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I ordered some at-home tests online earlier.
We were able to get together with some family over the holidays. Like a lot of you, we know quite a few people who got sick last month or who are sick now (including fully vaccinated and recently boosted folks and in one case, a second breakthrough) so we were testing before get-togethers to try to keep things safe. Today we found out that a family member we saw on Sunday has COVID. So, I’m back to trying to figure out when to test after a known exposure. We have one box of at-home tests left and I don’t want to waste any. But I do have a headache and am a little phlegmy. I, too, feel like it’s inevitable that I’m going to get it eventually and feel like I may as well just have it now.
We booked a trip to Mexico in about a month. I was/am excited to take the boyfriend there. I spent a lot of time there growing up (my mom is from there) and haven’t been in years. Now that feels up in the air. Everything is refundable, so at least there’s that.
Sooo years ago, when a coworker I was friends with started dating her now-husband, she noticed she was let down every time he got her a gift but no card. Some people might find this silly, but she likes cards. So she told him how she felt and he started getting her a card on gift-giving occasions. You can do the same or similar — just have a conversation about it, it doesn’t have to be a bit thing.
I can’t really tell from what’s written if LW mentioned once or twice that she likes red velvet or if every year she specifically says she’d like a red velvet cake for her birthday and he gets anything else. I interpreted it as the latter, which I do find quite odd and I’m not even someone who thinks bdays are wildly special.
I have some joint/muscle pain this go-round from my booster. And on/off headaches. I was tossing and turning most of the night, which was uncomfortable given the joint/muscle pain. Feeling okay enough to work today after taking some ibuprofen but would’ve chosen a Netflix day if I had my way. I’ve worked late most nights this and last week, though, so I think I can log off by early afternoon. Glad to be boosted but will be happier when the side effects go away in the next day or so.
Just got my booster today. So far so good with side effects, but it has only been a couple hours. Hoping to keep it that way, though — work is busy right now and I prefer not to be down and out tomorrow. We’ll see. This was the soonest appointment I could get when I booked a few weeks ago and I didn’t want to push it out.
When I was in Michigan a little over a month ago, I stopped at a Subway to grab a sandwich on the road. I was in a rural area (most of the state, basically) and it took me a minute to realize I was the only person wearing a mask besides the sandwich artist. Michigan has not been requiring them indoors and I don’t think that’s changed since I was there. The area my parents live in is what I refer to as country club republicans… so mask wearing in that area was much higher despite no mandate and vaccination rates are also high. I did still have to urge my parents to keep their masks on indoors. My dad got his booster, but I don’t think my mom has yet.
I have my booster appointment scheduled for next Thursday. I had little reaction to my second dose of Pfizer (other than my heart racing while I was in the observation room — still don’t know what that was about — a mild headache on and off the rest of the day and some brain fog). My booster will be Moderna and am curious if I’ll have any reaction this time round. Work is super busy for me in December so I’m hoping I’ll be good, but I had to wait a few weeks to get this appointment and don’t want to wait longer.
Well, the boyfriend’s mom has breakthrough COVID. She’s not a COVID denier, but has said some pretty dumb things aloud about it (e.g., the rant she went on about how the vaccine doesn’t work so they should call it a flu shot and not a vaccine)… though she has been at least somewhat cautious and you can tell she’s scared of it. The boyfriend’s stepdad is a cancer survivor and has some lingering health issues, so he is unvaccinated. So. Hopefully he does not get sick.
I unfortunately think any email you send will end up in a black hole, whether that’s HR or the CEO and president. I do sometimes speak out at work about things I find problematic, but I’m at a smaller company where it’s easier to be heard. I’ll also say, I’ve wondered once or twice if speaking out puts a target on my back. I’m sorry they’re taking the benefit away from you, though.
What a strange update. I, too, share the skepticism that this conversation really took place, but if it did? Gross.
Anyway, your mom’s alleged (10-year!!!) affair was wrong and your supposed calm, near immediate understanding and acceptance also seems pretty off for someone who just found out a parent had a very prolonged affair.
I haven’t followed your threads super carefully, but I hope you will seek some kind of counseling because it seems like you’ve got a lot to sort through.
The at-home tests were a hot ticket item around my area in August, which I only know because I had to go to several stores to find some in stock when we suspected my boyfriend had breakthrough COVID. That’s what I used to self-monitor and now we keep a box on hand. Our neighbor is a pharmacist and said they couldn’t keep then on shelves around that time. I believe I paid about $25/box and each box has two tests, not sure if pricing has changed at all since then or if they’re easier to find in stock. We are lucky in that we can easily afford this as needed and can continue to buy a new box after we finishing one, but I’m sure it adds up for plenty of people.