Forum Replies Created
November 2, 2015 at 9:40 am #391891
Any updates from the dating girls from over this weekend? Veritek how was your Halloween party? LadyE how are things with Lion Tamer going?
October 21, 2015 at 11:05 am #389117Thanks guys! I am super busy at work right now so its hard for me to be on DW 🙁 He is being pretty good about making time for me, like he gets that I need actual face time with him and it is only for 10 more days…and he keeps thanking me for being so patient. I just need to stick it out. It would be easier if we lived together, but since we don’t, its kind of like blegh. Anyways, thank your for the ideas/suggestions. I just have a lot of other things going on right now and this is the one I am focusing on because its the only one I can really control to some degree which doesn’t make sense but also does. @Regina that is all really great advice, we have had a conversation like that but he does get kind of sensitive if I imply he isn’t being a “good boyfriend” because in his mind he is trying so hard to balance it all but he also recognizes he is not being the best boyfriend right now because he is super wrapped up in his project ha so its like a catch-22. I have just been feeling lonely I guess and wanted some DW community commiseration.
October 21, 2015 at 8:30 am #389057@TheLadyE I am so happy you spoke up, you guys better kiss on your hike!
@Ktfran it sucks he hurt your feelings, but actually probably ended up good as you were able to have a productive conversation about it.I know I have a boyfriend but I just need to vent for a bit. My boyfriend is right now and has been for the month of October involved in this super intensive art project and I have barely seen him. He makes time for me on the weekends and I know I am being greedy and trying to be reasonable, but I do feel neglected. I know this is the price of admission for dating my boyfriend, and I support him and am super stoked on his project and know too its only temporary but right now it just kind of sucks. I just feel really distant from him and I hate that. ugh anyways. I just had to vent for a second.
October 14, 2015 at 10:10 am #387633lol@ Lianne we actually broke up four months after we first started dating, in large part because of issues surrounding that. When we got back together 4-5 months later, the issue had completely gone away because I had learned how to manage and get rid of that insecurity and he had met me somewhere in the middle as far as communication went.
October 14, 2015 at 9:42 am #387603@Ver– ignore if I am wrong but it seems like you just want to talk to talk to make sure he is still interested, to convince yourself he likes you and to have that validation. I think instead of that, it would be good to just remind yourself when you are having doubts, instead of reaching out for that validation, just a mantra like- I am awesome, we are in to each other, and I need to stop stressing it. I agree that forcing communication when there isn’t much to say will probably backfire and it leads to those awkward and unfulfilling phone convos where there isn’t much to say and its like dead space and you get off the line thinking, shit does he even like me anymore, what is going on. I had a lot of trouble with this early on in my relationship with my boyfriend, like if he wasn’t in contact with me it meant he didn’t like me and wasn’t thinking of me. It was actually a major insecurity of my own I kind of had to own and now I just know even if we aren’t in contact, he is still thinking of me and loves the shit out of me. I am not saying its the same for you, but maybe there is some of that in there.
Also at this point, after about 4 dates with someone, I don’t think constant communication or frequent texting/phone calls really are the norm. I do know this varies by person but even my best friend who met her boyfriend and they lived two hours apart, after their first four dates, there was minimal communication in between. Some texting and a few phone calls. It wasn’t until they were “official” that it kicked in to high gear– and honestly I have never seen two people more in love, they are actually about to get engaged and have been long distance the whole 2.5+ years of their relationship.
October 13, 2015 at 1:53 pm #387412Ha I love love love shower/bath beer/wine/bourbon. Something so relaxing about it.
October 2, 2015 at 8:13 am #384854@Kare– I am with Lianne, I can’t see much of a difference between actually dating this guy and what you are doing, which sounds more dating than FWB. Are you open to actually dating him? I always thought of FWB as more like late night hook ups when drunk/horny than hanging out and getting dinner and doing the friends thing. Not a critique at all, just wondering because I am nosy and have been in a relationship for three years ha and when me and my boyfriend started as solely FWB that is what it was, like drunk sexting/hooking up/when we were horny hooking up late night and when we progressed to dating dating is when we started to hang out/get dinner/go out around each other’s friends.
October 1, 2015 at 8:32 am #384626hm, if I guy told me I looked innocent I would probably be squicked out. That is a really fucking weird and infantile way to describe someone, but maybe I am just sensitive.
September 23, 2015 at 1:02 pm #383615@money that is awesome!! Congrats on the sex and the talking 🙂 also cheese and salmon, because delish. As far as the not as touchy feely, I wouldn’t take that as a sign of disinterest on date two, maybe he just isn’t’ comfortable being that overt with you since you are still in very early stages! I would pay more attention to his actions and whether they are backing up whatever he is telling you. ie- if he says he wants to hangout again, does he actually make steps to make that happen or whatever it is!