And I didn’t want pity or anyone to feel bad for me… I just want it to stop… It’s old news now. It’s from last year for god’s sake. I’m over it & him & I want to forward not back.
I don’t mind gravy. But dear lord I have never understood the love of stuffing. I have tried it every few years made all different ways and my departed Mexican grandmother made the only stuffing that isn’t like charcoal.
Normal mashed potatoes rock. Do you like them with salt or without? Milk or sour cream.
And that’s awesome that you’re looking forward to your life. We’re happy you didn’t get with him, especially since he ended up being shady.
Well shit, let’s look forward! What do you see for yourself in the next 3-5 years, Sarah?
Ok, no more interacting or name-checking Sarah unless you directly asks a question. Sarah, despite your name-calling and threats and wishing us to die, I bet most of us actually do hope the best for you and care for your well-being. I hope you have people in your life you can talk to. You’re welcome to ask for help here, too, but you’d have to stop calling us a bunch of bitches and whores.
…and cunts. She called us cunts too. 
Kay…. Alright.. It was said out of anger.. Didn’t mean the names… And I don’t know I just know I want to be an actress. I hope with a good degree.
I got called names too, like stupid. And I’m really not I’m actually very smart. So yeah but again alright. I just want to start from scratch & forget this.
That’s cool! Are you taking drama or acting classes?
Yes, I am I love acting. I’m not that good yet but I am working my best to be the best I can be. I always loved it ever since I was a kid so I’m hoping.
I hope it works out for you.