“I’m Tired of Supporting My Boyfriend”

I have been dating my boyfriend for 3-1/2 years and we have a 2-year-old daughter together. For the entirety of our relationship we have split the bills – first three ways with our old roommate and now just two ways since she moved out two years ago. We split the rent, power, phone, cable, and internet, as well as the car payment and insurance (we share my car). He has been working the same job since our daughter was born and only brings home a little over $1700 a month after taxes while I bring home about $2700 a month after taxes. I have many more bills to pay such as credit…

“My Fiancé Wants to Buy His Mother’s House But I Don’t”

My fiancé, “Dan,” (28) and I (24) have been together nearly three years. Before we met he moved in with his mom to help her out after her divorce. I also live with my single mother as I was broke after college. Now his mom is talking about selling her house and my fiancé has every intention of buying it. He wants me to move in and I do not want to live there under any circumstance, especially considering he intends to co-buy it with his brother (30) and his brother’s girlfriend. His mother also has no plans for after she sells, and she has even suggested she just stay and rent…

“Am I Wasting My Time Being Engaged?”

I have been dating “Eric” for a year and a half. The moment we met, we instantly hit it off. Last month, we got engaged. It was a great engagement for two weeks. Then, the fights started happening, primarily because of our parents fighting about certain things. Last week, we started arguing again (about the same issues that involve my parents, his parents, etc). It got so heated that I gave him back the engagement ring, the promise ring he gave me, and the diamond pendant he gave me as a Christmas gift and walked out. I actually only gave the last one because he said, “If I were a petty man,…

“My Sister Threw Our Parents A Surprise Party and Didn’t Invite Me”

My wife and I recently found out that my sister organized a surprise birthday party for my mom’s and dad’s joint 70th birthdays. It was arranged while my wife and I were on our honeymoon, so we missed out on celebrating with them. My wife found out by accident a few weeks later while talking to a couple who attended. Nobody told us before the event, and my mom, dad, and sister never mentioned anything after we’d returned. When my wife found out and told me, I rang my sister straight away. She didn’t answer, so I texted her and she replied that she had texted me in the summer saying she…

“I Am Obsessed With the Woman I Let Get Away”

“I’m male, 40 years old. At one point several years ago, on an overseas business trip during the final downhill slide of my long marriage, I fell in love with a wonderful woman, “Jill” – intelligent, loving, passionate, beautiful. We spent ten months in a clandestine relationship which started as a fling but quickly became serious. Everything matched perfectly – emotions, cultural tastes, humor, sex, life aspirations. Still, when the time came for me to leave, I went back to patch up my marriage – mainly for fear of “losing” our young children. I launched myself into a terrible, 18-month emotional ordeal which ended up with me losing both the marriage and…

“I’m Scared to Introduce My Boyfriend to My Homophobic Family Yet”

I’m a 24-year-old gay man who has been in a relationship with my 27-year-old boyfriend for about a year and two months and so far things have been good. Recently, we went out with a group of his friends and they inquired about my family, so I showed them pictures, etc. Then they asked my boyfriend if he has met my family or anyone else close to me, and I said “no.” Then they made faces, and I think the girl next to him said something to him. I brushed it off since my boyfriend and I have talked about it before and we were both on the same page since he…

“My Boyfriend Keeps Asking Out Other Women”

I have been dating a lovely man for almost a year. We work together so no one at work knows we are together and I haven’t met his friends, but he has introduced me to his family. He has more female friends than male friends and most of the female friends are single. He does not go into detail about what he does with them but does let me know when he is going to see them. We have had a few discussions regarding boundaries and we are on the same page. Recently he asked a single co-worker out to coffee and it progressed to dinner. He reassured me that he is…

“My Boyfriend’s Paid My Bills for Years But Won’t Marry Me”

I’m a 31-year-old female who has been in a relationship for nearly eight years. We’ve lived together almost the whole time, and I am his domestic partner on his insurance. He is very successful and has supported me financially for the last six years, meaning I haven’t worked and I have, for all of my purchases, a credit card that he pays off every month. I take care of everything at home: the cleaning, laundry, cooking, etc. Everything about our life is just like we are married, except that we aren’t. We’ve been engaged twice and both times, when it came to start making the arrangements, he couldn’t go through with it….

“My Boyfriend Moved in With Two Women Without Even Telling Me!”

A little more then a week ago my boyfriend of a year and a half and I got into a blow-up argument via text. We have had little spats before, but nothing to this extent, and I’m not sure what to do about it. A little bit of our history: When we met, I was not looking for a relationship, so there was no pressure on my end for any kind of commitment. He lives 2.5 hours away from me, but the distance aspect never really came into play. We both work a lot, so, when we had free weekends, we would spend them together. After about two months of dating he…

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