“My Boyfriend’s Mother Won’t Move Out”

I have a very difficult decision to make in an incredibly short period of time. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost five years now. We decided it was time to live together as well as get a place of our own. Well, it so happens that my boyfriend’s mother is unable to keep up her mortgage and will need to sell her home. My boyfriend thought it would be a good idea for us to buy his mother’s home since he’s already living there and is comfortable. After doing my research I decided on going with his mother’s house because of the current housing costs. I moved into her…

“Our Wedding is Days Away and He Can’t Stop Texting His Ex”

I am getting married in 19 days. My fiancé is very busy raising my three children and his two children and dealing with their busy sports schedules. What has transpired in the last week is tying my stomach in knots. My fiancé and I have been dating for two years now and our kids have typically gone to their other parents’ every other weekend since then, up until around six months ago when my ex stopped taking my kids. He has a girlfriend and a child with her and they were on the outs, but they got back together and, since getting back together, he stopped seeing my kids. So needless to…

“My Husband’s Kids are Spoiled Brats!”

This is my second marriage after being a single parent of two children for thirty years. My children now are 44 and 43. My husband’s kids are twins, 43, and a 35-year-old — all girls. They are very dependent on their mother and seem to always get their way. My husband mostly worked during their marriage, and his ex-wife more or less reared the children. I know he was unfaithful to her, and after 20 years of marriage they divorced. (I was not the problem). We have been married now for 13 years. My issue is that he is always wanting to please “the girls.” They have been on vacations with us,…

“My Mom Blames My Girlfriend For Making Me a Lesbian”

I am a woman in my late twenties. I am from India, where the society structure is stubbornly conservative. However, I have been lucky to have been born into a family where my parents provided me with the best education and took care of my every need. Three years back, my father started showing early signs of Alzheimer’s disease and had an accident that injured his head further. As a result, he became bedridden and still is. This incident changed my mother’s, my elder sister’s, and my own life forever. My elder sister was married, so she never was as much affected since she didn’t have to face my dad’s problems every…

Updates: “Just My Name” Responds

It’s time again for “Dear Wendy Updates,” a feature where people I’ve given advice to in the past let us know whether they followed the advice and how they’re doing now. Today we hear from “Just My Name” who wrote last week about the non-exclusive relationship she was engaging in with an older man who refused to introduce her as his girlfriend or lover, saying he was not interested in using any “possessive” titles that insinuate exclusivity. Today, she doesn’t have so much of an update but more explanation of her position and a request for more advice.

“My Boyfriend Sent Sexy Snapchat Photos to Another Woman”

New readers, welcome to Dear Wendy, a relationship advice blog. If you don’t find the info you need in this column, please visit the Dear Wendy archives or the forums (you can even start your own thread), or submit a question for advice. I just caught my boyfriend of six months exchanging sexy Snapchat photos with another woman after I accidentally saw messages they sent to each other on his computer. (This woman lives across the country now, but she’s someone whom he dated briefly before we met). To me, this is cheating. I confronted him about it and he was extremely remorseful, repeatedly apologizing and, while sobbing, begging me to give…

“He Canceled Our June Wedding and Already Has a New Girlfriend”

About two months ago, my then-fiancé canceled our upcoming wedding. Well, first he postponed it, saying he wanted to work on things and that he still loved me and wouldn’t fall out of love with me. Then a week later, saying he had no feelings when we kissed, he ended the relationship. We own a home together, so I am in the process of getting a separation agreement and getting bought out of the home we share. I have reasons to believe he was pursuing someone else for a while. He knew her since high school and never talked about her, but I recently saw her cover photo pic on Facebook of…

“He Won’t Call Me His Lover”

For the past six months I have been in an open relationship with a much older man who says he really cares about me and finds me to be an important part of his life. We talk almost every day and see each other at least 2-3 times a week. We have gone on weekend trips together and have met each other’s friends and family. To me it feels like a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. However, he is insistent upon not using any “possessive” titles that insinuate exclusivity. We both want to keep the relationship non-exclusive, but we’re not dating other people at the moment. He introduces me to other people by my name…

Your Turn: “Do You Have a Non-Traditional Relationship?”

This LW requested feedback specifically from readers, so I hope you can help her out. I have been sleeping with a certain man for going on five years now. During that time we have each gone through major life changes. I became a mom (to another man’s son) and he became re-employed after a rather debilitating lay-off. His priorities are on work and making up for lost time while mine are on raising my son and developing my career. We respect each other and treasure the time we are able to spend together, which is spent watching sports or in bed, our two favorite pastimes. I’m writing because I adore and respect…

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