DW Community Catch-up Thread
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Dear Wendy.
ktfranAugust 29, 2023 at 3:45 pm #1125112
Ugh. Sorry. One more post for the soup lovers. This one can only be made in the summer because you need fresh corn. The cobs are used as part of the stock.
I made it three times last summer and twice this summer. Both the husband I adore it. I always serve with a baguette. Sometimes, we’ll add lump crab meat to the bowl before serving. Delish.
I love food, if that’s not apparent.
@TheLadyE How are you doing now? I’m sorry for your health issues. I imagine it feels different being told you can’t have kids vs. thinking “maybe someday…” or deciding it’s not for you. I’ve never felt a pull to have kids, but if a doctor told me I couldn’t have them, IDK that I wouldn’t have a reaction.
@ktfran I will probably make that corn soup soon. The bf loves corn and I love soup!TheLadyEAugust 30, 2023 at 12:53 am #1125114Thanks so much for asking, Copa! I really appreciate it. The last 2 years have been really hard and kind of a blur. Thankfully my heart is doing better and I’m no longer in right-sided heart failure. Now, it’s the long process of getting my body back to where it used to be. I spent all of last year and honestly a lot of this year sleeping or in bed when I wasn’t working, and I’ve become so de-conditioned and have gained a ton of weight. I now feel awful because of it not just mentally but physically. So, going to try to find some solutions with my doctors and I’m getting back into exercising – what I can! I went swimming for an hour today. 🙂
When I walk around the mall or the grocery store, I have to either use a walker (oh so fun) or a cart to help. Walking around the mall with oxygen and a walker at 40 (and I’m 4’10” so I’m sure I look younger) gets me a ton of stares. Over Christmas, an 80-something year old man jumped up to give me his seat at Starbucks because the place was packed. Even more ironically, the walker has a seat on it. Lol. That was…humbling.
Yeah, it’s weird because it’s basically a certainty now rather than a “probably not” or even “eh” that I can’t have kids. I guess a part of me always thought maybe it might happen, but as I have continued to be single at 40 it’s much less likely anyway, even apart from my health problems. Ironically, the parts of my body that are actually used to make a baby work totally fine! Zero problems! But the parts trying to keep ME alive, well, struggle.
I did go to the Mayo Clinic last year for a consult and I got to go to the Mall of America and see Minnesota, so that was…kinda fun? It was cool to see the midwest; I’ve never been there! We flew through Midway airport. I’d love to go back and see Chicago properly someday. Chicago PD is my favorite show!
August 30, 2023 at 12:33 pm #1125118@Ktfran – I’m jealous of your tomatoes but that was nice your parents brought you some!
@TheladyE I hope you continue to improve and get better. Sorry you are having to deal with so many health issues.I follow you on instagram @DW and your kids are adorable! In a way I wish I would have had my kids when I was older but that is not how it worked out for me. I feel like I know myself better now than when my kids were young but the upside is I still feel young (mostly lol) and the spouse and I can travel off season.
Looking forward to the corn soup! And more soups for the season! I don’t usually make many soups but I want to make more this season.
Off topic, but has anyone ever worked with a career coach before? Through my alumni association, I have a few free sessions with one. I feel like I have nothing to lose with the freebie sessions, but I know the end game is trying to sell me on one of their services, so thought I’d ask if anyone in this online community has worked with one before and if they found it valuable.
AngeSeptember 1, 2023 at 3:45 am #1125167I’m sorry to hear about everything you’ve been through LadyE, I’m glad there have been some improvements at least.
Copa I’ve met with a career coach before. I was made redundant from a job a long time ago and as part of that they set me up with a career coach for a few sessions. I didn’t mind it, she helped me narrow down what I might want to do next and went over my resume and things like that. As a paid service I probably wouldn’t do it though as I’ve never had trouble getting jobs and nothing she did was so revolutionary I’d spend a chunk of money on it. You sound pretty capable too so I imagine you’ll probably be about the same. Taking advantage of a bit of a free refresh could never be a bad thing to try.
TheLadyESeptember 6, 2023 at 12:48 am #1125321@LisforLeslie The pulmonologist at Mayo basically told me to go home and get an echocardiogram to diagnose pulmonary hypertension (which was my final diagnosis) and that I should consider a lung transplant in the future. (!!) My current doctor (PH specialist) says we are nowhere near a lung transplant. I don’t really want one; it sounds terrifying.
@Copa, I’ve never worked with a career coach but I got really lucky in a job 10 years ago where I had a manager/mentor who helped me to figure out where my strengths are and gave me opportunities to pursue a career path where I could thrive. However, I know that *he* has used a career coach/life coach in the past and found it really helpful. For me, if I was considering it, I would try to work out what my goals would be in using one and then being sure to have action items or real tangible things to come out of the sessions. It would be kind of how I would see a personal trainer or a dietician. Like, I generally know what I should be doing; I would only hire someone if I were really stuck. Does that resonate?
So y’all, something I recently figured out (more health stuff) is – I was put on a different brand of birth control back in May or June, and while it was supposedly the same ingredients, I think it really messed with me. I got very depressed, had no energy, ZERO sex drive, literally everything just got sort of gray and bland. I also packed on more than 10 pounds. I stopped taking it when it started interacting poorly with my pulmonary hypertension meds and I just got sick of the side effects (constant spotting, TMI, sorry). However, I haven’t gotten back on it and it’s like my personality is back, like I can see colors again, I’m finding joy in the world. I got on Ozempic this past week as well because I am ridiculously overweight for a 4’10” lady and I lost 3lbs over the weekend. Maybe part of all this in the last few months was this birth control? Who knows, but I feel like I am *almost* myself after a verrrry long time so I think I’m done with hormonal birth control. Maybe forever? Wow.
I’m glad you’re starting to feel better TheLadyE. Maybe this will be good material for stand up in a few years time? My brother is a respirologist (I think equivalent of the US pulmonlogist) who specializes in lung transplants. Seems like it is life changing for certain patients. I’m sure you’re getting solid information.