DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • February 14, 2022 at 12:12 pm #1102635

    We went out to a nice seafood dinner Saturday night and there was no craziness. I wore a dark red velvet cocktail dress I rented.

    February 14, 2022 at 5:42 pm #1102644

    @Copa – I’ve been using that lash serum for about the same amount of time. I’m doing well applying it nearly every night (I’ve missed some nights). Though just looking at my lashes I don’t see much difference but when I put on mascara I feel like they are thicker.So I’ll keep using it for now!

    We aren’t valentine day people either though I loved the day when I was in elementary school. And I loved it when my girls were in elementary.

    I’m making shrimp fajitas for dinner tonight since that is one of the dinners in my HelloFresh orders and I don’t want my shrimp to go bad. I’m still really enjoying HF. It’s nice to just throw the three meals in the fridge and then bam…I don’t have to think much about it. It’s really been helping my stress levels in terms of grocery/food/ planning and buying!

    February 14, 2022 at 7:39 pm #1102647

    Valentines day was Superbowl day here in Aus so I did the nice thing and took the day off to watch it with my husband. I’ve got no idea where he found this love of NFL from but he really appreciated me taking time off to watch it with him. I was really only in it for the halftime show but it was fun.

    February 15, 2022 at 7:54 am #1102655

    I used the Essy serum and had to cut back to every other day because it was working too well. My mom had the same experience.

    Unfortunately, my last tube was nearly empty when it arrived so I switched to a different brand. It’s not as good, but my lashes are staying put.

    February 15, 2022 at 8:33 am #1102657

    I don’t need to use it every day either to maintain the results. That really sucks that they sent out an empty tube. Really hope it was leaky and not used.

    February 15, 2022 at 9:27 am #1102664

    Definitely not used – the brush was pristine. My mom had a similar issue with getting a new tube. Maybe I’ll try again in the spring.

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    February 15, 2022 at 10:05 am #1102668

    @Rangerchic Right now I can only tell a difference when I put on mascara. But my natural eyelashes are not dark, so that’s always been the thing to make a noticeable difference in my eyelashes to me. I’ve thought about doing a lash lift and tint before. Maybe this summer.

    Our neighbor across the hall travels a bit and on two occasions has gifted us his HF boxes when he’s forgotten to cancel before leaving town. I’ve liked the meals we’ve gotten through him quite a bit and portions are generous.

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    February 15, 2022 at 10:11 pm #1102688

    So after our last conversation I went right out and got Retinol and Vitamin C serum (both by Olay) and LaRouche Posay dark spot corrector, and I must say it already seems like it’s working! I have a couple large freckles (grr) on my cheeks and they are becoming less visible. I’m really surprised but happy!

    Also, since this thread is about dates…I had an awesome first date on Saturday night that lasted about 9 hours. It’s very early days but he’s wonderful, brilliant, adorable and funny and seems to really like me, too. I’m seeing him next on Thursday night. Think good thoughts for me, everyone! 🙂 (I met him on Bumble so maybe I’ll get to have my own BG! Haha.)

    February 16, 2022 at 6:03 am #1102689

    That’s great on both counts. Keep us posted!

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    February 16, 2022 at 11:04 am #1102692

    Woohoo! Happy you had a great first date! And that you found some skincare that works for you. Would also love updates if you feel like sharing ’em.

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    February 16, 2022 at 4:11 pm #1102698

    I like HF too but we haven’t gotten it since we moved. It is so convenient and it’s nice not having to chop onions. I feel a little guilty about the waste.

    That is exciting @theladye! I also got vitamin C and retinol (well using up some samples first and then bought TheOrdinary).

    I booked a gel mani Saturday! She asked if I wanted an gel overlay. Had no idea what that was until googling. I’m just going to get a gel manicure now and maybe do an overlay for the wedding? Anyway it’s nice to have some self care. Got a blow out for the first time last weekend before our Valentines dinner which was fun.

    February 16, 2022 at 4:22 pm #1102699

    So the Dazzle Dry does not last like gel. I’m not sure it’s worth the extra cost. I had a dark color that chipped on the 7th day like a regular mani does for me, and now a light color that chipped on the 3rd day. It might be the technique, like they didn’t use all the steps in the system, but I went to 2 different places.

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