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    August 25, 2022 at 9:09 am #1113093

    I walk by there all the time! I Googled it and I guess it’s a plastic surgeon’s office. So I’d need to talk to a dr. about whether or not fillers would be a viable option for my under eye area, but I have a friend (a pharmacist) who is about as risk averse as people get and has told me to go to a plastic surgeon if I want that because injecting the wrong spot could cause blindness. I’m not sure I do want it — currently at the “I want to learn more from a licensed, reputable medical professional” stage — but want to be discerning about who/where I go should I go that route. I have quite a few friends who have been doing the Botox thing since their 20s — even one guy friend! — but if any have tried fillers, they’re not open about it. I’m not terribly concerned about my wrinkles so have never felt an urge to look into Botox.

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    August 24, 2022 at 3:30 pm #1113086

    Conrad Peterson Dermatology, which was recommended by an acquaintance who said the doctor she sees there has a very “less is more” approach and will bluntly tell you if she doesn’t think something will work for you. Which sounds up my alley as far as these things go. While I’m not totally sure what procedures I’d opt into at the end of the day, I prefer a board-certified dermatologist’s office over some of the medspa places I know some friends go to. (They’ve all had good experiences with facials, laser treatments, and even Botox at these places but… IDK, I just feel better going this route.) What’s the place on Southport? That’d be super close to me.

    The only time I’ve ever broken out with red spots like that is after having an allergic reaction to medication/skin products (specifically sunscreen… thankfully it never spread to my face when that happened because the rest of my body was a mess for a couple weeks after that one). I hope you figure out what’s going on soon!

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    August 24, 2022 at 9:41 am #1113075

    I didn’t know about the ironic totes, but they immediately reminded me of one of my cousins. I followed the link to the Instagram account linked in the Harper’s Bazaar article and of course this cousin is already following. If I can think of something fitting to stitch on there, it’d be a great Christmas gift. Or even a “just because” gift.

    I’d LOL if I heard two workers greet each other with “BIIIITCH” in a common area at work.

    I finally made a consult appointment to see a cosmetic dermatologist. Not totally sure what will come out of it. I just want to ask an actual derm what I can be doing and specifically want to ask about my under eye circles, which I’d say is the only real insecurity I have about how I look. And even then it’s not a huge insecurity. I look tired, which I notice when I put myself together in the mornings, but I don’t think about it after that. But if there’s an rx topical cream I could add to my routine or even a minimally invasive/cost conscious treatment, I’d like to know. The practice offers medical, cosmetic, and esthetician services. She’s so booked up that the first available consult is in the second half of November!

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    August 23, 2022 at 9:37 am #1113062

    Also, last spring I bought a dupe of Lululemon’s Ebb to Street tank on Amazon. I was just made aware of a cropped version yesterday and it was on sale, so I pulled the trigger. The regular length one was a good dupe, but kind of long for someone like me on the petite side. Per the reviews, the length of the cropped one is good for petites who don’t want to show midriff but also don’t want to have all that fabric bunching.

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    August 23, 2022 at 9:24 am #1113059

    LOL. I also forgot about that but do remember that now. I often agreed with BGM, but the delivery was usually quite harsh, particularly when someone wrote in and you could tell they were out of sorts. He’d die at my growing collection of arch support shoes. If I drove anywhere, I’d have cooler bags and shoes.

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    August 22, 2022 at 12:16 pm #1113049

    I also wear mine crossbody style now (when I first got mine, around the waist). Believe it or not, I thought the crossbody style looked dumber than around the waist at first (and I got one for convenience, not lewks!). Eventually I started wearing it crossbody like everyone else. I’m like that with a lot of trends, though. I resisted skinny jeans at first, now I’m resisting letting them go. I should just lean on in to trends I’m unsure of since it seems I tend to hop on board eventually.

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    August 22, 2022 at 9:29 am #1113041

    I believe I have the OMG bag from Lo & Sons! I’ve had it for maybe five years now and it’s still in great shape despite daily weekday use until probably late 2019, when I realized my back hurt and I should try the backpack route. I’m sure Lo & Sons has backpacks and if/when I decide it’s time to upgrade to a nicer looking one, would consider buying another bag through them. I usually read at lunch but keep thinking I should swing by Nordstrom Rack one of these days instead to see what backpacks they have.

    I also have a Lululemon fanny pack, which I bought before everyone and their sister started wearing it. I feel like such a basic b wearing it. I got my mom one for Christmas and while I don’t know if she’s used it, she was super excited about it when she opened it. Or perhaps it was the wine doing the talking.

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    August 21, 2022 at 6:47 am #1113030

    We go in twice a week on days of our choice, but are asked to be consistent week to week. It’s tiring but I also prefer my work setup to my WFH setup. If I knew when we bought this place how my work life would shake out, I’d have held out for a three bedroom.

    Speaking of work, it’s been kind of a cluster lately. I believe I’ve mentioned before that we had one department (not mine) that has for some reason been allowed to limp along for years now, staffing-wise. There have been roles that weren’t backfilled after voluntary departures and during COVID, we did lay a few people off and that dept was affected despite already being low on staff. In the spring, the low-level director in that department threw her hat in a ring for a higher level director role we were hiring for and was shot down. So she left, and not long after, her last remaining direct report also left. So that entire department is down to one still very new high level director who you can tell is completely overwhelmed and a few people like me who are keeping things afloat (all of us from other depts). They’re finally getting around to rebuilding and I’m looking forward to that. I was given the extra work during the layoffs and would like to punt it back. So anyway because these roles are based out of my office, it’s been veeery quiet when I go in most days. Once or twice I’ve been there alone, which is fine, but part of me feels like what’s even the point of coming to an office to sit there alone?

    Sounds like we will be moving to a new office building next year and it’s a swanky one. We’ll be sharing a floor with our sister company and affiliated company after the move (currently in the same building on connected floors) so it won’t be as quiet, but I also might see how I’m feeling about it all by then. I could easily be FT remote in this role.

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    August 20, 2022 at 11:33 am #1113023

    I use a Mac at work and I believe my next work laptop is going to be a MacBook Air, which is what I have as a personal laptop and it’s noticeably lighter than what I currently use for work. Possibly still too heavy for a shoulder bag, though.

    I used to commute by bus pre-COVID/pre-moving in with the boyfriend and was just far enough north that I consistently got a seat on the bus. I’d sit with my backpack in my lap. On days I took the train, it’d be crowded and I’d take it off my back. It is a huge pet peeve of mine when people don’t! I’ve been meaning to find a more business appropriate-looking backpack, ideally something that would also be a great travel carryon.

    How do you get to work? I’d not do the two bag thing unless I drove. I briefly carried a separate gym bag around in my Kate Spade tote bag era and hated it on public transit. That’s why I originally switched to the Lo & Sons bag, which is larger (and has also been a great travel bag). I didn’t take my laptop home every night pre-COVID and that bag still got heavy enough that my back hurt.

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    August 20, 2022 at 7:31 am #1113018

    Depends a little on the day for me! I typically carry my laptop, notebook, real book, lunch/snacks, sometimes gym clothes. It can get heavy.

    I mostly use a backpack I got from Amazon. I got a cheap one to test out backpack commuter life pre-COVID, which I used to think was so dorky! I prefer it, though — like @ktfran, I walk and take public transit, so a backpack is easier on my back. I meant to buy a nicer looking one, but never got around to it.

    On days I have to look nicer but still have a bit of stuff to schlep around (off site meetings or if I’m at a conference), I have a Lo & Sons bag, which I think is a rec I got from this site. It can work as a tote or has a crossbody option. Has a shoe compartment! Still fits a lot in there comfortably and nicer looking than my backpack.

    I also have a Kate Spade tote (that I actually won in a work raffle like six or seven years ago!) that was my go-to for ages. It eventually became the bag I brought to interviews only. It’s my sister’s interview bag at this point, too, haha. It looks nicer than the other two but not big enough for my day-to-day. And it’s harder on my back/shoulders.

    ETA: My IT department told me last week that I’m next up for a new work laptop. They gave me a few options and I requested the lightest one since I commute on foot.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Avatar photoCopa.
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    August 19, 2022 at 9:36 am #1113012

    If I’m not mistaken, the earliest marriages on records also had absolutely nothing to do with religion. Sooo.

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    August 19, 2022 at 9:32 am #1113011

    I went out for happy hour with two gal pals last night, one of whom ended her long-term, live-in relationship a couple weeks ago. I wasn’t sure how she’d be — she’s just shy of 34 and one of those friends who was very much dating with marriage in mind and always talked about wanting to start a family — but she seemed okay. She even echoed some of the sentiments on this thread: she doesn’t see herself rushing back into dating, doesn’t think she’ll try the apps again, and is reconsidering how important marriage and kids are to her after all. She’s excited to try her hand at new hobbies and be happily single for once. I’m here for that attitude. Meanwhile our other friend is engaged and currently wedding obsessed. Started drunkenly telling us that her ring fits her + her fiance’s brand as a couple – whatever that means.

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