Job Hunting Advice!
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- This topic has 101 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by
I sent out all of my thank yous after the workday ended on Friday, and received a couple pleasant responses in return that indicated they’d let me know “soon.” Last night I was tossing and turning and having stress dreams about work that included being offered this job but the offer not being legit. Will be relieved when I receive a response one way or another, but man, interviewing is a lot of effort and I need to learn to emotionally detach from the process.
Just got the call from the director of the department that I’m being offered the job! Written agreement to follow soon, and I plan to ask to have the weekend to review everything. The pay bump isn’t quite what I’d hoped for (10 percent), but the benefits at this place are WAY better than what I have now from the overview I was given during the interview process. (Company pays healthcare premiums – YES!) Kinda nervous right now.
Thanks! Right direction, I think, yes. I was targeting one specific type of job within law firms, and this is within the industry but not at a firm. So, not quite what I was aiming for, but right direction — and I’ve had a lot of issues with my boss at my current job, want to move on sooner rather than later, and knew I’d be a good candidate for this place. The job is a step up in title (it’s manager-level, which would be brand new to me), pay, and benefits, and has potential for growth (to director-level), so all the benefits taken together compounded with current work issues make it very appealing. I’m impatient waiting on the written offer so I can review everything and make a final decision, but am leaning toward getting outta this joint.
Of course, I also thought my current job was the next step in the right direction and was wrong, so I think I’m hyper-aware that every time you change jobs, there’s risk involved. My fear is jumping form bad to worse, but I suppose I stand that risk no matter when or where I make a move.
I started looking last October! I’ve had a few interviews at other places, but one company rejected me and the other is taking its sweet, sweet time. I started this thread knowing I wanted to ramp up my search this year — my current job is not ideal — but looks like I won’t have to. (Although, I’m STILL waiting on the offer letter so I suppose it’s not official until I have that in my hands.)
Okay, so, as I’ve mentioned on here, about a week ago I was offered a new job, and as of yesterday, everything is official. Start date on the offer letter is 2.5 weeks away, and I was planning to put my notice in on Monday.
Of course, yesterday I also get a call from a law firm I interviewed at 3(!) months ago. The last time I reached out to their HR was sometime last month asking for an updated hiring timeline, and that e-mail was ignored. I assumed I wasn’t getting the job and moved on. But they asked if I’m available tomorrow or Friday to speak with the hiring manager by phone. I said yes, and told them about the other job off (at the time, I had nothing in writing, so did not consider anything official) and mentioned acceptance still wasn’t finalized.
At this point in time, is there any harm at least speaking to the hiring manager to see what she has to say? I guess I’m curious to see if they WILL offer me a job after all, and IF that happens, how bad it would be, professionally to back out of the job I’ve already accepted. Thoughts? (Yes, still a lot of speculation at this point, and while I don’t want to waste anyone’s time, I’m super curious about what my chat with the hiring manager will be like tomorrow.)
No. This company does things differently from others I’ve worked at. We discussed details by phone, then they sent a confirmation letter. They signed it, I don’t. I’m assuming it’s just as official, but no other company I’ve worked for has ever done it this way.
Like, I don’t think there’s any harm in talking to the hiring manager on the phone, but I’d guess it might lead to another round of interviews, rather than an immediate offer.
If you signed the other offer and back out, it sucks for them because they may not have anyone else great to give the job to at this point, and they’ll be annoyed. It could hurt your rep. And you definitely wouldn’t want to do it without another offer you want to take, which could take long enough that a few weeks go by and the firm that gave you the first offer is really pissed.
Did you accept the offer in writing, via email?