DW Community Catch-up Thread
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Dear Wendy.
That’s great! Hope it had the result you want and makes you feel like your best self.
I guess surprisingly, I haven’t done anything like Botox or fillers or lasers, and most likely won’t, since I’m 47 at this point so if I was gonna do it, I would have done it. But I do professionally color my hair (very high end dye job) and keep it in a cut that’s youthful, and get blowouts. And dress “young” and wear makeup and stuff.Nice copa! Where did you go? My friend gets some light under eye work at a place on Southport that she loves.
I’m hoping to get back to my laser hair treatments soon. I had to quit because of the rash, which I had 27 phototherapy treatments for.
Omg, I get my colored and cut every six weeks, religiously. The color could probably go every 8 weeks, but the pixie cut could not. I could actually use a cut every 5. That last week is painful. Ha.
EDT: laser hair removal.
EDT: the phototherapy gave me a very light tan. I was up to 4 minutes or so each session, starting at 32 seconds.
I did do laser tattoo removal of a dumb ugly tattoo I got at age 19 in a bus. Holy hell, did the laser shit hurt! I had 8 sessions, at $150 a pop, and it’s not completely gone. And this was for a small tattoo that originally probably cost $40.
I would advise the young folks that to avoid the need for any face lasering later in life, go crazy with the sunscreen, every day, and start using vitamin c serum and retinol in your 20s.
My laser hair removal is legs, extended bikini line and armpits. It only really hurts around the ankles and a little bit on the bikini line.
I decided to finally do it because my sensitive skin HATES shaving. Like, I had to use a body scrub every time I shaved. Then shave with a sharp razor. Then apply lotion immediately after otherwise it would feel like my legs were burning. It SUCKED.
I have naturally coarse, thick hair, so I guess that might have contributed to the irritation.
It made it a pain while traveling, especially since I usually carry on vs. checked luggage.
January 6, 2023 at 2:47 pm #1117983I also haven’t had any botox or filler and doubt I will – I’m already 46 – but never say never, I guess. I did get some laser treatment on my freckles/ sun spots a few years ago. I guess its been four years now. And I’m so glad I did that and I would definitely do it again if I feel the need. I’d also like to get my teeth whitened but I do a thing at home that I got from my dentist and required getting a mold made of my mouth. I’m supposed to do this treatment – it’s a five day treatment, one hour each night – every six months and it’s probably been 18 months since I last did it and I can tell. I gotta do it this week, for real.
I don’t get my hair colored and I rarely every get my nails do. But I do get a good haircut every 3 months or so and I wear make-up nearly every day, even if I don’t go anywhere, I just like to wear it. I don’t wear foundation though; I hate foundation.
ConradPetersen Dermatology in Lakeview East. I was nervous and the doctor (I see Dr. Conrad) was great about that. She took a conservative approach and did everything light-handed, saying she’d allow me to do more of both if I want, but won’t do it any sooner than six weeks out and encouraged me to wait a little longer than that to decide if I want it. The Botox is more preventative than anything. (I got 19 units and my friends who do it seem to be in the 50-70 range. I don’t want a paralyzed forehead.) The under eye area… yeah, it was pretty hollow and therefore dark, which did bug me. I did my best with brighteners and makeup, never felt like they did much. I scheduled it for a Friday not knowing what I’d look like immediately after, but after about 30 minutes, I could’ve gone anywhere. I wish I’d taken a before photo so I could compare in a week or two, but I know they did at the doctor’s office.
Maybe a couple months ago at work, we were interviewing for an open role. IDK if this is a total dick comment, but I was kind of shocked by how smooth one candidate’s face looked in comparison to her neck. I was expecting someone younger based off her college graduation year.
One of my friends is currently doing laster tattoo removal and said it hurts FAR worse than her tattoo did.
Oh yeah, freckles, that’s a different thing. Not a sun damage thing, but genetic I guess? I’d like to do a couple things to my teeth too but haven’t gotten around to it.
I do enjoy a tinted sunscreen product! A foundation not so much, it can emphasize things I don’t want it to.
Also, yeah, I feel like for younger generations, there’s way better skincare advice out there than there was when I was in my teens and 20s. SO many women I know in my age range did the tanning bed thing in their teens. I did it a little bit, too, and regret it. I’m diligent about skin checks now. My mom and her friends used to rub (I think) coconut oil on themselves, then lay out. A dermatologist once corrected her when she made reference to her freckles — told her that they were sun damage, not freckles.
Re: Tanning – my phototherapy treatment, they had me put sunscreen on any place I didn’t have spots. WELL, the only place that didn’t have spots was my face/neck. Everywhere else, I had to put vaseline. It sucked, being covered in vaseline from shoulders to toes. So gross! I went through three tubes.
Phototherapy is basically a stand up tanning bed. Had to wear those goggles too.
That sounds like a good way to go, @copa!
I’ve noticed more actives on shelves, even with more drugstore brands. Wish they were available before I dropped $$$ on Drunk Elephant.
Coincidentally I am getting a long overdue haircut tomorrow. I have gotten my nails done for a few rounds recently but my nail tech increased her prices so not sure anymore. To be fair she was undercharging. She’s 19 and such an entrepreneur! But anyway she is charging more market rates and I don’t know if I want to spend that.
@ktfran I started following a few of running accounts on social media in the past couple years. I learned that in weather that’s too cold for shorts but too hot for leggings, some runners will smear vaseline on their legs. Hard pass over here. I’d rather be too cold or too hot. LOL.
I did Zoom whitening at my dentist once years ago when they had a promo deal. My dentist’s office seems to offer discounts going into every summer. I’d do it again. The dental assistant told me that if I got drugstore whitening strips, I’d be able to maintain that level of whiteness. I did not listen. I’m currently doing Invisalign and have thought about doing it again when my treatment is finished in spring.
@hfantods I like the Drunk Elephant cleansing balm, but otherwise didn’t care for the products I’ve tried from that brand. I don’t get my nails done very often, but have also noticed an uptick in prices.I have a tiny bit of swelling under my eyes this morning, which I suspected would happen while I was laying down at night. No redness or bruising. The Botox feels interesting. One aversion I had to it all these years is that friends would tell me you can feel it. I had comparatively little injected and it’s only been a day, so both may be contributing factors, but I’d not describe it that way. Right now I’d say my forehead feels relaxed. There’s no heaviness.
AnonymousseJanuary 7, 2023 at 11:20 am #1118001I just bought cool polishes from this brand Death Valley Nails…I have not received them yet but I’m psyched because they have 10 free vegan polish that’s color changing in heat or photochromatic (sun), regular polish, a lot of options. I have a seven year old so I got some fun colors, but I also got some me colors. My friend told me about them and I was influenced.
I used to (this sounds crazy, I know) bike to work even in deep snow in the winter in Oregon (studded cyclocross tires) I know that is different than running, however it’s like, extra hard to peddle in snow, no matter what so it’s like peddling four times as hard for the same distance. I am just the person who is always overheated exercising, and I would be blazing hot. I wore this thin as hell coat that was slightly thicker than a windbreaker and would give myself a mini shower with baby or face wipes and change my clothes before I stepped out for work.
I drive now!