DW Community Catch-up Thread
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Dear Wendy.
It was an emotional rollercoaster for sure. I kept telling myself that when something worked out, it’d feel like everything worked out as it meant to. And it’s cheesy, but that is how I feel right now. This role is better suited for me than others I was a finalist for, while still allowing room for growth, and I felt at ease/like I really meshed with the team. Hope to continue feeling that way.
I wish you luck in your continued job search, PTL! It’s not the easiest market out there for job seekers right now.
That’s exciting, bm! I’m sure it’s a lot but sounds like you’re doing the right things. Can’t wait to hear about awesome dates.
Thank you PTL! I also have good news —- I accepted a job offer for that job I interviewed for in July! Looking back with my therapist, I have been talking about making the move to this area since I started with her four years ago. So it’s really happening. It was emotional giving my notice after so long. Everyone has said that this move makes sense for me.
Good luck with your job search PTL. I feel like this is a good career change year for DWers
I’m creeping up on a month at the new job and glad I made the move. There’s more variety in what I do. My team is fantastic. I’m engaged in work again. There’s a lot to learn still, which sometimes feels like a lot, but I’ll enjoy the honeymoon while it lasts.
I did learn by talking to my former boss that my last company’s dysfunction ran deeper than I realized and started at the top. The executive director was/is well aware that one department was floundering even after they were fully staffed. Sounds like he was refusing to fire anyone despite mounting pressure to do so from people like my old boss and other high-level management because he was scared of a discrimination lawsuit. The director with oversight of that department also did nothing, just relied on people like me from other departments to pick up the slack. One woman in that department did end up getting fired not too long after I left — of the year and a half she worked there, turns out she was on a PIP for a year and three months(!!!) with no improvement. An old coworker also agreed to absorb my old job into her existing job and I can tell it’s not going well. I left 5-6 weeks ago and she’s still texting me regularly to ask kinda weird questions about how to handle different issues that pop up, and I can tell from the company’s website that she’s not finished much to completion. So. I was sad to leave that organization, but think it was ultimately for the best.
How is everyone else?
September 22, 2024 at 6:59 am #1130233Really glad you are settling in at your new job, Copa, and that you’re happy with your decision to leave the old one.
All’s well here. I am gearing up for an active few weeks – we’re going to Chicago in two weeks for our friends’ wedding, for which I was asked to write something to read (public speaking isn’t really my thing, so I’m nervous about that part). Then two weeks after that, we have Jackson’s bar mitzvah (just a small, mostly family one that we’re having in the private room of a very nice restaurant). And lots of smaller things in between all that as well as planning our trip to Japan in the spring.
Today is the first day of fall – my favorite season in nyc. We’re going to game one of the wnba play-offs this afternoon (our team, the liberty, is ranked #1 and is perfectly-positioned to win its very first championship this year). The Yankees also have a good shot at making it to the World Series, and of course, we are hoping the fall season is capped off with another very important win in November!
LisforLeslieSeptember 23, 2024 at 6:14 am #1130237Copa – sounds like it was the right move. I’m glad that so far things are on the up and up. At some point, you’ll have to drop the rope to your old job though.
Wendy – sometimes I forget that your kid and my nephew are the same age… Mazel Tov to the fam. I’ll be heading up north for the kiddo’s event. I have patiently sat through two ‘closet shopping’ sessions at my mom’s house while she planned each day’s outfits. I bought shapewear and am also shopping in my closet.
Work has been a bitch and have worked every weekend in September. It’s my own fault for not micromanaging a couple of team members who were just not delivering quality. But it’s almost done and I’ll learn from this.
September 23, 2024 at 6:54 am #1130238Mazel Tov to your and your fam, too, Leslie! And don’t even get me started on the outfit planning and shopping. I think I’ve got both kids’ outfits complete, but am still deliberating about my own.
Hope your workload eases up a bit soon!I actually work with my old company and role a bit at my new job. Learning the depth of the dysfunction was validating — I kept second guessing my decision to leave during my notice period.
Meant to mention re: Japan that we’ve decided to forgo the rail passes. I thought we’d do a weeklong pass but according to all the calculators we’ll save money without it. Will report back. I think we leave 5 weeks from tomorrow!
October 9, 2024 at 9:22 am #1133534It’s been quiet on the forum lately. How’s every doing?
I’m quite good here. That date turned in to several more and it’s great.
I’m also running an after school D&D group for middle-schoolers and I love them so much. I adore my socially awkward little weirdoes so much. You think they are so precious and then they hit you with a cutting remark that cuts you down to size.
For example, I was helping my youngest student build his character, when suddenly he gets quiet and stares at his character sheet.
“Hey bud, everything okay?”
“Yeah, I’m just kind of nervous.”
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?”
“What if you’re like, really bad at running this game?”
I cackled inside but kept a straight face.