DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    January 21, 2022 at 7:13 am #1102001

    And for you gals in Chicago, my friend Jen is a talented esethician with a beautiful space I love to visit (although I think her 10yr lease is up this summer and she’ll likely move her studio). Her business is called Lustre and she has an array of services she offers.

    January 21, 2022 at 8:26 am #1102007

    I might do something with lasers… though omg laser tattoo removal was so painful.

    I think I wouldn’t do Botox or fillers… I’ve watched a lot of YouTube during the pandemic and what I’m getting from that is that fillers are not a good idea unless you’re prepared to get an entire face lift. And also, that it seems too easy to overdo fillers and Botox or put them in the wrong places. I also don’t think they actually make people look younger? Though if something is really bothering a person on their face, sure, do your research and address it.

    January 21, 2022 at 9:09 am #1102008

    Botox is delightful. I used to get it for my TMJ and so 100 or so shots across my forehead, scalp and neck. I’d have to tell people that I was angry because I could no longer knit my brows. When insurance stopped covering it, I stopped getting it and I miss my smooth brow.

    Fillers – you can easily go overboard but if you go with a reputable doctor they can maintain your facial structure and just give you light fill. If you’re very worried about turning into the patients on Botched I think the biggest mistake people make is starting overfilled because they don’t know how their body will react and then trying to save money by overfilling on subsequent visits. Eventually you start to see the huge cheeks and lips as normal. Start with small changes to see if your body can handle it and if you like the results. If you hear yourself saying “let’s go bigger this time” – you just fell over the edge.

    I’ve been thinking about laser treatment for light scarring and pigmentation issues, but haven’t felt the urge to pull that cord just yet.

    January 21, 2022 at 9:10 am #1102009

    Ooh, thanks Wendy. Your friend’s place is super close to me. About a 10 min walk. When I’m ready, I’ll have to check her out.

    Actually, I’m really interested in laser hair removal right now. I might finally bite the bullet and do it.

    January 21, 2022 at 1:04 pm #1102013

    I too am interested in laser hair removal! Especially on my upper lip. I’ve always had hair there and used to get it waxed off. Then the hair on my upper right lip area started to get more coarse as I got older (and a few on my chin) Now they are whisker like and I hate it. I’m always plucking. Waxing it off hurts like hell now and even plucking them out hurts still, but if I do nothing I will look like a guy with a mini mustache!

    Also, before vacation I’m thinking of having my underarms, lower legs, and bikini areas professionally waxed. But my skin is sensitive so I’m thinking of trying in March and if it works getting it again just before leaving. I’m nervous about that. I haven’t shaved those areas in months (don’t laugh! It’s winter and why take the time to shave). Anyone else have experience with waxing?

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    January 21, 2022 at 4:15 pm #1102018

    a week straight of retinol (maybe longer? oops) and i woek up scaley and red. THANK GOODNESS I HAD MY CICAPLAST! all better now 🙂

    i’ve been waxing the bikini forever. I am sensitive, but the alpha hydroxy scrub they have at the eurowax i go to helps a lot with redness and ingrowns. I can’t shave, i look like someone tried to murder me.

    you will never be as smooth as the first time you wax though. Hair grows in cycles. so the first time will be pulling ALL THE HAIRS out and it will be a bit more painful than a monthly habit. At least in my experience.

    January 21, 2022 at 5:09 pm #1102022

    The laser hair removal, I want armpits, legs and bikini line.

    Shaving bothers me. I have to apply lotion immediately after, otherwise my skin burns/itches. We’ll see eventually start traveling again on the regular so not having to shave be a blessing.

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    January 21, 2022 at 8:06 pm #1102027

    I’m curious why anyone doing fillers/Botox should be prepared to get a full facelift. I thought both were temporary and fillers (at least certain kinds) naturally dissolve. (Not sure what happens to Botox when it wears off.)

    I have a fair number of friends already doing Botox, most of whom are early- to mid-30s and doing it preventatively. I’ve given not much thought at all to Botox, though if someone invited me to a Botox party, I’d go. Ha. I’ve given a little thought to fillers to give volume back to the under eye area/diminish dark circles. But not enough thought to actually go see a board certified cosmetic dermatologist and ask them what they recommend. I like the idea of a filler like Sculptra, which stimulates your body to produce its own collagen, but who knows if I’d be a good candidate for that. Other than dark under eye circles, I’m pretty okay with my looks. And the dark circles aren’t so bad that I feel actively self-conscious or anything, but it’d be nice to not look tired all the time.

    I get sorta regular bikini waxes at European Wax Center (it’s a chain here, not sure if it’s national). I’m lax about it in the winter, but it’s nice for summer or before a vacation… swimsuit occasions, basically. I’m sure there are nicer salons for this, but this one works for me. I have sensitive skin, so the immediate result is a red bikini area, but irritation/inflammation pretty goes down quickly. Will never go back to shaving, which was more irritating for me, particularly if I had, for instance, several days in a row where I’d be in a swimsuit. I get an ingrown hair every now and then, but try my best to use the products I own to prevent them.

    January 22, 2022 at 6:48 am #1102036

    I got into watching Lorry Hill’s videos on YouTube. She’s a regular person who’s had a lot of plastic surgery and makes videos about celebs where she meticulously analyzes old and new photos and tells you what she thinks they’ve had done. She’s soooo nice and respectful about it.

    In one of her recent videos she talks about Courtenay Cox. Remember she used a lot of filler and very much changed her looks? It was a LOT of filler and wasn’t placed properly. She had it removed eventually, and Lorry Hill believes she also had a face lift, because the filler would have stretched her skin so that it would need to be tightened once the fillers came out.

    Face lifts are VERY common among celebs. And eye lifts, and lip lifts. The impression I get is that you can do fillers, but they aren’t a solution on their own, and that they do stretch out your skin, and if what you’re after is a smoother younger look, you’re going to have to lift that skin. Like get a bletharoplasty. But what the hell do I really know?

    January 22, 2022 at 7:09 am #1102037

    Here’s that video, or if this doesn’t work, go to Lorry Hill’s channel and you’ll see it: https://youtu.be/nuXgkp-jz-c

    I have some laxity under my eyes and have thought about whether fillers would help. I am sure that some combo of light fillers and Botox would make me look younger, but it would just be temporary I think. I’d have to keep going back for maintenance, and then at some point it’s like, I should have just gotten an eye job. And once I took the fillers out, I’d need one. Again, what the fuck do I even know, but that’s my opinion. I have decided to just go natural. I don’t trust myself to be able to find exactly the right doctor who would know exactly what to do to keep me looking “like me but younger,” without fucking it up, and I’m not prepared to get surgery. Lorry has made videos about her bletharoplasties and face lift, and whoa.

    January 22, 2022 at 9:57 am #1102041

    Also, it’s important to know that almost every celeb has had *surgery.* They are not just doing a little Botox and a little filler. And they’re actively lying to us, and have all kinds of ways of getting away with it. JLo is an example of a bad offender, with her bullshit “olive oil” story. This kind of fuckery makes you think you can – and should! – look way younger than your age. JLo does NOT look like that, and we all need to stop playing into her lies, because it’s toxic. It’s a combination of filters/photoshop and plastic surgery. She is *selling skin care* products and trying to get us to believe we could look like her. Bullshit!!! Pricey skin care, injectables, and fillers (which are the most that these people will admit to) are not going to make you look like JLo, and we should all stop and think about why we think we have to. We don’t. What makes you look good is wearing sunscreen always from birth, not drinking or smoking, and using basic good ingredients like vitamin C and retinol and keeping your skin’s moisture barrier intact. But we’re not gonna look like we’re 30 when we’re 50, because that’s all bullshit.

    January 22, 2022 at 10:22 am #1102042

    You can tell Courtney Cox had a facelift looking at her mouth. It started to stretch across her face like the Joker. She added the fillers in her cheeks and lips and started to look really alien.

    Definitely true on the surgery front. They do small tweaks and lifts, where most normies get surgery at a point where they are major transformations.

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