DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • This topic has 11,842 replies, 98 voices, and was last updated 1 day ago by ktfran.
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  • June 30, 2023 at 9:10 pm #1123540

    Semi-formal wedding, is it ok to wear all black?

    I read somewhere recently that you shouldn’t wear black to a wedding?!?

    It’s all evening. Not like a day church thing.

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    July 1, 2023 at 6:00 am #1123541

    I’ve never heard that you shouldn’t wear black to a wedding! I’ve seen it many times. I’ve done it before. Especially if it means wearing something you already have in your closet vs. buying something new.

    I’ve been doing Nuuly and both weddings I went to in June were formal. I wore the same rented dress twice. I loved it! It was supposed to be midi length, but on me, it was a maxi dress. I debated buying it so that I could alter the straps instead of pinning them, but decided against it. I don’t have a single wedding on the horizon after last weekend.

    Semi-speaking of weddings, my company has been talking about getting us all new professional headshots. Our HQ office did it, but my office hasn’t yet. Well, maybe two weekends ago, we were at a wedding and my hair looked amazing. I used Canva AI to turn a group photo from that wedding into a professional headshot for free. It’s not perfect — I’d still like a professional one — but it’s pretty good and the technology is so cool IMO.

    July 1, 2023 at 9:06 am #1123544

    I think all black to an evening wedding sounds pretty chic.

    July 1, 2023 at 12:39 pm #1123545

    I’ve typically worn black to most evening weddings. There was some advice blog not too long ago and a lot of the commenters were against black for weddings, so I was second guessing my choices.

    I had an impeccable black lace dress that I wore a lot. While I haven’t gained weight, my proportions are a little different and my dress no longer fits comfortably. I’m on the search for another.

    This one is on super sale, so am considering. But nervous because no returns.


    July 1, 2023 at 3:40 pm #1123546

    I think black to a wedding is fine. Especially if that’s your usual vibe.

    July 5, 2023 at 6:49 am #1123547

    Black at a wedding is fine. There had been an informal rule, but at this point, the only rule is no white – all other colors are fine.

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    July 5, 2023 at 7:08 am #1123548

    Very specific, but has anyone tried the brand Typology? It’s a French skincare brand, but they sell tinted face serums and lip oils that I’m curious about.

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    July 5, 2023 at 11:13 am #1123550

    Also. When I interviewed for the job I posted about in April or so, I felt during my panel interview that one of my interviewers was kinda salty toward me in his line of questioning. I wondered if he’d thrown his hat in the ring for the job I was interviewing for and been rejected, or whether I was completely misperceiving tone. He ended up getting the job, though at a lower level than what had been posted. Makes sense to promote internally and I believe what’s meant for me won’t pass me by, but kind of feeling like they could’ve promoted the guy without making me interview with so many folks.

    July 5, 2023 at 11:51 am #1123552

    @Copa It seems like that’s the way it goes. Hiring managers know the internal person they want to promote, but jump through the hoops of interviewing outside candidates anyways. Hiring in this day and age is a stupid joke.

    July 5, 2023 at 2:57 pm #1123556

    Eh, sometimes it’s true. But it sounds like they were looking for a unicorn and decided they didn’t find one at the price they wanted to pay so they’ll give this guy a chance. I wouldn’t read too much into it.

    Having him sit on the interview panel doesn’t seem quite right though… maybe a reddish flag, slightly beige-ified?

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    July 5, 2023 at 3:19 pm #1123557

    It’s fine that I didn’t get the job! If I’m a finalist for a job I do tend to look online later to see if I can find who got it. Sheer curiosity. Just kinda interesting to see that I was not imagining this guy having an attitude toward me. I assume he was the one doing the heavy lifting after the departures that created the vacancies I interviewed for, without the extra pay or recognition, so can’t say I blame him.

    July 6, 2023 at 6:07 pm #1123558

    Shit hit the fan a bit around our place yesterday. My husband has been a bit cagey of late but I didn’t really register why until he finally started talking last night. He had a really thorough physical through work and his cholesterol is super high, his blood pressure is through the roof, they’re worried he has diabetes and his mental health is an absolute disaster. The doctor wasn’t going to let him leave his office until he was signed off on immediate stress leave.

    I knew his anxiety was getting worse but I didn’t know how much worse until he said that. He has a big work trip he has to go on next week for a month and he’s adamant on going, I just hope he can handle it until he gets back. I’ll ensure he gets put on leave the second he returns I know that much. It’s all paid so that’s not a concern but jesus, the man is a ticking time bomb. He desperately needs a new job, that much is obvious, I just hope now he’s getting mental health care that he can take some leave and sort himself out a bit before he goes for it.

    I’m trying not to worry about our future income prospects as that feels pretty mercenary but we also can’t afford for him to go for a job that doesn’t pay relative to what he’s making now, and those income levels all come with stress. It’s all a bit bleak atm.

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