Home / Forums / Advice & Chat / I have a MAJOR crush on my married boss!
This is the Internet Police. Everyone here is charged with harrassment and a fine will be issued for the incorrect use of dick-choking invectives. Per comedian Louis CK, it is more appropriate to use the “Go suck a bag of dicks” idiom. Choking is implied.
Just catching up on this after getting dinner ready for my family (meatloaf, cheddar broccoli, and mashed potatoes), getting the baby bathed and to bed and getting jackson to sleep, and then cleaning up (also, jackson is on school break this week, so I had both kids all day, so sorry, Anon, for reposting the “How Did You Know You Found the One” thread — I’ll have to give you a refund on what you pay to read this site). This was way better than the last half of this week’s Bachelor I was going to watch. Thanks, Sarah b!
Alright, confession. I consider myself a decent cook but for some reason I always fuck up mashed potatoes. I either boil too long or not enough. Wendy talking about mashed potatoes made me think of this. Especially since I tried again last week. I’m annoyed all over again.
I love this gem “That is why the divorce rate is high bc it doesn’t always work ” because I guess it didn’t dawn on her that homewreckers contribute to those relationships not working. So willing to sleep with a married coworker, and yet calling him shady. Such a hypocrite.
(oh, from Merriam-Webster dictionary:
hypocrite – a person who claims or pretends to have certain beliefs about what is right but who behaves in a way that disagrees with those beliefs)