Should I just drop it?

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  • This topic has 5 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Avatar photoCopa.
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  • Sarah
    May 9, 2023 at 2:15 am #1120035

    I saw a random girl’s text, opened the chat and it went something like this, girl sends emoji of battery and a blush face, my bf sends back emoji of an airplane a jacket and a sleepy face, my bf then sends that it was nice meeting you last night and she replies haha ya it was “nice”. When I asked him he said that he gave the girl a charger to use on the plane and she also gave him her jacket so he can use it as a pillow to sleep better. He maintains it was all small talk and she insisted on getting his number even though he told her he has a girlfriend, and he says it seems she was obsessed with him. I don’t think anything happened but the “nice” is throwing me off!

    May 9, 2023 at 4:37 am #1120037

    This is exactly what it looks like: Your boyfriend had a flirty encounter on a plane and gave the girl his number. He’s doing damage control after you saw the text, by saying she insisted on getting his number and is obsessed with him. Come on. What do you mean “nothing happened?” I’m sure they didn’t have sex on the plane, but they were flirting, exchanging numbers, and continuing the flirty conversation via text. No you should not just drop it, you should call him out for having a flirty text chat with someone he gave his number to on a plane, and ask him what’s going on.

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    May 9, 2023 at 4:42 am #1120038

    It’s really super weird that he gave her his phone number. They clearly had a flirty interaction through their flight.

    What’s going on in your relationship! How long have you been together? Do you live together?

    May 9, 2023 at 7:39 am #1120041

    Only drop it if you want him to think it’s okay to be texting other ladies and giving out his number while in a relationship with you. If you want this behavior to continue, do nothing.

    Instead, I’d tell him directly exactly how upset this has made you and how you question the relationship. Ask him why he was flirting and giving out his number.

    May 9, 2023 at 7:50 am #1120044

    Right. You should not take at face value a statement like your boyfriend gave you. You should dig deeper and have a conversation about why he would give his number to a girl he met on a plane and would have a flirty text convo. You could ask him how he would feel if you did the same. You could point out that one does not have to give one’s number to anyone, and one also does not have to respond to texts, and that you noticed his responses seemed designed to continue a conversation, not shut it down. Ask how he’s feeling in the relationship. Is he happy?

    Look, BEST case here is he’s not interested in this girl or in stepping out on your relationship but he was flattered by the attention. In which case, like Anon said, shut that down. Worst case he’s open to meeting other women and you should reevaluate the relationship.

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    May 9, 2023 at 9:15 am #1120046

    I’m also curious how you saw these texts. Were you snooping? I know it’s possible you weren’t, but so often on this site, that seems to be how people just “happen” to find what they were already suspicious of and looking for.

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Should I just drop it?

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