DW Community Catch-up Thread
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My Frye sneakers arrived and I really like them! We’re having unseasonably hot weather here the past few days and when we went to turn on our AC for the first time this season, it wasn’t working. That was a few days ago, the AC guy is here now and has been for an hour and a half but things still aren’t working. I mention all of this only because I cannot tell if I should’ve sized up in this shoe because my feet are swollen from the heat, our place has been REALLY toasty since Tuesday.
It’s so effing hot in Chicago. I hope your AC is fixed Copa. Tonight was the first time in the last few days I left the house. I’ve been working 15 hour days and the husband was in LA for work.
We had tickets to Six. I had seen it pre-broadway at the Shakespeare theater here back in 2019. I forgot how good it was, but the original cast is def better. We’re headed to NYC Memorial Day weekend. I think broadway has the most of the original, so I kind of want to go.
I totally identify with Anne of Cleves. Ha.
Everyone see it if you get a chance.
Our AC is working again! Thank goodness. Tuesday and Wednesday nights were miserable trying to sleep in the heat. The dog kept trying to cool off on the bathroom tile. Last night I got in bed maybe five minutes before the boyfriend and was out like a light, didn’t even hear him hop in, and could’ve slept way longer this morning.
I saw Six with my sister a month or so ago. Loved it!! I went in only knowing it was about King Henry’s six wives, but not how the story would be told. It was so high energy and good. Pre-COVID my sister and some gal pals had Broadway season tickets. These friends moved away or scheduling is now too tricky. So I’ve been going with her to some shows lately as she finishes out her tickets from like 2019. We also saw Frozen this year and Moulin Rouge last week. I also loved Moulin Rouge and highly recommend that one. In 2020 we were planning to see Dear Evan Hansen for my her bday but obviously that didn’t happen so we’ll likely go this year and have a 36th bday redo for her.
Wow! I hadn’t used that L’Oreal 8-second wonder water in my hair in a while because I’ve been able to wash and dry on non-humid days. But today is kind of sticky and I needed to wash for the week. I threw on one “dose” of the Wonder Water after shampooing and before conditioning, and once again had a wonderful result after styling. It has never let me down. Again, I’d be hesitant to use a product like this too often because I’d worry about buildup, but it is so great when you need to make sure you have a good hair day.
I wore jeans to the office today. When I was new at this company, I asked the unofficial director of our regional office if there was a dress code. She said no and I wore jeans with a nice blouse on a Friday maybe three or four months into employment. Our executive director happened to be in that Friday and didn’t say anything but the look he gave me… that was my first and only time ever wearing jeans to this job. Until today. I’ve noticed coworkers wearing them the past few weeks and one of my coworkers was even wearing shorts last week (omg I’d neverrrr). I still think I look nice, but because of the look I got like five years ago I feel like this is A Big Thing.
Oh ffs! I work at a conservative investment company, and people were wearing “nice” jeans in 2019 when I started, and now on any given day I see many people in jeans. To give someone a dirty look for wearing jeans is obnoxious and idiotic. Get some priorities.
This totally reminds me of a previous manager. Our “dress code” was that you could wear jeans on Friday’s. But, our office had so many people and departments that people basically wore what they want because each did things a little differently. One day I wasn’t feeling it and wore jeans and a nice top. I had no meetings. And I know I looked better than some people in non-jeans. My manager (who was also a close friend) said something to me. I pointed out that she wears jeans on non-Friday’s. She’s like, “it’s not the same, those are denim trousers”. However, she never wore them again. People can be ridiculous.
I work in the legal space so my company is a bit old-school and slow to adapt, just like the rest of the field and many firms seem to be. The executive director has made a few comments about what I’m wearing. It hasn’t happened in maybe three or four years, though. Not super creepy comments but he’d make “jokes.” Like when I wore a black sheath dress to a meeting I was told would very formal, he commented that I looked like I was going to a funeral. After that on another occasion where I was wearing black, he greeted me with, “Good mourning.” (He spelled it aloud for me so that I’d understand the “joke.”) The first couple times it happened, I tried a polite fake laugh. But after a few times and feeling increasingly WTF, I decided to just stare at him. It wasn’t super regular, but it stopped completely after that. I’ve heard him make comments to other coworkers, like the time he sarcastically commented “nice hair” to a coworker with curly hair on a very humid summer day. It’s dumb. I generally like him and think he’s great at what he does in that role, I suspect he’ll retire within a couple years and it’ll be a big loss for the company, but that kind of behavior… no thanks.