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My first “real” job paid me $35K and I had about $60K in debt. It was bad, so to me, your financial situation seems like a dream for a first job. I think I remember your previous posts, though not too well — basically that staying at home is not a great situation, right? I lived at home for a bit to pay down enough debt to make my life easier but moved out before it was ideal (from a financial perspective) because my parents had not yet divorced and it was really bad dynamics, so I get it. I thrifted, meal planned/prepped, picked the meh apartments, and looked for free or inexpensive entertainment and things turned out okay for me. I paid off my debt in six years. I job hopped a bit to get my pay up. So, I think you’re fine, but I am also a Great Recession grad and things were not great for a lot of us (I had it better than plenty of friends) so maybe my perspective is skewed.
Going through a tank of gas/week seems like a lot for someone who works remote. Can you cut back there? I also thought $100/mo for toiletries sounded like a lot.
Have you seen the cheaper apartment in person? A lot of people don’t like their management companies and will leave bad reviews on apartments that aren’t THAT bad. I lived alone starting at 27 and in hindsight wish I’d gone the roommate route, but I opted into no frills apartments. Like vintage walk-ups with no amenities that were still safe, well kept, etc. So I’d probably opt into the less expensive apartment if roommates are a no-go.
I think you sound like you’re doing better than most 25 year olds though. You don’t mention any student loan debt and you already earn ~$70K (unless entry-ish level salaries really have changed that much in the last decade, this is good… this is more than my friend made working in finance for Microsoft back when we graduated). When I was your age I made like half that amount and was waist deep in debt. It was not a great time.
Yeah, so when the bf had it, the doctor told him that he didn’t need to test again after the quarantine period was up, saying that the tests can’t tell whether the virus is alive or dead. So basically same thing, that he might still test positive even after being in the clear.
Does the boldness/faintness of the line on the test indicate anything? I’ve not heard this before.
I can take this question over to the dating thread if it’s not appropriate here since that seems to be more of an anything goes thread these days, but has anyone tried those Halara dresses I keep seeing in my targeted ads?
Akk! So you guys did actually miss your flight then? That stinks. But glad you guys made it home and I hope you had an incredible trip!
I can’t recall the last time I’ve missed a flight, if ever, but I did get delayed something like 8 hours in Atlanta when I was traveling with my mom and sister in April. The people watching was fairly entertaining and I kept having moments of feeling like, “Wow. This is AMERICA in here.” LOL.
I think I saw footage of an airport in I wanna say Hawaii where people were waiting in a TSA line so long, it took two hours just to get inside the building/out of the sun. And the baggage situation at some airports looks absurd. (ETA: I believe the footage I saw on the news of luggage on luggage on luggage was Heathrow, now that @LisforLeslie mentions it.)
This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by
This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by
Ugh. Hope you guys are feeling better soon, @Wendy. And that none of you end up with long-lasting symptoms.
Air travel looks so nightmarish right now based on what I’m seeing on the news (even before factoring inclement weather). We’ve stayed within driving distance so far this summer, but have flights booked to see my family on the west coast in September. Hoping things improve by then.
I always wear suits to interviews and tbh am always kind of surprised when people don’t wear ’em. But I think it may be more expected in my field than others. Either way, congrats, @Kate!
I believe here anyone can get another booster should they want to, but seems like the general advice is to wait for the new vaccine in the fall. As of now, that’s what I’m planning to do.
I continue to know so many people with COVID. I’m in a book club that meets about once/month and we were going to meet a park this evening, but now have to reschedule because enough women have COVID and had to cancel last minute. Even a couple who are still full-time remote and mostly homebodies got it. Turns out it’s going to rain all day today, too, so for the best.
So I meant to mention on this thread, but don’t think I did, that mask usage on transit noticeably dropped for awhile between when I came back into the office in spring and now. However, with the new variant spreading as it has been, I did notice today that almost everyone in my train car was back to masking. In my area at least, they’re back to recommending masks indoors again, so that may be why. Yesterday vs. today on the morning commute was like day vs. night.
And on the subject of clothes, I’m wearing a top that my mom gave me this past spring that she bought for herself but didn’t like the more narrow fit on her. My frame is slightly smaller than hers and I am a little shorter, but we can sometimes share or swap clothes. It’s from Talbots, which I always thought of as a total mom store. I’ve never thought to shop there, don’t own anything else from there, but I’d browse their selection for work wear based on this top alone. My mom also LOVES shopping sales at LOFT. She loves finding lightweight summer t-shirts for like $6. I find LOFT hit or miss for me in terms of fit, but I do have a few items from there that are heavy in my work wardrobe rotation.
I’m not hip-y, but I have a butt and quads/hamstrings to match. LOFT dress pants do not work for me at all, even the curvy options. Though they do have one style of skirt that comes back around every fall that I love the fit of on me and over the years I’ve bought a few in different colors or patterns. My favorite pair of dress pants are actually from BR, a now-discontinued style of ankle length straight leg pant and the curvy petite version fit me SO well. I was mildly upset when I found out they were phasing that style out, so I bought a few pairs in different colors maybe 5 years ago. I have two pairs left that are still in good condition (one black, one navy) and will be sad when I have to retire them.
I prefer Ann Taylor over LOFT, but LOFT is a bit more budget conscious. I think Ann Taylor is overall nicer and they have more polished professional wear. I haven’t been into a BR in years. I used to shop there often when I lived near one. I know a lot of my gal pals like Zara for trousers and blazers. I have tried on the trousers and they were a hard no for me.
Kind of interesting that a Canadian is invested in U.S. right-wing political conspiracy theories. I have some close friends who aren’t American/don’t live here and I am frequently peppered with questions about why things are unfolding here as they are. They think America is nuts. (I do think sometimes they’re naive to think that what’s happening here — e.g., abortion rights being stripped away — couldn’t happen where they are, but that’s a different story.)
I have a friend who was in the Galapagos last month. She’s a teacher and pre-COVID spent her summers being one of the leaders of groups of teens and got to go to all kinds of cool places for free and get paid. That has obviously been on pause for a few years, but this year it was back so she got to go to the Galapagos for I think a few weeks and her husband was able to join. She said the baby sea lions were super curious and friendly, and very interactive in the water. She has pictures on the beach with a couple baby sea lions riiiight by her but said swimming with them was unreal. I’m super jealous!
We just got back from a long weekend away, we drove about six hours north to an area with a national forest and a national shoreline. It was really relaxing and I enjoyed being out in nature, but the town we stayed in is a very small midwestern town and I really underestimated how many Trump 2020 and even confederate flags I’d see. And OMG the idiotic right-wing political bumper stickers. Had to tune that all out to stay relaxed.
This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by
I still have no clue if I’ve had COVID. I haven’t gotten very sick (by which I mean, sick enough to be completely bed-ridden) in years but have had some minor cold-like symptoms and test at home frequently any time that happens. Or even after I’ve been exposed to someone sniffly. Always negative. But maybe I’ve had an asymptomatic case or bad test results. IDK. I do know a handful of people who have it right now or who are getting over it.
I am a little under 5’3″ and like to compare the fit of regular vs. petite items — depending on item/cut/fit, I sometimes prefer one over the other. I’ve never loved shopping in stores for petite items since often they had limited selection in stores, but it has gotten worse and we’ve had a lot of store closures here as well. Last month I had a conference and needed some last minute items since my pre-COVID wardrobe is still every so slightly snug and I wanted to feel confident in something that fits great as I am now. I also got a little panicky but found a dress I really like that fit without any alterations on sale at Ann Taylor Factory of all places. It opened during COVID so I’d never been inside and somehow didn’t close. I even got compliments on it at the conference! So that was nice and lucky for me.
@ktfran Have a great trip! Hope you guys stay healthy and have a great time. That’s one of my bucket list destinations. -
This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by