“How Fast is Too Fast to Move for Love?”

Several years ago I met a guy in college. We were good friends for a while but eventually ended up falling out of touch. About a year ago he sent me a message asking how I’d been, and we began to catch up. He’s in the military, so our contact stayed limited to FaceTiming, texting, and Facebook. Five months ago he came home for a few weeks and we went out on some dates. We hit it off wonderfully and decided to give a long-distance relationship a shot. He came home again recently and I don’t think we could have had a better time; it’s become clear that we love each other…

“My Boyfriend Doesn’t Understand Why I Want to Spend Christmas With My Family”

I’ve been dating this guy for about a year and a half. About six months ago I moved four hours away for the job of a lifetime (!) – seriously, it was an offer I just couldn’t refuse and he was and still is supportive of the decision. Before then we lived about an hour apart and both lived with our parents. We had both recently graduated from university at the time. Now we both live in our own apartments – four hours apart. For Christmas I’m driving back to my hometown (which is now about 30 minutes from him, since he moved at almost the same time as I did). I…

“Should I Cut Ties With the Man of My Dreams?”

Nearly three years ago, I divorced the man I’d been with for over ten years. The very next night at a party I met what was supposed to simply be a rebound. On our third date, as I was trying to figure how to tell him I was going through a divorce, he dropped a bomb on me: he was going through a divorce as well. Great! Neither of us is emotionally available so no one can get hurt here, right? In typical rebound fashion, things moved very fast, but I’d never met anyone like this guy. Within our four-month relationship, we were together nearly every day, and we saw each other…

“My Girlfriend Won’t Tell Her Son She’s Dating a Woman”

I am 28 and I’m in a serious relationship with another woman who is 30. She has an 11-year-old son from a past marriage and has been divorced for 10 years. She mostly had long-term relationships with men and a couple of flings with women. I am her most serious lesbian relationship. We are deeply in love with each other and she has said she wants to marry me someday. We live together in my house. We have been together for 8 months and things have been mostly wonderful. My biggest issue with her is that she won’t come out to her son and refuses to even discuss it with me. Her…

“Should I Spend New Year’s Eve with My Friends or My Boyfriend?”

For New Year’s Eve my friends and I want to go to a party so we can dance and have fun, but my boyfriend wants me to spend it with him and his friends at his home, which I think is kind of boring because, instead of dancing, we will be drinking and I don’t know his friends that well. I tried to convince him to come with me (my friends want that too) and he said he will but he will not have fun because it’s not his kind of party and, of course, that will make me feel bad. He was also saying that it would be better if we…

“How Should I Deal With Racist Family on Thanksgiving?”

Do you have tips (or a guide) to surviving Thanksgiving with racist in-laws/relatives? Is it all about the extra glass of wine, or is there ever an appropriate time to pipe up? Thanksgiving this year is at my and my husband’s home, and I’m wondering if I can set polite boundaries to casual and frequent racist remarks without making it awkward in the future… — No Racism Please

“I Desperately Want Another Baby But My Husband Does Not”

My husband and I have been married for several years now. He wasn’t sure he wanted kids when we first started dating, but by the time we got married he said he thought he would probably agree to them at some point. I was pretty sure I wanted at least one, but not 100% sure. We had (and still have) a great relationship, so I figured we’d work it out–and we got married. About two years ago, he said he was ready to have a baby. I was too, so I was delighted. We agreed that we would only have one. We discussed it and thought that would best fit our lifestyle,…

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