Job Hunting Advice!

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  • This topic has 101 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Avatar photoCopa.
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    February 22, 2017 at 10:28 am #674863

    Yes and it’s even better they’ve called you back for a second interview, they obviously think you can do the job! Fingers crossed for you!

    And I’d be just as panicked as you were, I don’t think it’s a bad thing to chase up – it shows you’re eager for the job. 😉

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    February 22, 2017 at 10:43 am #674869

    Yeah, they confirmed the interview time by phone yesterday, and said they’d follow up by e-mail with interview details and some information about their benefits package. Still waiting on that e-mail, and I’m annoyed.

    I interviewed at a very large, very well-known law firm in December and found their HR somewhat appalling to work with when it came to scheduling my in-person interview. We had planned it for maybe a Tuesday morning, and most of Monday came and went without any confirmation, so I called the interviewer. She was all, “J/K! That time doesn’t work for the hiring manager! Let’s aim for the same time on Thursday.” Most of Wednesday came and went, and again, no confirmation. SO I called my HR contact again and left a message. Within about 10 minutes she sent me the confirmation e-mail. I’m not sure if this is normal, but it gave me so much anxiety to see the minutes of the day ticking away and not having any kind of confirmation about my 8 a.m. interview! This is the same firm that said they’d have an answer for me one way or another in January. February is now almost over and I’ve reached out twice and gotten an “Oh, the hiring manager hasn’t decided yet!” response. So. I’m not a fan of their processes and have decided to move on.

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    February 22, 2017 at 11:36 am #674879

    Yeah, it makes you crazy doesn’t it? The place I’m going to sent my boss a reference check before I had the contract. Bad juju.

    Then it took them over a week to confirm with me my start date… I am thinking of raising it with them when I’m in situ, I got an email from my contact (the person who’s job I’m taking over) saying that he had been out due to a family emergency and that’s why I hadn’t heard from him.

    I guess these things happen sometimes. That’s why they need us right, to be more efficient?!

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    February 22, 2017 at 1:20 pm #674884

    Good luck on your interview Copa!

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    February 22, 2017 at 3:10 pm #674897

    I just got back to my desk after a few back-to-back meetings and got the e-mail with all of the details. It’s a four-person panel. Yikes! I’m nervous. 🙂

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    February 23, 2017 at 5:24 am #674927

    Whoa that’s intense! It’s good to be a bit nervous but you’ll be fine, be confident in yourself!

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    February 23, 2017 at 11:52 am #674967

    A four-person panel is intense, but in my office, we don’t bring out the full panel until we’re ready to hire someone. Also, we do mini 15-minute interviews with each so we don’t grill a candidate. Hopefully that’s the case for you. Best of luck!

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    February 23, 2017 at 3:11 pm #675003

    I think it went well. It was pretty relaxed, and I made everyone laugh. So, fingers crossed that it went well AND that I’m the best candidate. 🙂

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    February 24, 2017 at 5:31 am #675035

    Fantastic, well done @Copa!!! I shall keep everything crossed for you

    February 24, 2017 at 11:36 am #675070

    I just met with the CEO of a tech company and I really liked him. I didn’t get a crazy or arrogant or weird vibe from him at all, and I’m used to crazy CEOs. I met him at the Ritz, which is fun, and I met the hiring manager last week at a coffee shop. It keeps feeling like a good online date that could go somewhere. I don’t think there are any “next steps” after this, so I hope they also feel like it’s a fit. They seem to.

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    February 24, 2017 at 1:41 pm #675085

    Is it acceptable to send thank you e-mails to interviewers who did not provide you with their contact information? (The information is easily accessible on the website.)

    When my current company hired me, I had an offer letter the day after my final interview. The company prior was within a few business days. So, I’m antsy. My confidence right now may come back to bite me in the ass if/when I’m rejected, because I KNOW having a good interview doesn’t mean I am the best person they met, but I don’t anticipate they’ll take long to extend an offer to someone. So I keep refreshing my e-mail thinking maaaybe they’ll move as fast as my current company did.

    February 24, 2017 at 2:01 pm #675089

    Yes, you should send them emails.

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