Your Turn: “He Doesn’t Want to Take My Virginity”

New readers, welcome to Dear Wendy, a relationship advice blog. Read some of the most popular Dear Wendy posts here. If you don’t find the info you need in this column, please visit the Dear Wendy archives or the forums (you can even start your own thread), do a search in the search bar, or submit a question for advice at wendy(AT) In a feature I call “Your Turn,” in which you, the readers, get to answer the question, I’m presenting the following letter without commentary from me: I’ve been friends with this guy for six years now, and we’ve had quite the tumultuous relationship. In the first two years of our…

“His Psychotic Ex Won’t Let Me Meet Their Child”

Even though I met “Brian” years ago, as our teen girls are best friends, we never really interacted until about eight months ago and we’ve been dating ever since. He’s been single for almost two years and has four children from two different women. His most recent ex, whom he has a 3-year-old with, does not want me around his daughter yet. This is understandable, but I am currently living with him so it’s difficult to avoid his daughter. He does not agree with his ex about keeping me away from their child, but he’s scared of her psychotic eruptions and goes along with it. I have met the rest of his…

“He Told His Co-Workers That I’m His Hooker”

I met this guy off a dating site about two months ago. He’s 25 and I’m 29. Right off the bat, he said he didn’t want anything serious because he travels a lot for work and never knows how long he will be in one place. However, his company is based where I live so he has an apartment by me and said that I could stay there since he is hardly there. After hanging out with him two days, I asked him to go to Atlanta with me for a job interview. He said yes. We had sex for the first time the second day there, five days after we initially…

Quickies: “He Says He Has Brotherly Love For Me”

I’m 29 and my boyfriend is 42. We were sweet and loving with each other until recently when he experiences a series of setbacks, including a demotion at work and his car not functioning well, which caused him a lot of unhappiness and has led to a lack of intimacy between us. I’m impatient and got a little upset with his withdrawal from me and started punishing him by abandoning him and planning my own activities instead of inviting him along (as whenever I invited him for an activity, he would be too lazy to join). Now, I feel disconnected from him. After a year of this now he, too, is finally…

Your Turn: “He Won’t Commit. Should I Date Around?”

In a feature I call “Your Turn,” in which you, the readers, get to answer the question, I’m presenting the following letter without commentary from me: I’ve been dating “S” for about four months and I’m really enjoying our time together. When we met, he fell hard and fast and I think my feelings escalated quicker than usual because I knew how into me he was. He’s extremely sweet and caring and genuinely a good person. He makes me feel so special and beautiful. A couple months before we started dating, though, he ended a long relationship (like 6 years) because his ex cheated on him. He said he had a rough…

“My Fiancé’s Mother Still Pays His Bills”

I have been with my boyfriend almost two years now and just got recently engaged. Between us we have three children. My two girls live with us and his son lives out of state. Our family life is almost perfect and we get along great for the most part. Blending our families has almost been the easiest part. Our children get along well with each other. The one huge problem we do have though is money. I make quite a bit more money then he does. Currently, he is in school in the medical field and will not be done with his degree for another 18 months. In the meantime, he works…

Your Turn: “I Can’t Forgive Myself for Cheating”

In a feature I call “Your Turn,” in which you, the readers, get to answer the question, I’m presenting the following letter without commentary from me: I have a boyfriend of five months who loves me so much. I feel guilty about the couple of times I cheated on him and can’t forgive myself. This past week, we took a break because I couldn’t bear the guilt anymore, knowing that he’s faithful while I was being such a horrible girlfriend. Last week, I told him that I don’t deserve him and that he’s too attached. He didn’t want to leave my house and it was hurting him so bad knowing I was…

“Am I Stupid For Dating My Ex-Boyfriend?”

I’m 22, about to start my senior year of college, and am wondering if I’m stupid for dating my ex-boyfriend. I met him when I was 18 and he was a couple years older. We dated for a few months, then broke it off because I wanted to date around more in college. A couple of silent years later, we decided to date again. It went on for a year, and was pretty great, but we had to end it because at the time, he was going to grad school far away. We had no end date, and our futures didn’t look so similar as I wanted to move across the country…

“I Despise My Husband”

My husband and I married when I was 18 and he was 19, and we have now been married for 3 1/2 years. Although people said we were too young to get married, I didn’t listen. As a result, I truly despise my husband. He has developed this disgustingly negative outlook on things (a bit of that was there before being married but it wasn’t the theme of his life as it is now). He lives his entire life judging everyone so much that he should just buy a throne. And he is becoming so far politically leftist you can barely converse with him on anything without getting a huge lecture, debate,…

Quickies: “Does My Ex Want Me Back?”

A man I dated was living with his girlfriend of ten years when he started pursuing me. He knew that I was in a bad marriage at the time and he kept insisting we be together. His girlfriend moved out. He promised me happiness, love, security, etc. and I believed him. Out of the blue one day, he told me he met with his ex-girlfriend and still had feelings for her. She moved back in with him. That was a year and a half ago. He recently called me when he was away from home one night at 11:30, saying he “Just wanted to see how I was doing.” What does this…

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