And it has seriously been a year?!? WOW!
No she did not just come out of the woodwork 5 minutes after being name-dropped.
Jesus give this girl a fucking rest. basically siring the pot and being bullies…ladies? Oh and sorry…POSSIBLY gentlemen
Right no one has a life on here. Get the fuck over it already you are all so fucking childish & you would think after a year u would all get over it. And actually u were all wrong about what u said anyway. Some of you made sense but most of u were just being cunts cuz guess what that shit happens all the time with married ppl. Grow up and leave me alone k thanks bye
I cannot believe it’s been a year!
I’m sure Wendy only gets asked about how you know you found the one once a year, totally weird for her to post a column about that! (that was sarcasm)
And as far as I can see Wendy u are a whore cuz u are always posting about different men. Lol bye whore don’t respond
Can we please have an update? Pretty please!!!! Or at least a story or call us all names just to relive those memories.
So what’s happened over the past year? Anything could have happened.
Holy Moses–one year!! And, really, no one HAS to respond, nor do they HAVE TO subscribe to this site. They CHOSE to…. Gheesh.
How bout you just kill yourself? You don’t deserve the shit off my ass