DW Community Catch-up Thread
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Dear Wendy.
February 1, 2023 at 9:53 am #1118515
I’m 46, btw, and general peri symptoms started about three years ago, really coinciding with the start of Covid so I think I attributed changes to pandemic-related stress but in retrospect I think it was probably more peri symptoms (but stress too). What a nutty time that was.
February 1, 2023 at 10:16 am #1118517Yeah, it feels counterintuitive to open a window when it’s 20 degrees outside but it sure helps. I forgot to open a window before I fell asleep last night so Drew opened one before he went to bed. He woke up this morning exclaiming how cold it was in the room – I was not cold at all! – and it made me feel grateful he’s sacrificing his own comfort so I can sleep (which, let’s face it, benefits him too. Having a chronically sleep-deprived wife has to be a lil miserable).
We also usually go on some kind of trip in January or February. I like getting out of the cold this time of year, Chicago winters are brutal and its nice to break it up. We’ve done Hawaii, skipped a year, and Mexico the past two years. Both times in Mexico, we did a few days in a city and then a few days at a beach before heading back. Our few days at the beach this year was for a friend’s wedding. I wish we’d had one more day there, to get a day in without any wedding events on the agenda. I was not built for multi-day wedding celebrations, but had a blast.
I’m mid-30s, so not going through perimenopause, but in the past few years I’ve started to get really hot at night. The boyfriend and I are never hot or cold at the same time. Every night when we get in bed, I’m freezing and he’s a furnace. But I guess after I fall asleep I heat up because I kick all the blankets and sheets off, I’ll toss and turn if it’s too hot for me. By morning, I’m comfortable and the boyfriend is freezing cold.
I started running hot at night a few years ago and sleep better when it’s cooler. What I’ve experienced twice now is not like that at all. Wendy’s description of a furnace is better than mine of boiling. I’ve never felt such intense hotness within my being. The first time, it lasted during the day too. Actually about two days straight. The second, it wasn’t quite a full day.
The no temperature and no other symptoms made me think of peri. And honestly, I don’t know that I’d know much about it if it weren’t for this site and Wendy, so thank you! People don’t talk about it. The first time, I might have called my doctor because I’m like WTF am I feeling!?!
February 1, 2023 at 12:45 pm #1118520Ha, I have close friends who are a few years older and talk about their hot flashes and other symptoms, so I knew a little bit. I shared a room last spring on weekend trip with one friend who’s 51 and she brought a lil fan with her that she kept on her nightstand and turned on high speed all night. She said once peri started a few years earlier, she never traveled anywhere without a fan, even if it meant carrying it on the plane in a carryon bag.
February 1, 2023 at 12:46 pm #1118521Ha, I have close friends who are a few years older and talk about their hot flashes and other symptoms, so I knew a little bit. I shared a room last spring on weekend trip with one friend who’s 51 and she brought a lil fan with her that she kept on her nightstand and turned on high speed all night. She said once peri started a few years earlier, she never traveled anywhere without a fan, even if it meant carrying it on the plane in a carryon bag.
February 1, 2023 at 3:35 pm #1118523Timely! https://www.instagram.com/p/CoIKcjgOHSR/?igshid=MDM4ZDc5MmU=
February 1, 2023 at 4:42 pm #1118524I’m 47 and also going through perimenopause. It sucks! I do like Wendy’s description of a hot flash, that’s about how mine are. I do sweat a little (mostly around my boobs) but not soaking the sheets. I’m lookin for better “cooling” sheets so if anyone has any recs? Also, the portable fan idea, I think I’m going to steal that for my nightstand! I’d open a window but i can hear cars and it can get too loud.
We are going to Salem in October! I’m really excited about going (though I know it’ll be crazy busy). When I bought the flights, I extended the stay a couple of days so we could explore Boston, except I couldn’t find a reasonable hotel in Boston. Most were $350 a night or more. So we will go to Portland Maine, it was cheaper to do that than to stay in Boston.
I was just diagnosed with carpel tunnel today. It’s actually pretty painful. Waiting on ortho to call to see if I need surgery. PSA: Be sure, if you use a computer a lot (or any repetitive motion) take lots of breaks and have the appropriate “gear”. I didn’t take enough precautions.
We recently switched to a brand of sheets called Sheex. They’re performance wear-inspired and we saw them on some “best sheets for hot sleepers” list, then realized they’re the same brand the boyfriend’s stepmom uses and we liked them when we visited. They’re supposed to help keep you cool and wick sweat away if you’re a sweater. I can’t say I’ve noticed a tremendous difference, but maybe worth reading some reviews.
Salem in October sounds found! I’d love to visit New England in early fall.
LisforLeslieFebruary 1, 2023 at 5:02 pm #1118526Haven’t gotten the hot flashes yet, but my senses go into overtime and I can smell everything. It’s … unpleasant at times. And the first signs of perimenopause started with light headedness that turned into vertigo. At least that’s what the neurologist said. The first time I had vertigo was highly unpleasant. The vertigo only happens when I’m prone, never upright. So when I feel it coming on, I just roll into it and it’s over pretty quickly. The lightheadedness persists through the day, just turning from sink to island is disorienting. Super fun!
I look forward to hot flashes and vertigo simultaneously.