Home / Forums / Advice & Chat / Is he the uncle or father? Please help…advice needed.
I only scanned all the comments aimed toward me… sorry, but I am just not concerned with what any of you have to say about me. You say it more for other commenters to read. Be as snarky as you wish. What little I do read I find so off base it is comical.
BTW…I was not taken from my parents exactly…I went to my principal and essentially requested child services.
I wasn’t clear about that because I didn’t think the details were important. I was lucky, foster care wasn’t a picnic…but I came out of it ok. Many do not.
My Mother was a drug addict also (the issues I mentioned were my father, step mother and my half brothers my step mother being the worst of them and behind most of it) she (my birth mother)got clean and straightened her life up. Many of the people I grew up around got sober and stayed sober. (Many of the ones who didn’t ended up dead.) To suggest I think drug addicts are great parents is ridiculous. I think many of you missed the point I was trying to make altogether. That doesn’t matter because my comments were for the LW and not for the rest of you. My mistake was to directly respond to any of you. I won’t do that anymore.
As far as the Mom. I don’t know if she really knew who the dad was for sure or if she claimed she was certain it was the man that passed because she didn’t want her family to know there was another possible father.
I don’t believe LWs anger is so much because the mother was sleeping with both her sons. I think her anger was because the child was hidden from her and she believes her son who passed should have known he possibly had a child.
Any responses anyone wants to direct towards me are a waste of your time. I don’t really read them. This isn’t about me.
I live a nice drug-free life with a nice relatively normal family. I am happy despite my crazy childhood.