“My Brother is Vulgar Around My Children”

Growing up, my mom and older brother always had a strange connection. He had some health issues when he was younger, which led to her coddling him throughout life. I used to be pretty resentful of this, but it doesn’t bother me much any more. (I’m in my early thirties and have two toddlers. I don’t have much time to mope about childhood favoritism!). Unfortunately, my brother and I have very little in common. He’s extremely bitter and negative. He’s nearing forty and is unmarried with a dead-end career. I limit the time I allow him to spend around my children because he is incredibly vulgar. He often talks about graphic sex…

Quickies: “I Don’t Want to Blow All Our Money On Our Wedding!”

My boyfriend and I got engaged a month ago after dating a year. His proposing was the happiest day, but ever since then I have been stressing over the idea of money. I am terrified to share with him how little money I have actually saved over the years, scared of him running away or looking down on me that I cannot contribute so much to our wedding and future. I have taken on a second job in hopes to add some more to my bank accounts, but he keeps telling me I don’t have to work another job. How do I tell my fiancé I am scared to get married for…

“Is My Girlfriend Going to Cheat on Me in Vegas?”

I am dating a girl, “Theresa,” who is 35 and I am 45 (I look a lot younger), Neither of us has ever been married. We have been together for seven months and things are serious. She is going to Vegas for a bachelorette party with her sister (31) who is completely narcissistic and influential on Theresa. There will be four of them, including Theresa’s best friend, who is very, very tight and married. Theresa went to a sex shop in the Manhattan last week to bring things to Vegas and, I am not embellishing — I swear she got condoms. Over the last few months I have heard talk of male…

“Is a 40-Year-old Bachelor Capable of Commitment?”

I saw an article the other day about what a man’s romantic past says about him and it echoed some of the concerns I have about the history of the guy I’ve been seeing for a couple of months (let’s call him “Mark”). If a guy is over 40, never married (though may have come close and been in some multi-year relationships), but seems to have been through many many relationships over the years, what are the chances he’s capable of maintaining a healthy long-term relationship that could lead to marriage? Is it even possible? Has he just not found the right one, or at this point is it likely he never…

“How Do You Know When You’ve Found ‘The One’?”

Your relationship with Drew seems lovely. How did you know for sure he was the person you wanted to marry/spend your life with/share your love with? Please don’t say ‘I just knew’! I know in some ways this question is ‘over done,’ but maybe you have an interesting perspective! And even if you did absolutely ‘just know,’ what would you recommend for people who are inevitably natural doubters/analyzers — people who may deep down ‘just know’ but who inevitably question the ‘just knowing’? I suppose I’m interested in your personal experience, rather than a generalized one, because I think generalized explanations of ‘How to know he is Mr. Right’ can be a…

“My Boyfriend is having a Baby with Another Woman”

My boyfriend and I have been dating since February, and I just found out on Twitter that he is having a baby girl due in October. When I first found out I was so angry and didn’t know what to do. When I asked him about it, he lied but later that day told me the truth. He said he didn’t know how to tell me and he thought that it would hurt me — and it did, dearly. I decided to stay with him, and now I’m thinking that’s a terrible decision. I can’t accept the baby. But I love him so much, and he tells me he loves me too….

“He Cheated on Me with His Wife. Is This Relationship Fixable?”

I’m middle-aged, with four teenage kids. Two years ago when my husband and I got separated, I fell in love with a guy seven years my junior, also newly separated. We had a wonderful, touching year of bridging gaps, supporting each other through the trauma of failed marriages, and rediscovering fun and intimacy. I travel a lot for work, like to exercise regularly, and also like time with myself and sometimes alone with girlfriends. My kids, of course, take a lot of time, too. His only child is 22 and busy (although she lives with him), he doesn’t travel, and, although he does have friends, he doesn’t seem to crave long evenings…

Your Turn: “He Wants to Take Another Woman to a Wedding”

In a feature I call “Your Turn,” in which you, the readers, get to answer the question, I’m presenting the following letter without commentary from me: This guy, “Jake,” and I have been together for 3 1/2 years now. During this time he has told me that he wasn’t in love with me but he does love me and really does care for me (he has broken up with me three times and then taken it back). For the past four months we have been trying to be just friends, but the other day he told me that he was in love with me again and that he doesn’t want to lose…

“My Mother’s Family Wants Me to Take Her Side, Post-Divorce”

I have always had a difficult relationship with my mother, and after my parents split up two years ago, I put a lot of distance between us which has been very healthy for me. While it hurts to not have a strong relationship with my mom, I’ve realized the negative impact of her behaviors of guilt-tripping, oversharing and treating me like a confidante, raging when I don’t do exactly what she wants, and verbally abusing me (calling me evil, manipulative, etc). I’ve told her my reasons for having a limited relationship, and I know she has not done any work to try and address my concerns as she still treats my sister…

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