DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • July 6, 2023 at 6:16 pm #1123559

    What is causing him so much stress there? And is there a way for him to stay at that job but just have a complete mind shift or something and start approaching it differently?

    July 6, 2023 at 6:54 pm #1123560

    The biggest and most obvious thing is his PTSD. He does deal with a lot of nonsense but he also doesn’t realise the way he handles things doesn’t help. He’s so highly strung these days he can’t just let little things go or play the political game in order to solve an issue. He’s a hammer and everything looks like a nail.

    The job gave him PTSD so I don’t think there’s a way he could stay in it and have the treatment be successful. But he’s in no shape to go on a job hunt right now either. I just hope he can make it to stress leave.

    July 6, 2023 at 7:20 pm #1123561

    Jesus, I hope so too. This job gave him PTSD??? Ohh right, I just remembered he’s military right, or former military? And he can’t really get mental health help because they’d hold it against him, is that it? Or is he able to get treatment?

    July 6, 2023 at 7:34 pm #1123562

    Yeah he’s military and if he was to continue in the job he would have to be careful. Thankfully I think knowing he could take a really long stress leave to sort himself out and look for something new has helped him not care so much about his future there. Plus they would still pay for the treatment even if he left.

    July 6, 2023 at 7:34 pm #1123563

    Yeah he’s military and if he was to continue in the job he would have to be careful. Thankfully I think knowing he could take a really long stress leave to sort himself out and look for something new has helped him not care so much about his future there. Plus they would still pay for the treatment even if he left.

    July 7, 2023 at 5:06 am #1123564

    Oof – so medication is totally off the table right now. As a temporary fix, can he download a biofeedback app that helps him measure his stress during the day to alert him to raising stress levels or is that going to lead to issues?

    Also, and this is just a temp fix – can you encourage him to spend 10 minutes a day with no media, no phone, no nothing. There have been studies that a short daily meditation reduces stress. 10 minutes at the beginning or end of his day might help him.

    July 7, 2023 at 5:27 pm #1123565

    He will likely get medication when he goes to the psychiatrist in September, it feels like ages away.

    I’ll encourage him to try and find an app, that’s a great idea. Whether or not he’ll use it I don’t know. He even said to me last night he’s not sure if he can trust his own judgement anymore. The doctor gave him some sort of stress test and he scored 48 out of 50.

    July 7, 2023 at 6:23 pm #1123566

    Yikes! Hopefully he’ll try some meditation or deep breathing until he can get to the doctor.

    July 7, 2023 at 7:32 pm #1123567

    In the us I think you can go to hims.com and see a Dr and get antidepressants (which are often also anti anxiety on the cheap. My lexapro is not through there but it’s less than $15/month probably.

    Surgery went awesome. I’m alive and happy.

    July 7, 2023 at 9:30 pm #1123568

    Anonymousse – Glad to hear that your larrynectomy went well!

    July 8, 2023 at 1:26 am #1123569

    Glad the surgery went well! That must be a load off your mind. Bye, Larry!

    All husband’s medical is covered by military thank god. Even I can get some free counselling if I want. He finds out if he has diabetes on Tuesday, the day before he’s supposed to go away. I think if he does I will probably put my foot down, he’ll need to start learning how to manage that and he can’t do it while he’s away from his doctors.

    July 8, 2023 at 6:48 am #1123570

    Yes, goodbye forever, Larry! I had a parotidectomey. It’s a salivary gland.

    As I arrived at the surgical hospital (it’s all Penn Med now) I realized it is the nation’s first hospital founded in 1751, where my grandmother did her residency about 70 years ago. She later ran the medical center in the college in my hometown. Miss her everyday, but feeling that connection made me feel comforted and like she was there a little bit.

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