Home / Forums / Advice & Chat / I have a MAJOR crush on my married boss!
Sarah. Please stop calling people names. Notice how no one has retaliated back and called you anything. I know you feel like people are ganging up on you but calling people names isn’t going to solve anything. It’s NEVER ok to call people the names you are using here. Never.
Totally with Jlyfsh on this one. @ Kate HAHAHAH!That’s awesome. Lyra, hon, you have such a sweet and kind soul, but BGM is right. When the best thing you can come up with is “choke on a dick”, your argument is automatically invalidated. At that point, I have ZERO sympathy if you get flamed.
@veritek I’m not in small town mid-Missouri and I’m almost positive that its not 14 years ago, so I’m all set. My sister lives near one but won’t go because she doesn’t like the food even though she’ll eat at Hometown/Old Country Buffet.
haha, bgm. it’s a very real death threat to me.
Kate, you’re awesome Who else thinks that the OP is actually one of those MRAs trolling a site with members who are predominately intelligent females? Just me? OK…*takes a sip of beer & sits back to wait*…