DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • LisforLeslie
    July 11, 2023 at 11:45 am #1123663

    Not vain at all – just remember that what you see 100x magnified, no one else even registers. Also, if you need a ego boost, go visit an elderly relative or take some donuts to a nursing home. They can’t see the wrinkles or the scars and they’ll tell you how lovely you are.

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    July 11, 2023 at 11:50 am #1123667

    Congrats on the new site Wendy!

    Agree with copa, anon. Not vain. Wishing you a smooth recovery. Also placed holds on those books!

    I’m also on escitalopram. I weaned off it for family planning even though it is mostly ok to be pregnant and taking SSRIs. I wasn’t really sure if it was doing anything. And then once I was totally off it I was feeling really on edge. So I am back on it at a minimal dose. Still I should get back into meditation that’s a good reminder. I’m also seeing my therapist every other week. Unfortunately that’s not covered by my insurance but it’s worth it.

    I’m sorry for what you are going through with your husband, Ange.

    July 11, 2023 at 2:29 pm #1123670

    Thanks so much hfantods. The good news is he isn’t diabetic, and he finally saw reason and agreed to not go on that big exercise for a month. Because of that he was able to see a doc and get some anti-depressants yesterday. They’ve given him a couple of days off and then he can go back and reassess.

    Some very small wins, I’ll take it for now.

    July 11, 2023 at 2:29 pm #1123671

    Thanks so much hfantods. The good news is he isn’t diabetic, and he finally saw reason and agreed to not go on that big exercise for a month. Because of that he was able to see a doc and get some anti-depressants yesterday. They’ve given him a couple of days off and then he can go back and reassess.

    Some very small wins, I’ll take it for now.

    July 11, 2023 at 7:23 pm #1123683

    Thanks, everyone. I love this site and community you’ve built and sustained, Wendy.

    July 12, 2023 at 8:14 am #1123684

    The site looks great, Wendy!! As my niece used to say, it’s fun and fresh. Although now she’s say “slay”. I wasn’t able to log in, so I’m not sure if this post will work?

    Anon, I definitely don’t think your vain! It be a little weirded out too. I wish you a swift recovery. And ange, I’m glad your husband can get some help sooner rahter than later. What a relief that must be for be for you.

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    July 12, 2023 at 9:27 am #1123687

    Thanks, KT! It looks like your post was published. Are you still having issues logging in? Anyone else?

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    July 12, 2023 at 11:44 am #1123709

    I had to click a couple links to login. I also wasn’t sure if I would post under my username.

    July 13, 2023 at 7:54 am #1123736

    I haven’t been able to officially login for awhile, and I don’t get an email about it like the site used to say if you forgot your password, not even in junk folders, but I don’t care because I can still post.

    July 13, 2023 at 9:24 am #1123737

    I figured it out! And was still able to post before I could. Thanks Wendy!

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    July 13, 2023 at 10:56 am #1123738

    Ok, good – glad everyone’s able to post who wants to. I have a meeting with the developer tomorrow, so I’ll ask about login issues.

    Bear with me as I navigate the learning curve of this new (to me) website platform. I still have yet yo figure out how to make the homepage look how I want it. But I’ll get there eventually. Priority is always making sure we all can connect with each other, and that seems to be working (and I was not sure at all that it would right away), so that’s good.

    Thanks, everyone!

    July 15, 2023 at 7:13 pm #1123808

    Guys, this is kind of stupid but bear with me. I am reducing my medical thc usage. As I’m cutting down, I’m dreaming so much, which is sadly, kind of why I like weed. You don’t remember your dreams. I sort of want to quit altogether, but I also don’t want to?

    Last night I dreamt that my family and I were visiting my abusive ex that I lived with for like 6 years during college. I really, really fell for him, really hard. And kept going back, even when he was outrageously terrible. It was the lowest point, for me, when I finally actually left him. I had debased myself to stay in a relationship with him for too long. He’s been coming up in my dreams once in awhile for months. My therapist and I are working on it, but you know, face surgery has taken precedence.

    Anyway, back to the dream.
    It was like I was visiting Boston, my college town, the ex and our beautiful old apartment in Cambridge between the old Necco factory and tootsie factory. And the whole time in my head in the dream, (yes, I even have a subconscious there) I’m like, why on earth are we here with him?!? and uncomfortable.

    And in the dream, I wake up at 2 am and walk out into the living room and find my 9 year old son hanging out with him, alone. I woke up with a start, dripping in sweat.

    Isn’t it sad this guy has haunted my dreams since 2006ish?

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