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    August 25, 2022 at 9:09 am #1113093

    I walk by there all the time! I Googled it and I guess it’s a plastic surgeon’s office. So I’d need to talk to a dr. about whether or not fillers would be a viable option for my under eye area, but I have a friend (a pharmacist) who is about as risk averse as people get and has told me to go to a plastic surgeon if I want that because injecting the wrong spot could cause blindness. I’m not sure I do want it — currently at the “I want to learn more from a licensed, reputable medical professional” stage — but want to be discerning about who/where I go should I go that route. I have quite a few friends who have been doing the Botox thing since their 20s — even one guy friend! — but if any have tried fillers, they’re not open about it. I’m not terribly concerned about my wrinkles so have never felt an urge to look into Botox.

    August 25, 2022 at 9:35 am #1115530

    @copa, I think my friend got little botox and I guess fillers under her eyes (I know she did something, but can’t remember what exactly). The thing w/ the fillers is, I guess you have to keep doing it if you go that route? IDK. I haven’t looked into anything yet. I’m not opposed, but I started with the laser hair removal (although that’s on pause until I get this red spot thing figured out) and will go from there 🙂

    Thanks @anonymousse! That’s so annoying about the hives!! I never really had any skin issues until recently. I’m a little on the sensitive side, but other than that, have been fine.

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    August 25, 2022 at 9:39 am #1115610

    I’m glad influencers and people are more open about Botox and treatments. Medspas also kind of weird me out but I was looking at some as they’re the only places with hydrafacials around here. My dermatologist who prescribed me Accutane is also into cosmetic dermatology so I’d like to think I could go there.

    A classmate recently posted how they were updating the firm photos and she didn’t want new photos as she liked the ones 8 years ago. Her male colleague wanted new photos as he would look more professional and distinguished.

    I don’t have anything against people who want work done but this did make me think.

    We recently updated some headshots. I didn’t write about it here but I am fairly certain the advertising company photoshopped my photos so my face would be slimmer. I definitely have gained weight. It is good photoshop and my husband says that I still look like myself unlike some photoshopped headshots I’ve seen at other firms. But it is very embarrassing (hence why I didn’t post here). I don’t think the partners had anything to do with it. Possibly the photographers photoshopped everyone.

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    August 25, 2022 at 10:42 am #1115615

    Fillers are either permanent (silicone) or temporary. If you like the results of the nonpermanent ones, you do have to keep getting it. Otherwise, it dissolves and you go back to “normal.” It’s similar to Botox in that respect. But there are different kinds of fillers with different active ingredients and I’d need a doctor to break that down for me. The one that I think sounds interesting spurs your body to produce its own collagen at the injection site. If I ever go that route, I will take pictures and report back every last detail, haha.

    I guess now that I think about it, I do know one person who told me recently that she does lip filler. I’d not have known since she doesn’t have Kylie lips.

    I don’t think you need to feel embarrassed, @hfantods. Photographers use Photoshop, it’s part of the job. It’s not a reflection on you or your appearance.

    I could stand to get a new headshot. My company does them so infrequently that a lot of us have quite dated ones.

    ETA: I don’t log into LinkedIn very often but did maybe a couple weeks ago and noticed my law school boyfriend recently-ish checked my page. So I checked his. He’s still using our school headshots. We graduated like a decade ago. He has no social media presence at this point and I only ever hear what’s going on with him through a mutual acquaintance, but I’d bet money that his hair has fully betrayed him by now. I think it’s kinda funny when people are still using a headshot that no longer looks like them. An old director two companies ago was in his 70s but still using a pic from probably his early 50s.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Avatar photoCopa.
    August 26, 2022 at 6:35 pm #1115634

    I have a diagnosis! It’s a rash. Not contagious. Acronym is PLC. Cause is unknown. It just appears. To help clear up, I’ll be on a z-pack for 8 weeks and I’ll go in a couple times a week for phototherapy. And… it could come back. Fun times.

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    August 26, 2022 at 9:34 pm #1115637

    @ktfran I’m glad you have a diagnosis! And a treatment plan.

    So off topic, but the boyfriend’s stepdad is in remission from colon cancer but has had some lingering issues since. Those issues became more frequent, so he had elective surgery two weeks ago and at first his recovery was going smoothly, but recently it has taken a turn. He’s not recovering as expected. His mom is understandably stressed and upset. We are now planning to spend at least tomorrow at the hospital with her. If anyone has any advice for how to be supportive (this weekend and as he recovers), I’m all ears. I feel like I’m not great at this stuff and never know what to do or how to help.

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    August 28, 2022 at 10:14 pm #1115656

    @Copa, that’s so hard and it’s so nice of you to be there for your boyfriend. Whenever something like this happens, I try to think about what I would need if it were me in the situation/what would make my life easier. Often, that has to do with being available to do little things or admin things so the people most affected don’t have to. In your situation, I can imagine it might look like: making sure everyone has water/a drink of their choice. Making sure everyone eats by ordering food and picking it up or having it delivered. Maybe driving your boyfriend and dropping him off and finding parking rather than him having to worry about doing it. Taking games/puzzles to occupy endless hours in the hospital. Have tissues to give his mom if she needs. Ask about fond memories like vacations or holidays or good family stories. These are all just off the top of my head – use what you can! 🙂

    And now for something totally different: I wanted to hop on here and thank everyone who recommended the eyelash serum from Amazon to me awhile ago. I’ve been using it for a little over a month and yesterday I went to a baby shower and put on mascara for the first time since I started using it, and I can definitely tell a difference! (My lashes are blond – redhead! – so I couldn’t really tell before that.) I curled my lashes like I always do and really took time with the mascara. I wouldn’t say they looked like false lashes but they looked pretty darn long for real ones! I’ll be using the serum every night!

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    August 29, 2022 at 9:22 am #1115660

    Thanks, @LadyE. We ended up not going to the hospital as planned because the boyfriend was sick all weekend. One of my cousins was in town two weekends ago and spent one night at our place. She tested positive for COVID a few days later, after she’d returned home (her third(!) time having it). So we’ve been testing daily, always negative. But he was so exhausted over the weekend that he spent all of Saturday afternoon sleeping and yesterday he said he had bad brain fog, so he decided to lay low again. We decided it was best not to go to a hospital. The boyfriend seemed more himself by last night and have since heard his stepdad’s condition improved over the weekend.

    He had COVID around this time last year, maybe two weeks before a trip out west to see my family and I was worried we’d not be able to go if I got sick, too. So of course we’re now about a week out from a trip out west to see my family and I’m once again worried about getting whatever he has.

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    August 31, 2022 at 9:25 am #1115715

    So for the first time since working hybrid, I forgot something I need in the office. And will be OOO for a week soon so need to schlep downtown to get it. I’m so annoyed with myself. I wasn’t planning to change out of joggers or put myself together today but now I feel like I have to.

    August 31, 2022 at 9:30 am #1115717

    Wow, so sorry, Copa.

    And Ktfran, glad you have a diagnosis and treatment.

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    August 31, 2022 at 9:49 am #1115719

    It’s definitely a first world problem and I knew eventually it’d happen with all the back and forth. But still annoying to have to go down there and back on a day I wasn’t planning to.

    August 31, 2022 at 10:07 am #1115720

    Was it your laptop charger?

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