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Good to have you vaccine appointment booked, though! I was so excited for mine.
Out of curiosity, has anyone’s office announced a date to go back to the office? My sister lives/works in the same major U.S. city I’m in (the city want to fully reopen in July) and works for a global company (an architecture/engineering firm). They announced the reopening of their offices for a date in August and will be doing some kind of hybrid WFH/in-office model. My company hasn’t made any announcements yet, but we do have a town hall-style meeting next week and I wonder if a similar announcement for us is forthcoming. I know they’ve been working on some kind of WFH policy but don’t know the details yet. I do want to go back eventually and want to feel safe in doing so (the commute is, for me, the biggest unknown for safety since I take public transit), but also hope to have some flexibility when I do.
@ktfran We live a very short walk from Dinkel’s now and my boyfriend goes alllll the time. He’s obsessed. I like them, too, but I can’t eat the way he does.
@hfantods It’s a-okay to get cake if you want cake! I didn’t realize how many feelings people had about wedding cakes until probably the last couple years. I thought I was alone in not really caring for it but then learned I’m not. I’ve seen some very cute cake toppers. I happen to like when people acknowledge their pets through cake toppers, haha.I generally like cake, but something about fancy cakes… I’d rather eat cake from a box. I’ve been to exactly one wedding where I actually liked the cake. I don’t know how much the average wedding cake costs but have noticed couples steering away from them. One wedding I went to a couple years ago had an ice cream sundae bar that had melted all over the place by the time they announced to guests it was open, which they did right before the first dance so basically nobody watched the first dance because they were waiting in line for melted ice cream. Whoops.
I also wish there was a larger round brush attachment. I think that the round brush will become my everyday go-to. I get great volume, which I don’t at all from the Revlon brush, and the ends look much nicer. I get a similar look to when I use the John Frieda brush, but I can work in larger sections, so it’s much faster. I did beach waves with the smaller barrel on Saturday figuring they’d fall/loosen, which they did a bit because we were under a wind advisory, but boy did that look try to hold. I liked the look much better yesterday, when I’d brushed it out and they were looser. I’ll try the bigger barrel beach waves next time.
If I had hair that looked nice air dried or from a quick blow dry, I wouldn’t bother with any pricey hair toys. In my 20s, I didn’t mind taking the time to do my hair if it meant it looked nice and I LOVED doing my hair to go out. As I get older, I want the fastest thing that delivers results. For the past four+ years, that’s been the Revlon. It’s not my favorite look on me (too straight, I don’t get a lot of volume), but it’s fast and gave me tidy, work-appropriate hair. The price for the Dyson IS absurd, but I also think it’s okay to treat yo-self sometimes if it’s in your budget.
I’m glad you and your fiance are having fun with the wedding planning so far, @hfantods. Food tastings sound like a great time to me, but for some reason I’ve never been huge on wedding cakes. Maybe I’m low brow, but I prefer less fancy cakes and think they taste better haha.
Continuing the review nobody asked for: The two smoothing brush attachments seem like they’ll be useless to me. My hair is too coarse for the soft brush. The firm one makes my hair look like I roughly flat ironed it… the ends don’t look finished at all. Maybe with more care I can get it looking nicer with that attachment. Still need to try the smaller barrel curls and beach waves.
I didn’t know they had longer barrels. My hair is a little past my shoulders and I did find myself pushing my hair up after it had wrapped around the barrel to keep it in the stream of air. My curls did fall a bit yesterday, but I was surprised to still have so curl and wave to it by the end of the day… no product and I spent a couple hours on the roof in the wind.
I used the round brush attachment this morning on the lowest airflow setting and it styled my hair so much faster than I was expecting. ?
Dyson Airwrap first impressions: very strong! There’s definitely a learning curve, but I love how my first attempt with the big barrel turned out. It looks similar to how my hair used to look when I would blow it dry with a paddle brush, curl it with a curling iron, set it with velcro rollers, and then brush through to loosen it… but with a lot less time/effort. Though that method, for me, had a LOT of staying power even without product. It’s been a week so I went to bed with wet hair last night, which I almost never do, so decided my first attempt would be totally product-free, air dried hair just to see what how it holds throughout the day. Figure I’ll just experiment with different attachments/products over the next month while I decide if I’m going to keep it cause that price tag is not for the faint of heart.
Not related to dating but this still feels like the most relevant thread: Just pulled the trigger on a Dyson Airwrap. They’re out of stock, but some retailers are taking orders for a restock that’s a couple weeks out, so I finally bit but now have to wait a few weeks. Will report back if I think it’s worth all the hype.
I think I’m totally back to normal now. All things considered, my reaction was pretty mild and the worst of it was what happened fairly immediately (racing heart and brain fog). I was lower energy yesterday, though not exhausted, and thrilled when it was finally time to log off work. Some very mild headaches came and went throughout the day. No fever, chills, or aches, though I did feel a bit stiff. Went to bed early and feel pretty good today!
First morning after my second Pfizer shot and feeling okay so far, but I know a few people who said their symptoms didn’t hit until 24-36 hours after, so don’t feel like I’m in the clear yet. Had a mild and brief headache last night as I walked the dog after work. My arm is way more sore this time than after the first shot, but after the first shot I did some lightweight dumbbell exercises, so I wonder if that helped.