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  • March 14, 2019 at 6:35 am #837098

    I think that it’s great to want things to be as equal as possible but sometimes it’s not necessary. Like now when he has a bonus and wants to splurge. People do that with friends, family, etc. When you care for someone and enjoy their company sometimes you want to share your special treats.

    Of course it’s important to have a bigger talk about money which I think can come once you start to consider combining expenses like rent. Personally I think the whole show me your accounts is invasive but at this point in my life I’d still do it because I’ve been burned. My husband and I made a spreadsheet. Here’s everything I pay, owe and what I take in.

    For this, have a great meal and eat a ton of sushi. Money isn’t always about saving. When you work hard and are rewarded sometimes you want to celebrate and share that with those you love. I’ve has friends do so for me and I’ve done so for friends. I don’t think it has to be penny for penny it just has to overall feel equal. My girlfriend and I used to just trade off. She pays one time I pay another. We never felt taken advantage of and I’m sure it wasn’t exactly equal but close enough. The company is often more important than the cash.

    My mom always told me thay saving is important but sometimes you just have to spend on yourself or you’ll feel like you’re working for no reward after a while. Sometimes you just have to get that manicure so you can practice a bit of self care amidst the long work hours.

    March 13, 2019 at 1:11 pm #836987

    Let me tell you LW, I waited for my ex to be “ready”. He kept saying at this time or that time we’d be engaged. 10 Years later I left. My husband was near begging me to marry him. Not literally but he was so dang excited to be with me and marry me he proposed in the dang shower! Chose the person who can’t sit still they are so darn excited to marry you. Trust me!

    March 13, 2019 at 12:45 pm #836982

    Marriage is between two people who intend to stay together forever, not a goal or milestone to hit. Attempt to remember that.

    March 13, 2019 at 10:52 am #836958

    Canoe season. I cannot.

    March 11, 2019 at 11:03 am #836439

    Perfect knife. I first had the 8” and used it so much I also got the 9”. I wanted two since I used it so much and so I didn’t have to clean between some foods i didn’t want cross contaminating. Plus helps to have two when we are both in the kitchen. I also have bread knife, chefs knives and pairing but happen to have two pairing as well as my mom found one at Home good for me. That’s really all you need.

    March 11, 2019 at 9:43 am #836431

    I love my Wustof knives. I never buy the sets because you end up with knives you don’t use. I buy the sleeves to keep them in, they have them on Amazon. I have five good knives and need no more, and truly mostly use my chefs knife. I also found on Amazon a set with holding case of their steak knives which I like, needed and it was like $40. I find some at Home Goods. They aren’t always there but often appear. That can save a lot. I’d rather have a few good knives than set I use one or two of. I also don’t like blocks because most people put them blade down and that dulls the knife as it is cutting into the wood. Plus someone once told me as like a safety thing not to leave a weapon right there on the counter should a burglar come in or something. That’s probably a bit paranoid but made some sense.

    March 11, 2019 at 9:02 am #836423

    It’s crazy how small of a hole they can come through. The size of a pencil they say. We used that expandable foam to fill the hole once we found it. The negative is that they could just die in the wall. This happened to my mom. When she brought someone out to handle it they said she could have her drywall torn up until they found it or wait a week until the body decomposes and the smell leaves. It smelled so bad for over a week. I mean SO BAD but it was that or end up having half the dang house re drywalled. Ugh. Luckily for us once we plugged the hole they just left and no dead bodies in the walls, but it is a risk…although a risk either way once they are in there. So not fun. Sorry you are dealing with that.

    March 11, 2019 at 8:09 am #836414

    Hubby is home from work today! And sleeping in. So happy. He ended up working 53 hours of overtime this week, and over 45 the prior. Poor guy is so tired. The whole team was working this. Pretty much everyone callednik today and his boss said he was barely working this week at all. The project was turned in yesterday afternoon so they get some rest. At least he gets paid overtime so a fat paycheck coming soon. Feel so bad for them all for working so much though. Baking some cookies today for the team. So happy he can relax today. Also since son is at moms on spring break he didn’t have to wake up to take him to school, although if he did i of course would have. I miss that surly teenager and he’s only been gone a day and a half.

    March 11, 2019 at 7:31 am #836409

    Oh good grief. Weddings really bring out the crazy in people, and oddly, often, not even the bride. Sorry it was drama.

    March 10, 2019 at 11:20 am #836319

    Frustrated this morning with my medicine. In general the side effects aren’t bad and only occasional but hitting me hard today and making me feel like crud. Have been crying in frustration about it all. It’s annoying to feel so bad you can’t just go do the things you need or want to do. I feel bad having to rely on husband to take some of those over and even worse as he’s working 40 hour a week of overtime the past two weeks for a project. Luckily it is over today but he is working today all day. Don’t want to put all that on him too although he’s wonderful about it and feels equally awful that I feel bad. Just over it. This medication has the least side effects for me which is great but they still exist and I’m frustrated I even have to take it. Just want to feel good like I did before the day this all began when i ran 8 miles a day, felt great and wasn’t dealing with this heart crap.

    There’s my whine for the day. Thanks for letting me get it out here. On the upside son thought he lost his wallet before we took him to the airport early yesterday am and I found it this morning. Luckily we keep his military ID in the safe so he could get on his flight. That saves me from a day at the DMV with him so selfishly very happy to avoid that. Ha.

    And as my travel note to all, take copies of all IDs and CCs and keep them in your safe. I convinced my ex to do this and when he lost his passport in another country i was able to overnight the copy and it made his life a lot easier, still not simple but they said it was key in getting him back home on time.

    March 8, 2019 at 7:30 am #835097

    Good point on grain free for skin issues. Our now passed German couldn’t do grain on jenhas heat rashes.

    March 7, 2019 at 8:10 pm #835045

    Yes for asking for samples. That’s how I found the brand I use.

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