Difficult situation
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- This topic has 174 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 12 months ago by
March 16, 2018 at 6:53 am #743359
I had a busy day yesterday and am just catching up on this thread now. On my. I’m in for a DDWKS bracelet, fyi.
March 16, 2018 at 7:04 am #743364Oh gosh, I mean, it brings me back to so many times in college and post-college when a guy felt really entitled to not just my ongoing affection and time and interest — simply because I’d expressed a kernel of interest at some point in time — but to a clear explanation about why I was no longer interested. And that explanation had to spare his ego and somehow make it about how I’m really the problem (led him on, just don’t know what I want, am dishonest, etc.), all while imparting some lesson for him, some sort of feedback, so that he could improve his game for the next girl. The behavior is misogynistic. It reduces women to object to be won over. i.e. “The other guy charmed her more…”
March 16, 2018 at 7:24 am #743367I think it’s pretty rude to start pointing fingers at me, Hans.
Your dismissal and finger pointing proves my point of why she dangles on the edge of a full on hurtful explanation for you— she knows you’ll probably get angry or mean.LisforLeslie, thanks for the reply. My problem is she confused me a lot by saying the things she said. She made it seem like everything would stay the same and nothing would change. That’s just being dishonest, while i prefer to get the hard truth. While i understand it can be hard to do that. She left me in a very grey zone which is in my opinion a recipe for weird situations, clarity is very important. I have actually been on the other side of such a situation as well. Where a girl suddenly is all over me and i don’t really see it happening. In each case, i was brutally honest.
New update: We had made a ‘deal’ some time ago (after the ‘break up’) where she asked me to come to a certain party that’s today. I told her sure, if you’re coming to this party next month. Hadn’t heard from her so i texted her: “I won’t be able to come tonight, in case you were wondering. So i broke my part of the deal and it’s up to you if you want to uphold your part.” Response: “I’m not sure bc i don’t have any money for tickets right now so i’ll see what my friend is going to do.” Before, she was very very excited to go with me to this party of my choice and kept talking about it. So i responded with: “Ok, got it.” and ignored her response. It’s clear to me now, really. But at least i was able to send a message id not be chasing her. As i said i rarely show my true emotion and hate to burn bridges, yet it’s better to do so sometimes, i guess. Helps for closure, which is what i need, i really thought about every comment here, too.
And yes, maybe i was being in denial for a time. Mind you, i am in fact a lot younger then most of you here and have no freaking clue on how to deal with stuff like this. So really, with all my heart, everyone straight up giving me shit can go F themselves with a cactus. As if none of you ever struggled with love and whatnot. Worst kind of people, honestly.
Dear Wendy, I. DO. NOT. FEEL. ENTITLED. for anything. I feel like i need to know these things in order to deal with the situation, move on, and learn to get to know myself and my emotions. She does not owe me anything. My choice of words may not always have been the best, as English is not my first language. But yes, i feel like the other guy made a bigger impression than me, obviously, you could say that the other way around and it wouldn’t be considered ‘sexist’, right? Jesus. But i feel like i caused this to stop, that it’s some deficit i have, something i’m missing. Wouldn’t you be looking for answers if you’d feel like that? Maybe it is in fact wrong to go bother her with my problems, which is what im learning on this forum, yes thank you. I have to be able to find closure from myself. But according to you i am a bad person because of my inability to do that? Geez.
You people have been a great help, for which my thank. But please tone down in your feministic political views, pretty please. We’re young, this whole thing was never serious and i never ever pushed anything onto her. I never invaded her personal space with my questions or issues. I have no idea what this bracelet thing means but it sounds like you’re seeing me as some fuckin sexual predator. Now that’s VERY exagerrated.
It’s funny because ive also posted this exact same thing on another board that was predominantly male. They were actually able to understand the problem while giving the same advice as you all did: leave it alone, don’t think about it, see other people and don’t bother her with the serious stuff. Yet they never felt the need to talk down on me nor feel morally superior in some way like you did. I am a young male with emotional problems. Way to go for some of you, some of you should get a load of themselves. And the stereotype for women goes they’d be more caring and whatnot. Plus I also started replying really late. I didn’t see there were already 4 pages of comments so i replied to the last one on page 1, while the other three were already spiralling down in frustrating comments while i had had no say at all.
Conclusion: you guys gave me good advice, im going to leave it as it is. I will most certainly see her again in the future, not intentionally, but within a few months probably. By then id have found rest and we should be able to have a chat again. If she shows interest again, i know what to do and what not to.
Honestly there is a bigger picture here. I’m not just frustrated by the fact that i lost her interest in me. Ive got complexes, unprocessed personal history and was heavily addicted to weed and videogames. When i met her it felt like a finally woke up from a 5 year long haze. I quit weed and gaming, put 200% effort in school, got a job and all. And she was connected to the change. Because of it all, i was literally living on a cloud for two months, everything was great. So this is a hard, hard comedown. It’s difficult to not relapse which is why i was desperate for closure. And desperation does not bring about the brightest ideas.
March 16, 2018 at 8:00 am #743375And now the anger, the name-calling, and the threats (“Go F yourselves with a catcus”? You’re a twerp). Yep, just like I remember from boys in college who didn’t like what they heard. And color me shocked that a forum full of men didn’t tell you that the way you are behaving is sexist. And, please: “Dear Wendy, I. DO. NOT. FEEL. ENTITLED. for anything. I feel like i need to know these things in order to deal with the situation, move on, and learn to get to know myself and my emotions.” That’s epitome of entitlement!! That you want something that isn’t being offered to you and so you continue to press for it it, calling it a NEED.” No, you don’t need it. You want it. And you keep pressing for it even though this girl has been pretty clear that she’s over you. MOA. MOVE ON ALREADY. Leave this girl alone.
Dear Wendy. I’m sorry but i have the idea you fail to grasp the concept of my post here. I did not press her for anything, i was thinking in doing so, which is exactly what im asking advice for.
I have a very graphic way of speaking, i’m not threatening anyone, im just telling them to fuck off if they haven’t got anything helpful to say.
And again, i haven’t continued to press anything. At all. You really don’t get it, do you? I said i want it, didn’t i? That i feel like i need it, not actually need it. And i said i didn’t have any contact since our last face to face conversation, didn’t i? i said i’d move on, didn’t i? I said i’d leave it as it is, didn’t i?
Seriously, stop assuming things. This has gotten way out of hand and i feel like im debating lonely frustrated SJW feminist internet keyboard warriors. But yeah, in America everything is sexist and racist, am i right? Political correctness in overdrive.
I am going to leave it here.
Everyone who took the time to read my post and formulate a genuine helpful response, big thank you.
Everyone who gives me shit for feeling the way i do (i don’t know what to feel, honestly, confusion?) from the ‘moral high ground’, go Fuck yourselves and please do have fun doing it. (i understand harshness can make one think too. Y’all take me way too serious).Goodbye 🙂