DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • This topic has 11,842 replies, 98 voices, and was last updated 1 day ago by ktfran.
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    July 29, 2015 at 5:24 am #369526

    Whelp, no better way to derail a thread of dating and angst than “I’m marrying a phenomenal man!”

    But seriously, congrats on the new job, Lyra! That’s awesome.

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    July 29, 2015 at 5:49 am #369530

    Indeed @Lyra, there must a million tiny little decisions that need to be made. If it were me, I’d have a deep breath and put one foot in front of the other and think about how it will be a great day and the start of your marriage. Everything else is just gravy!

    PS, have gravy at your wedding. mmmm gravy.

    July 29, 2015 at 8:07 am #369538

    I’ll turn this back to dating. Date four tonight in 1.5 weeks! This is the fireworks over Navy Pier date from his patio. Oh… and we’ve been routinely texting in the evening and I think every single night he’s ended it with a “sweet dreams” and I a “sleep tight.” Omg, completely barf worthy, yet I can’t help but smile.

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    July 29, 2015 at 8:10 am #369539

    That’s so sweet @KTFran… he sounds like a keeper! And Veritek’s date is tonight, I hope it goes super well and she gets the kiss!

    July 29, 2015 at 8:12 am #369541

    Agreed! I was going to send a good luck toward the end of the day, so good luck veritek. It’s hard, but try not to overthink it during the date.

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    July 29, 2015 at 8:22 am #369544

    You guys are too sweet! Honestly I’m so swamped with work stuff and tired from working till 10 last night that I’m just too worn out to worry about it lol! But, I’m wearing a fun retro orange dress that shows off my cleavage in a work appropriate way, haha, and my hair is really on point today – so I think I look pretty hot 😉

    I appreciate the good vibes. I’m just going to go go in with a positive attitude that he’s into me and enjoy the ice cream. (Or at least try really hard to do so 🙂 )

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    July 29, 2015 at 8:27 am #369547

    @lyra Wow sounds insane! But as you said in the end you are marrying a great guy! Gah! I agree, I have no idea who would actually enjoy planning a wedding (Except maybe Monica Gellar from FRIENDS), even for me an organizational freak would well freak out! My friend is getting married in two weeks and she has a totally different approach to her planning. It is gonna be a potluck and there is an ‘out shine the bride” competition. So I need to find a ridiculous dress for the wedding now haha Second hand shops are gonna be my friend 😛 So VERY casual and kind of hap hazard, but that is her thing. I don’t imagine I will be going to too many of those kinds of weddings for my future friends. Anyways, Sounds like you have had some amazing luck with work, that is awesome. Things are falling into place 🙂 Okay no more thread jacking! PS. You need to share some pics of the big day with us!! (When, and if you want to, obviously putting your private life online here isn’t obligatory, but in case you are totally comfortable sharing…. :P)

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    July 29, 2015 at 8:30 am #369549

    Also, I am gonna be right on this thread after work tonight to see how your date went @veritek33 ! You can do a really sly move and put some ice cream on your lips, and say ‘hey wanna try my ice cream?’ and pucker up! Hahah okay that probably wont work, buuuuut if you go for a walk with your ice cream you can find a nice quiet place and make a move, or him, whatever works 😛

    July 29, 2015 at 8:39 am #369557

    Ooh, nice veritek! I’m sure you look hot. I like my hair today too! I’m wearing a black, open back maxi and it has a super fun print, almost like feathers, but it’s not feathers. Although, as long as he comes into work today, he’ll see me. Our desks aren’t terribly far apart since my group moved.

    Speaking of us working at the same company. Funny story. Yesterday, I was out to lunch with his boss and another fellow I’m working with who was in town for the day. I work with the VPs and business development, usually. Anyway, we were discussing the upcoming golf tournament. The guy from out of town is coming in again for that and I’m supposed to be on his foursome. I said I wasn’t sure because it’s in the suburbs and I don’t have a car or way to get out there. *J’s boss told me to take a cab and that I could expense it. Then he said, “Oh, you know who lives in the City and is playing in the tournament, *J. I bet he could give you a ride.”

    Hahahahaha. No.

    If we keep going at this rate, I’m guessing this little tidbit of information will be public sooner than I would have liked.

    I will say, when I met *J a few years ago, I thought he was kind of full of himself and so I really didn’t pay much attention to him. But since then, hearing everyone talk about how good he is at his job and how smart he is, etc. I’ve since changed my mind. And now that we’re going on dates, he’s really kind and thoughtful. He’s still a little arrogant, but I get it now.

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    July 29, 2015 at 8:47 am #369559

    @ktfran am I the only one that finds a tiny bit of arrogance hot? Like, HamSandwich is a tiny bit arrogant and I find it a turn on. But like, he has the goods to back up that arrogance if that makes sense?

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    July 29, 2015 at 8:50 am #369564

    Yes my apologies for derailing! Sorry guys!!

    GOOD LUCK to both veritek and ktfran!!! Both sound promising and it will be interesting to hear about how things are unfolding!! 😀

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    July 29, 2015 at 9:43 am #369583

    hey MrMid! How was your airport date last night???

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