“I’m Meeting My Monster Mother-In-Law for the First Time”

I might be meeting my mother-in-law for the first time over the holidays and I’m wondering how best to handle our first encounter. My husband of three years (5 years together) is an only child and he currently has no contact with either of his biological parents. His father walked out on the family when he was a baby, but his estrangement from his mother is more recent, although it pre-dates our relationship. She is a drug addict who refuses to get help and who drained my husband of money and assets. She also fraudulently used his SSN and ruined his credit for some time, although he has been able to straighten…

“My Marriage is Falling Apart. Should I MOA?”

I have been with my now husband for 15 years. When we first met, he didn’t want to get married; I did. So we did. In the last few years we have started our own business that is doing well. For the most part, we’ve been happy – with the usual problems, though – until the last 12-15 months or so. I wrote you earlier about my homeless father and some of the sister stuff I alluded to has reared it’s head again recently. I’ve been worried about it, but trying not to bring it into my home. They can take care of themselves – and have thus far. But it weighs…

“I’m Afraid to Leave my Kids With My Mother-In-Law”

I am a stay-at-home mom. My mother-in-law is our primary babysitter on the rare occasions one is needed. She loves our kids so much and they have a great time with her. On my husband’s side of the family, there is a history of Alzheimer’s. I’ve noticed many times that, unless I write down explicit directions, my MIL usually forgets them. It’s rarely a big deal, and I don’t mind writing things down for her if they are important. The other day, though, I got a little bit of a scare. When I came home, she told me how the baby had loved drinking water from a cup. The cup she held…

“My Girlfriend Refuses to Move in With Me”

I met my girlfriend a little over two years ago while she was interning with a forensic psychologist who frequents my precinct. I wasn’t a believer in love at first sight before, but I am now after meeting her. Despite what could be obstacles — I’m 34 and she’s 22; I’m white and she’s Black; and she lives about two hours away — our relationship has continued to flourish. She’s gorgeous, extremely smart, and personable. We’ve been through a lot together and I’ve been a better man in every way since meeting her. With all of that being said, you should understand why I’d be devastated to lose her. She recently received…

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