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I was on honor roll, I was president of my senior class and then I went to a fancy private school and got a degree I don’t use! But I’m pretty smart and witty.
How did I miss this all day? I was home too because of Family Day in Canada, I cleaned the whole apartment but I should have been watching this instead. Cinnamon rolls, choking on dicks, harassment, and internet police, oh my. Funny story about choking on dicks, one time a girl was performing oral on me, and she said “make me choke on it” and I was like “ok, I guess” but in my head I was like, “that doesn’t sound fun at all, why would anyone want to choke on a dick, but I guess I should try and assist her with this”
*Raised hand* I was on Honor Roll. And Dean’s List all through college. And I have a Master’s Degree in criminal behavior. And I got a full ride scholarship to an uppity private college. And… I’ve run out of things to brag about. Except my mighty gag reflex.
Blasphemy – that’s to all this orange cinnamon roll minus the cinnamon talk.
Ohhh ohhh, honour roll here !!! And a degree!!!That I definitely don’t use