ago. Got into skincare and tried oil cleansing and I realized I didn’t wash all the oil off and I developed really bad acne. Went on Accutane which thankfully cleared everything and I’ve been ok for about a year. An occasional pimple mostly around the mask area!

    So this is a good reminder to get back into skin care but I’m nervous to introduce new products. Right now I just use “Cerave in a tub” night and day and sunscreen for day.

    @ver you might want to look into retinols and pregnancy because I think some people stop using retinols when they are pregnant?

    December 8, 2020 at 12:06 pm #969339

    @hfantods, generally you want to do the lightest/thinnest product first and the heaviest/thickest one last. So after you wash, you might do a AHA toner, then SPF then vitamin C serum, then Moisturizer.

    At night, retinol serum then Moisturizer. Serums don’t replace moisturizer, you add them in.

    Disclaimer: I don’t have sensitive skin, but retinol irritates some people so you should start with a lower concentrated product.

    December 8, 2020 at 12:12 pm #969342

    Also, I’ve never found a great eye cream, and I think you can skip it. It’s just a marketing gimmick, because you can put your other products right up to your eyes.

    Another thing, you need less makeup as you age, not more.

    December 8, 2020 at 12:42 pm #969350

    Yes, don’t use retinol if you’re pregnant.
    I do have sensitive skin and had to slowly start retinol and aha products. Like, twice a week on different nights. And I use a heavier moisturizer when I use retinol/winter. I have some caffeine eye products that help with puffy eyes that I like. I do have the Roc retinol eye cream but I haven’t ever used it consistently.

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    December 8, 2020 at 12:52 pm #969354

    I also use the Roc retinol eye cream! I have tried a few different brands (high and low brand/cost) and I like this one so far. I am starting to get some fine lines around my eyes, so I’ve been on the hunt too! I use it usually once a day on the area all around my eyes (I suppose you could use it anywhere?) after toner and before moisturizer (I use Murad moisturizer- the vitamin C one). It might be my imagination, but I do feel like my skin looks brighter and smoother, just a little? So far so good, I think!

    December 8, 2020 at 1:04 pm #969358

    Roc has a full-face version of that. I’d say buy that serum next time and just use it on your whole face right up to the eyeballs. More bang for your buck that way. The Neutrogena Rapid Wrinkle Repair retinol serum is comparable. Olay has a retinol line now too. I’m now using The Ordinary retinol serum in the highest concentration.

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    December 8, 2020 at 1:38 pm #969367

    Goo d to know- I’ll have to try that one next. I have also heard good things about The Ordinary – I’d like to try them out too.

    December 8, 2020 at 1:49 pm #969371

    I can’t say I’ve noticed any real difference in retinol products, but I figure I’m older so I should use the strongest one that’s not like clinical and $$$.

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