Difficult situation
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- This topic has 174 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 12 months ago by
March 16, 2018 at 9:48 am #743402
“But please tone down in your feministic political views, pretty please.”
Hahh no thanks.
Omg! How’d I miss this yesterday? I have nothing to add to this, but yikes! You should very seriously consider therapy, LW. I agree with everyone else who think you’re acting creepy and entitled, but it sounds like you also have self-esteem and self-confidence issues to work through and that I think are contributing to your creeper behavior.
SherBearMarch 16, 2018 at 10:16 am #743408Uuggghhh WHY WOULD YOU TEXT HER AGAIN?? Like of course you’re not going to a party together after not speaking for weeks – you wanted to corner her and put her on the defensive with the whole ‘I don’t hold up my end of the deal’…way to be a complete and total jackass!! Every single person told you to leave her alone and yet you still had to try and get that last word in. And there was no break up bc you guys were never together. If she were writing in for advice we’d all be saying to block your number bc you’re a creep with ZERO RESPECT for women’s boundaries!!
March 16, 2018 at 10:28 am #743409Hey Hans, you know how you repeatedly told me to stop posting? And I didn’t?
Doesn’t feel good when someone doesn’t respect your wishes, does it?Go fuck yourself with a cactus, buddy. You aren’t a good guy, that’s why women don’t stick around. You are a scary creep, obsessive with violent fantasies. It’s all right under the surface and women can sense it. We learn from a young age how to let down men easy, because so many are entitled pieces of crap, like you. Not all men, nope, not by a long shot. But you take rejection as a personal insult, when it’s not. You need real help. But I doubt you’ll ever get it, because you are too cowardly to dig deeper with a professional. You know the problem is inside yourself.
All your complexes—-we ALL have that. Or other crap we are all struggling with. It doesn’t matter or make you special. It’s not an excuse for not respecting boundaries, CLEAR BOUNDARIES. How many different ways do you need to hear NO??
Men’s rights activists from reddit aren’t bearers of good advice, and you’ll find the women around you can pick up on misogyny pretty quick.
Do better. Even your male friends tell you to back off, JFC.
Get a hobby. Read a real book. Better yourself and please get real help before you try “dating” again.He actually even dead-ass said he always gets dumped and it ends in drama and him being angry at the girl. That kind of anger at women becomes apparent pretty quickly and makes them shut you down. And you end up a lonely, angry, men’s rights keyboard warrior.
VathenaMarch 16, 2018 at 10:56 am #743414Hans: I met this girl and it seemed like things were going great, then she told me she wasn’t really interested anymore. Should I keep asking and asking and asking for a SPECIFIC REASON WHY she’s not interested?
Everyone: No. She’s not interested. That’s all the information you need. Find someone else to date.
Hans: But she really should clarify for me exactly WHY she wouldn’t date me, because I am God’s gift to everyone.
Everyone: Dude. No. She wasn’t feeling it anymore. Leave her alone.
Hans: But I HAVE PROBLEMS! I can’t feel better about anything until she helps me fix my problems! She owes me an explanation! She said she didn’t want a relationship, so I think she should not get into a relationship with anyone but me, and I made sure to tell her that, because I am into HONESTY!
Everyone: She said that because she was letting you down gently, as all women have been conditioned to do, because otherwise the guy could get angry and try to hurt them. The real reason she ended it is because she’s not feeling it, period, the end.
Hans: But if I knew why, I could improve myself! Is my hair a half inch too short? Is it because I wear pleated jeans? Is it because I’m a thinly veiled misogynist?
Everyone: If you want to improve yourself, seek counseling. She is not obligated to help you. She is not interested. Leave her alone.
Hans: Everyone, go f*ck yourselves with a cactus!!! *flounce*
Haha, I love it when, on the radio, they do that thing where they act out a really crazy Facebook fight, each taking different roles. And on CNN lately on the morning show they’ve been doing “dramatic readings,” like of the exchange between Trump and Trudeau about trade deficits, from the transcript where Trump was boasting about it.
I’d love a dramatic reading of some of these threads. My top pick would obviously be Sarah B, but this one would be cool too.
@Hhans, Internet advice forums can be helpful. But they aren’t a cliff-notes alternative for counseling. You aren’t typically with trained therapists who are spending their time helping you to develop insight into patterns and behaviors. You are getting an array of people’s opinions that may or may not feel good to read. In the off chance you are still reading any of these responses, this is my opinion. You are immature. We all start off as children. But adults who behave immaturely are often avoided by other healthy adults. My opinion of you being emotionally immature is derived from your desire to manipulate or otherwise coerce a woman to have sex with you despite her being clear that she is reluctant.
“I’ve been friend zoned, that’s pretty much certain.”
“BUT I feel it is because of her idea that I’m in love with her”It doesn’t matter if you think she has the wrong idea.
“ I really want to tell her what I think of this,”
“BUT I feel the more serious I’d get in on this “issue”, the more it would push her away.”You know full stop. You don’t care about whether she wishes to further experience physical sex with you. You are hoping she will go against her own thoughts and instincts.
“Maybe I should just stop giving her attention, somehow make know that I’m seeing other girls?”
“BUT this one is one that I really don’t want to let go like that.”
This is attempting to manipulate someone into paying attention to you. It is an emotionally immature desire to control when and how someone else stops paying attention to you.“Don’t need the “you got friend zoned brah, move on”. Thanks.”
This line is why I didn’t even bother, before. This line is why you sound like a creep. Childish men view women as toys and think they should be able to play as they want to with women. Children have adults who keep them safe. Grown men don’t. It is nobody’s duty to explain the world to you in a way which gels and makes you acknowledge them as a different, equal person. When full grown males act as though the world is a video game, others are going to perceive them as potential threats. You come across as threatening, whether you are just going to be a nuisance or whether you will end up a stalker isn’t a given to anyone here. Hence the reactions you received.
March 16, 2018 at 11:21 am #743422It’s also a self fulfilling prophecy. You aren’t ready to respect women, you know they won’t go for the “real” you and as soon as they start to know you better, they back away, slowly and gently because you fucking scare them.
I’ve felt physically repulsed by men that I thought were great at one point. My body and my intuition knew better. Thank god for that.
i just wrote half a page in reply and it didn’t come through 🙁
really, i appreciate everyone taking their time to reply here.
im feeling like A LOT of the things i typed on here are getting misinterpreted as fuck. A LOT.i agree, it would actually be funny to hear a dramatic reading.
Thing is, people, i see where i’m in the wrong. I understand this comes over as very obsessive and i do not want to be that guy, really. I have the clarity i wanted, and i didn’t get it from her but from you people. It’s just that i am young and confused, because if you tell me you want to stay friends, still want to go out on dates, to parties, let me sleep over, chill at my place, i will get in on that. Is that me being naive? Because in all honesty, you don’t need to say things like that to me. I am the calmest man you will come across. It’s the one thing people describe me like: calm. I have never lashed out to anyone in my life. But i do understand her point of view, and as what youve all said, girls would be conditioned to be nice when rejecting someone, i get it.
I also don’t consider myself a gift from god, those were here literal words, which made it all the more confusing for me. It did boost my confidence a bit (with which i have major problems normally). I know i have it in my to initially spark a girl’s interest, and in this case i feel like i blew it by showing myself to be too avaliable, too desperate for affection even. In trut: these thoughts ive shared with you all only start when faced with rejection. So i accept what you all say: i become obsessive when that happens. And i don’t want that to happen. But it can’t be the cause of her losing interest. impossibly.