DW Community Catch-up Thread
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Dear Wendy.
AnonymousseJune 15, 2023 at 9:13 am #1123135
OMG, Copa, I love that. I have also been on that page before trying to get one on the day… anyway, that’s so cool that your family has been doing that for 100 years! We’ve gone to (I think) an impressive array of NPs but we’ve been on hold for a few years. I need to get back at it.
It’s a fun tradition. I can’t go every year because I don’t live in the area — for the family that never left the west coast, it’s a few hours away by car — but I love when I’m able to make it happen. We went last September and it was so fun to take my boyfriend, but it’s just not the same in September. The waterfalls were mostly dried up and last year it was really hazy from wildfires. A big handful of my cousins have started their own families in the past few years and we think it’d be fun to introduce the “next generation” to the tradition.
LisforLeslieJune 19, 2023 at 6:10 am #1123143Went to Sarasota for the weekend. It was lovely. Took the scenic route there – all farms. Visited the home/ museum of John Ringling (circus dude) who built this gorgeous and tacky and beautiful mansion right on the water. The guy literally built a museum next to his home and filled it with art. It’s right next to the New College, the college that the governor is trying to decimate.
We also went to an evening radio reading at a bookstore. 5 actors and sound effects reading ghost stories from 1800’s, Poe, Dickens and someone else that I forgot. It was delightful. On the last day we went to the botanical gardens which are gorgeous.
And I will say, we are totally off season now and everywhere we went was crowded as hell. I can’t even imagine how crowded it would be during winter.
June 19, 2023 at 8:02 am #1123144That sounds fun, Leslie!
Last weekend I went to Hyde Park with a friend who is obsessed with the Roosevelts. I watched the Ed Burns 14-hour documentary before we went (well, I managed to watch 11 hours before we left and I finished the final three after I returned). In Hyde park, we visited the Roosevelt homes (well, the main home and Eleanor’s cottage; we didn’t make it to FDR’s getaway house; it’s it funny that each had a home that they went to to get away from each other/ FDR’s mom?).AnonymousseJune 19, 2023 at 8:20 am #1123145I am not a scholar of the Roosevelts, but I’ve read a lot about Eleanor and actually kind of named my daughter after her. Your trip looked really fun, Wendy.
I had a dumb weekend of ER visits, finding a very swollen cyst in my jaw, my son’s birthday party (not dumb) and Father’s Day. We were supposed to be going to VT a few days ago. I’m sad my body keeps ruining my fun plans. I’m seeing a specialist later today who will hopefully take care of my problem but now I’m just sitting around feeling anxious. ☹️
Sounds like great weekend activities! We had a beauty of a weekend here. Did a run with an event work sponsored. It wasn’t horrible haha. Looked at paint colours. Our house is mainly a light blue which is fine but there are brown accent walls which we don’t like. Thinking of other accent walls — maybe grey or tan or just white? White would be clean and fresh but maybe boring?
I deleted Instagram and Facebook from my phone (again…). I plan to only look at those sites on my laptop.
My friend’s mom passed away. I won’t be able to go to her visitation. I can only think of sending a card and making a donation as requested. Right now he is ok for meals and such so he says
Edit: just saw anon’s post. Ugh hope your cyst is ok.
This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by
AnonymousseJune 19, 2023 at 2:02 pm #1123154So…I had my appointment. And I’m pretty sure the next step is surgery, but the man wouldn’t say, he wants the top dr. in Philly to take a look. They drained it with a needle, no anesthesia. I almost fainted. I’m worried although these things are normally benign. I am mostly sad that my VT plans are kaput for awhile.
Miss MJJune 19, 2023 at 4:31 pm #1123155Sending good thoughts your way @Anon.
Leslie and Wendy – sounds like y’all had fun weekends. We went to a Foo Fighters concert over the weekend. My husband has wanted to see them go and we had plans to go last year, but then Taylor Hawkins died and, well, yeah. I’m glad he got to see them now and it was a good show, even for me who doesn’t really follow them.
@hfantods, we have light blue walls with a dark blue/gray accent and it works (Behr Adirondack blue accent to be precise) if you don’t want to repaint everything. I’m sorry about your friend’s mom. A card and donation are really nice. As is just being there to talk or listen.June 20, 2023 at 5:50 am #1123159Anon, sorry about your health issues. Hope they are resolved asap!
This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by